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Woody mC

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Everything posted by Woody mC

  1. Funny tuning! This has a bit of "honky-tonk saloon style" --- in a good sense, since it supports the lightweighted part of the theme in a perfect manner, I think. I've always loved that theme...and your version adds a completely new touch to it. Thanks for sharing!
  2. Sweeeet! Fully agree with @HenkkaStorm about both the excellent blending/solo/production and that nasty hi-hat issue. A bit less of sharpness to that one, and the track is ready to go!
  3. LOL, was tricked just like @HarlemHeat360 --- first thought of three pianos as well, hehe. Considering these are modeled instruments, the outcome sounds very convincing, with the piano being the most realistic member of the trio IMHO. The spotlight time slices for each instrument seemed pretty evenly distributed to me, so that sounded like a very smooth and lovely composition to my ears. Fun thing to see a growth in use of instrument modeling tho; I've had an eye on this for years now, but was never very satisfied, at least on my particular domain (i.e. pipe organ synthesis).
  4. Nice track in general, however I agree with @Rukunetsu in terms of mixing/presence. IMHO (well, I'm not very experienced with mixing DOs and DON'Ts) another approach could be to shift volumes/presence between individual instruments to change the focus. On my "personal weapons of ear destruction", namely pipe organs, this would be dubbed a "dialogue", often executed by playing similar phrases on different keyboards/manuals with different registrations (=timbre). Could work out for this mix as well, I think. Another thing that came across my mind was that long, repetitive intro of about a minute. It well builds up tension for the first 1-2 iterations, but then drastically lets that go by adding more and more repititions without anything new to happen. For that part, my suggestion would be to either shorten it or to integrate some other ("glittering"?) arpeggiated stuff or similar. Just an idea... Would love to see that track evolve!
  5. Well, I think this has the vibe! Loved these dbl-kick parts, e.g. from 0:59-1:06 et al. The classical guitar (I think? Sorry, I'm a keyboards guy ^^) intro/outro make the piece start smooth and leave you with a feel-good Hawaiian happiness at the end. Pretty chilled. Altogether, I love it!!
  6. If so, I think I'd need @Sam Dillard's permission to do so --- and you could help me to convince him by leaving your upvote in the comments. The more, the better! I'd really be hyped if people in this community had an interest in a successor to Metroid: Organ Transplants and to let me build this 1h45m monster! IMHO, Sam's work is just BREATHTAKINGLY PHENOMENAL. However, sometimes you can add even more cherries on top of the sundae... ^^ Let's make this the world's most buttered and sugared icecream milkshake candybar piece of soundtrack awesomeness on this planet! EDIT I'm talking about his most recent album, Metroid Cinematica Recharged, which was released just a few days ago on July 1st 2020. Watch his release trailer here:
  7. Ah, now I see what you mean. Thanks for taking the time to clarify that, it's indeed very helpful to me to see the effect and impact my adjustments have on the listener's perception!
  8. Oh, okay. Yeah, perhaps this could be the result of the OST spacial placement (front and back speakers on different levels) while the organ is distributed to all of the channel pairs (Great division = front, Positive division = back, Récit = surround, Pedals = LFE/C with bass split). This configuration may cause some amplification or cancelling effects, which in my case did cooperate and worked to my advantage.
  9. Thanks @Master Mi, much appreciated! This "difference in clarity and staging" -- do you, by coincidence, mean that the stereo mix appears to be somewhat "cleaner"? Sorry if I didn't quite get it. ?
  10. Trials of Mana, also known as Seiken Densetsu 3, is the 1995 successor to the famous SNES "Secret of Mana" JRPG and, back then, was published only in Japan. About two years ago, in April 2020, fans were gifted with a full state-of-the-art remake after a quarter of a century, during which fan-translated ROM versions toured all around the planet. Being one of these fans, I recently finished multiple runs of that game and found the opening scene — and, most notably, the orchestrated soundtrack — to be one of the major highlights of the remake. Needless to say that this called for an "organic" extension. For those who own a 7.1 surround system, an 8-channel FLAC file can be picked up here to get an impression of what it will sound like in my living room: URL: http://via.woody-mc.de/to/AhilFIYNgjiwMgZq Player: Current versions of Media Player Classic are able to properly play multi-channel FLAC files. Production side note: The audio you can hear in the ContreBombarde upload at https://www.contrebombarde.com/concerthall/music/52536 consists of four individual 7.1 live recordings. I recorded these inone go while playing to the looped OST; later I cut the whole recording into pieces of the respective OST length and synced them up to the OST recording. All volume/intensity/registration changes are solely originating from the organ; absolutely no subsequent volume changes/fades have been applied in the audio workstation during post-processing. Also, all registrations were made manually using the stepper, where it was a challenge especially for the final chord to keep a precise timing. I know comments are extremely rare on my pieces, however I'd be eager to know whether one can distinguish the separate recordings in the final VIDEO cut, as it would give me a hint on my next project(s) in terms of fine-tuning multiple recording layers. Thanks in advance!
