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Everything posted by NegimaSonic

  1. I remember Tomba...I have a demo disc with him on it somewhere. I liked that game, never really got to play the full thing. I was really small when it came out. Anyway, my contribution, Threads of Fate I just really liked that game. It was something I would've totally overlooked and never heard of if not for the demos that they used to change a lot at stores. I like Rue's transformations and I liked Mint's magic. She might've been one of the first girl characters I actually tried to use on purpose. I kind of think the game may have been a slight influence on Kingdom Hearts since it was action rpg battling with magic and it was from Square Soft.
  2. the game really hates you sometimes on recipes... I've been on several dives in a row and couldn't find an Ash tail cap or Heavy Demo Suit recipe. Eventually I gave up and started looking in the new spammy trade chat. I got a hit and bought it. Then the next time I went down in the clockworks...guess what recipe was there...
  3. True, but sometimes you'll start to see ahead of time when you're about to be surrounded so you can be prepared, not to mention you can get a charge reduction (even without UV) just by leveling up your weapon to 5 and 10. Like a lot of times, when I see the big triple biting wolvers, I charge automatically because as soon as they're about ready to attack, it may be too late to run, and they have a habit of biting through shields if all three hits connect. But a successful calibur charged swing will clear space and even if they try to start their bite combo you should have enough space to finally run away.
  4. Argh...devilites are kind of annoying, they tend to hit you easily since some of them hide off screen, and if you try to run up to them, usually they'll get a hit in before you get to slash them to pieces. As far as blue shards go, I think they drop more from construct type enemies, especially those metal knights. And when you're surrounded by enemies, you can sometimes shield bump them away. But if you have a calibur sword, you could just charge it and it'll clear space for you.
  5. O.O Oh my gosh...I never expected this game had OCR's attention already...I was thinking about passing by dropping a note about remixing the main theme...didn't expect a mass of players. There's plenty of advice and guides around though so I won't really drop sage information but two things to note. The second half of a tier always pays more than the first half. No matter what tier. Knowing this, get a lot of friends and/or a guild. Then always be on the lookout for someone in the second half of a tier, then just join their party and reap the rewards Be sure to add anyone else you don't know in the party just in case they go on runs frequently. It also helps if you just want recipe runs as you could just look for some party that's close to the terminal. I tried to make a thread to help people just add more people.. There's nothing wrong with running a full tier, but if you're short on energy or wanna make the most out of it, that can help. Also, any of you running a lot of the same stages, if you don't have a reason to use your primal sparks, turn them in to brinks for 3 star trinkets, then sell them next door to Kozma. The reason why you should go for the three star ones instead of the five star ones is because 5 star ones on sell back are worth 10000. But 5 star primal spark trinkets cost 100 tokens (100 crowns per token) 3 star ones on sell back are worth 1200. But three star primal spark trinkets cost 5 tokens (essentially 240 crowns per token).
  6. Some of this is gold though...I hold faint hopes >.>
  7. *pokeradar beeps* As usual, I have no criticism really, all I can say is I'm liking the way you turned this kind of dance-y. Actually, it reminds me a little of some of the Metroid remixes I've heard, not sure which one, but that's not a bad thing.
  8. Then let's be sure to have more of these to come, I like
  9. this song sounds crazy and uncontrolled...why do I actually like it?
  10. It's not perfect but it was worth a listen. I did like "Power of the Meat" better though. It was fun and almost was like a joke opera segment.
  11. I'd hate to derail the thread, but I think you should also try to still mix it, even if its a similar style the results could be very different and still worth a listen. It's not like there's a lot of Luigi's Mansion coverage anyway haha..
  12. I got here from the tweet about the birthday of the project leader .I was thinking this was a pretty cool mix...then 2'22 happened. I almost did a double take. WHOA where did THAT come from!?
  13. will grab it soon. It's cool there's an OC ReMixer in my city XD
  14. Might want to go with that suggestion about hosting it elsewhere. I downloaded it but it can be a hassle for some people to download a rar, just to extract it, and then put in a password. It is something simple to do but it takes time that may turn people off from reviewing your mix. As far as thieves go, you don't really have to worry about that since no one is going to randomly search "streitarredu" and if they do, well google brings the password up here anyway. The fact its shared anywhere leaves it open for anyone to claim it. It doesn't deter them, but it can annoy people willing to give it a real listen. Don't forget to post the source in your original post too. Otherwise we have nothing to compare it to, I think this is it. So all the nitpicky stuff out of the way, I really like what you've done with this. I'm not an expert on the musical side of things. But it sounds waaaay more incredible than the original song, probably partially because its orchestrated but I'm a sucker for that. I don't know the proper names for the instruments but something in the background past 2:55 seems a little weaker than the rest of the song.
  15. It's got a nice haunting melody going on but it's kind of repetitive as it goes on (but so was the original so maybe that's not bad).
  16. I must agree, I want to hear this finished, just when it was getting good, it was over >.>
  17. I've been taking a break from the WIP boards but looks like I came back just in time to see some awesomeness. I don't know if this is related to my remix request or not but I don't care... I love you man lol. I don't know if its finished but I'm liking it so far.
  18. No love for lol...They didn't cover side games (Colosseum) with this one on purpose. Maybe like you said a sequel could expand. I'd love to see it in the future, but for now this is great. And I guess the other missing tracks ...Keeps us hungry for more. XD Heck, they could expand it a whole bunch of ways. One for the missing tracks of the main games and one for the side games. I sure know some people who like Mystery Dungeon
  19. I've been waiting for this so long (not as long as the people who took part in making this but still >.>) Downloading as soon as I figure out how to use a torrent cuz I said I wanted to try it when this came out. EDIT: Meh...I'm at school, not for sure if its my fault or the schools but torrent is WAAAAY too slow. Sorry but I've gotta just take the bandwidth leeching route >.<
  20. I kind of like it...sometimes the beat doesn't seem to work for me though.
  21. Never played FFXI. But I'm loving this, Orchestral pieces always give me that nice warm fuzzy EPIC feeling inside. Near the end of my first listen I was going like...awesome this doesn't seem to end and then 3:25 happened
  22. Er how many songs are there in Mystery Dungeon 2? Keep this up and you will have covered the entire game. Though that's not a complaint really. I assume by messing with the strings you mean make them louder perhaps? The second minute kind of feels a bit empty ish to me but its like that in the source too so I don't know if that's good or bad.
  23. I'm not good at judging but I definitely need to hear you work on more of this before really commenting. Sounds like its pretty hardcore though. I'm not the biggest fan of the muting one ear thing going on from 0:09 to 0:15.
  24. =T Meh, it only got 4 votes. So that means you probably got five'd due to awesomeness, and then 3 - 1 stars to bring ya down. Once you move up from there, hate tends to stop I think. Btw, try to add the game info in the description next time, I think it helps with searchability. Newgrounds has really crappy search. Plus, not everyone may know its from Pokemon RSE and stuff.
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