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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I think this amplifies how hilarious it is for a guy to run around town in dark knight armor. Edit: Seems there's another thread about this.
  2. Nice arrangement, although the sample usage and partwriting in the first half put a big dent in the execution for me. Also a little on the short side. Still, it's good to see more Zelda64 coverage that isn't Gerudo Valley.
  3. As opposed to the people from OCR featured on spiritual video game soundtracks?
  4. I have a feeling everybody recognizes me by my sig anyway.
  5. I might be interested in doing a weekly doujin feature, perhaps with some help of some fellow doujinites such as CHz and others.
  6. Since when did the OneUps start playing gay animu music? You don't even have any Pokemon songs in your set. :/
  7. Just give an answer for both scenarios, and complain that the question is badly worded.
  8. I wanna say Final Fantasy 3(J) or one of the Dragon Quest games for 1:32. It sounds really familiar... 5:49 is actually the Zelda 3 Dark World theme. 6:29 is the Super Mario World credits theme. 7:16 is the Super Mario Bros. 3 credits theme. 7:35 is the Super Mario 64 credits theme. I think McVaffe has a Mario credits fetish. Anyway, Larry should be the one you ask about this stuff. avaris, the Zelda 3 credits theme is actually in the mix that McVaffe finished and released on OCR as The Darkness And The Light, combined with the Zelda 3 Dark World WIP.
  9. Do you have a daimyo? No? Then you're not a samurai.
  10. It's so that only the truly worthy will see the link.
  11. This has a nice vibe, but it might a be a little far out for even me...I had a hard time even hearing a connection to the game at first, and I still can't identify any source material at all between 0:47 and 2:10. The partwriting for the accompaniment is also kind of weird and distracting at a few places. But yeah, it's still pretty chill. Just not really for me, I guess. And Reading Rainbow was awesome.
  12. Heh, here's a video someone playing my Awe of She tab. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPR9KeShM8Y Pretty good!
  13. Uh, I don't think he was trying to be cool... Anyway, that Gannon-banned site is the most shameful thing I've ever seen come out of the Zelda community. What scares me more is that it's totally something I would've done when I was 13 too.
  14. I'd say the problem is not that there's too much original material per se, but that it's all in one place. Is it really necessary to have the piano solo for *two* whole choruses? And that's not even counting the break. Which means from 3:09 to 5:09 there's essentially two full minutes of original material back to back. I'd suggest stating the head at least one more time at some point in there...chord progressions and a couple riffs aren't enough to let the listener know that you're referencing the original material again. I also think you should replace the piano's second chorus with a bass solo, but that's just me. Excellent work overall.
  15. WRYYYY(stupid caps filter)YYYYYYY!!!
  16. Why must you tease us so, Larry? Actually, what's to keep you from doing it NOW? It's not like you have anything better to do.
  17. But if they're offering, why not accept? I mean, seriously here.
  18. If someone did "Shinra Army Wages a Full-Scale Attack," I would love them forever.
  19. I registered as Dhsu, and from what I can tell there's not really a way to link the music page to my user page. Oh well. It seems to do a decent job of maintaining itself anyway. It even has free downloadable tracks!
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