  11. Ah yes, the final carillon part... "Reversing tire" is indeed a very fitting analogy. The effect was intended BTW to draw the listener "away" from it, i.e. to put more focus on the main melody / cantus firmus in the bass line, which alternates between the Great and the pedals. But yes, this can drive people crazy...
  12. Such an honor to see this judged and posted ! My sincere gratitude goes to all the judges, motivating listeners and people behind the scenes for their hard work and detailed assessment.
  13. Such an honor to see this judged and posted as OCR04349! My sincere gratitude goes to all the judges, motivating listeners and people behind the scenes for their hard work and detailed assessment.
  14. @CyberSkull You're my personal hero! Thank you so much for submitting this to official VGM databases, which I haven't even heard of before! This is definitely THE most honorable acknowledgement that I've ever been given.
  15. "Metroid: Organ Transplants" Definitive Mix is currently in production! Yet, I'm still undecided whether or not the 7.1 release will be the only version, as the 2.0 stereo and 5.1 surround downmixes are very prone to a loss of spacial acoustics and make the "upgrade" less recognizable. What do you think, should this be an "audiophile goodie" for 7.1 system owners only? Or would you like to enjoy an increased organ presence even in the downmixes? I'm excited to hear about your opinions!
  16. Hearing any kind of remake/reorchestration of this monstrous piece always reminds me of its complexity. So, anyone who tackles it has my full respect and acknowledgement! That being said, you delivered a solid and very convincing reorchestration from my technical point of view; as a pipe organist, I feel a bit sad that this piece has an organ in it already so I don't feel urged to put a second one on top of it... Instruments choice is straight to the point to mimic the OST, however -- according to my personal taste -- this piece is a good candidate for bigger, more reverberant space and acoustics. IMHO, I think this could provide the listener with a more "massive" listening impression (which is definitely the intention of a final boss theme) and, as some sort of "bonus", would blur a bit of the synthetic nature of the samples used in your arrangement into a somewhat more "natural" feeling. But...that's just a thought and my personal 2cents. The "instruments overload" mentioned by @T- Ape was not a problem (if not even unrecognizable) to me, last but not least since it added up to the massiveness of the piece. Way to go here. Altogether, this is a fine (and time-consuming, I guess...) high-level production, which you should be proud of! THANKS for sharing!
  17. Hi everyone, Last year, my parents-in-law had a very special birthday present for me: They organised an appointment with the resident organist at St. Stephan, Tangermünde, Germany, where I had the honor to play one of Europe's most important and famous historic pipe organs --- The 1624 Scherer organ! This organ is one of the most important historical organs in Europe and features some peculiarities of that time, like a short octave and a (1/4th-comma, IIRC) mean-tone temperament, as it was pretty common back in that era. Luckily, among a number of other recordings, an improvisation on the "Song of Time" from "The Legend of Zelda -- Ocarina of Time" did find its way to my Zoom H6n digital recorder...so, enjoy this rare and unusual piece of VGM "remix", just the way "it was meant to be 400 years ago"! Find out more about the organ at the organ restorer's website and Wikipedia: https://www.schuke.de/?projects=tangermunde-st-stephan-germany&lang=en https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Stephen's_Church,_Tangermünde
  18. YouTube, SoundCloud, ContreBombarde, Pipes & Posts, Steem and HIVE --- plus, here on OCR for selected/bigger/special projects. I also started the tradition to keep record of album details on a self-made discography page in German and English. (http://en.wpoa.de )
  19. Once in a while, listeners asked me where they could here the difference of a track where I "sparingly" used a pipe organ to support the OST, but didn't "just yell over it". As the questions started to repeat at the aftershow of my "Metroid: Organ Transplants" cinema premiere, this led me to record a video where they could hear a direct comparison of one of the tracks from my "Breath of the Pipes" album, which I released about two years ago. Hope this will inspire some of you to create something gigantic out of your next projects!
  20. Sounds like a nice addition to me --- I'd love hear your take on that, Ben!
  21. Mission Control: We have green lights, all systems are GO! Can't wait to have ~60 people listen to cinematic organ music! To anyone who's joining the show: Tickets should have arrived by now...
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