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Everything posted by herograw

  1. The torrent on the website is still just part 1. Will that be updated? We need to preserve this!
  2. My life has been filled with uncertainty for somewhere around 5 years now. When I left school it seemed really bleak because the job market was rough and just about all of my competition had higher degrees from better schools. I wanted to teach at the community college level and it turned out easy to get a part-time job but seemingly impossible to go full-time. On top of that, my perception of others in my position (those who had been working longer) was mostly that of despair. Even the full-time faculty were telling me that it would likely take 5 years for someone in my situation to find a full-time job. With the news of my second son on the horizon this was not the sort of thing I wanted to hear. At the same time my dad was getting on my case about going into industry instead, because of the better pay. Ignoring all of the negativity, I put all of my effort to improving my teaching skills. My wife became a stay-at-home mom so that I could do this, which I will be forever thankful for. After 1.5 years of nonstop work (and a lot of luck) I got offered a full-time position, which I accepted and have now been working at for a little over a month. The work hasn't gotten any easier but the peace that comes with a full-time job and the sense of fulfillment are such that I feel like I am capable of ANYTHING. Over the past 5 years I really haven't done anything here but listen to the music, but I've always loved this community and would like to, now that it's possible, become a part of it again. We'll see how that works out.
  3. I'm trying to think of how to put in to words what this announcement means to me (and probably many others), so here goes: I don't play video games anymore. Not because I don't want to, but because life has sort of moved on. My priorities have changed, and though I look forward to a less hectic time when my kids are a little older and I can introduce them to video games and get back into it myself. for now, though, and for several years now, I'm done. But after I got home from working 14 hours (and would be working again in 6), settled into bed, and checked my phone before going to sleep, a friend clued me in to the announcement and I immediately went on my computer to view the kickstarter. I didn't watch any of the videos or read anything on the page. I saw that within hours it was already 3/4ths funded so there was no question that it would be fully funded soon. That didn't matter either. I found my credit card, pledged more money than I reasonably should, and went to sleep. For me, Shenmue 3 is the video game version of Chinese Democracy. I never thought it would happen. The announcement of FFVII is great but I knew it would happen at some point. I had entirely given up on Shenmue 3. And to be completely honest, I don't even care if the game ends up good or successful. Like Chinese Democracy, it'll probably be difficult to make it fun to contemporary audiences because the whole industry has moved on. Not only that, but whatever was revolutionary in the original Shenmue has now been done better by someone else. None of that matters to me, though. All I ever wanted was to see the conclusion. I would have been just as happy if Yu Suzuki had taken the remainder of his script and released it on the internet. I just wanted to see the story end.
  4. Well, there's http://removed.ocrmirror.org but as you can see it's woefully out of date.
  5. I got my hand pinned in between (and under) a 600lb welding table and a hand truck and managed not to lose my fingers. I also got some other stuff but the continued existence of my fingers was easily the best Christmas present.
  6. She is soooo cute!! Happy birthday to Esther~!1
  7. When FF7 came out only one of my friends had it. He had been playing it for about a week when we all came over to check it out for the first time. He was literally within 10 minutes of Aeris getting killed, so her death was basically the first thing I saw. I would have been angry but I think there was something seriously wrong with the guy. He also, at one point, maxed out Cecil and Kain in the forest outside Baron in FF4, before entering the Mist cave.
  8. The first article is from 2011 and it starts by saying, "What a difference a couple of years makes." Ain't that the truth!
  9. So... around 111.5 million people watched it, according to my five second google search. That's not a billion, but it's most definitely a conservative estimate, and it's still most definitely a lot of people. Secondly, the Super Bowl halftime show is essentially a career victory lap. I can't imagine musicians who do it do it "for the pay." Thirdly, they're not even playing! I suppose you could pay the musicians for showing up and jumping around, but they're not playing anything. I guess my point is, if you think the NFL is "getting one over" on these musicians, like they're some rookies to be messed around with, you might not have a good understanding of the situation. I get the feeling that Bruno Mars and RHCP know exactly what they're doing.
  10. Okay but it better not suck
  11. Tight tight tight
  12. Let's all just imagine this analogy was never made, or you were just joking, or something.
  13. You figure all the rapists were just absent for that lesson?
  14. It's funny that you mention The Outsider, because I like a lot of DJ Shadow's stuff, including The Outsider, but it's not the same type of "like." As for Daft Punk I've never really gotten into their stuff, but I appreciate it and can understand why people like it. Random Access Memories, on the hand, is heroin for my ears. I think I like it in the same way I like lots of ocremixes and Phoenix's most recent album, Bankrupt! That is to say it sounds familiar and even might remind me of another song I know, but that doesn't really diminish the enjoyment for me. Also, I think it sounds better as an album than as a collection of songs, if that makes sense.
  15. Yeah, so... looks like I'm a little late to the party on this one, and I'm not going to read 80+ pages to ensure this wasn't already talked about, but here's my pet peeve with this video: Why is there so much of the narrator in this video? Seriously, no one wants to look at the narrator when she is talking about a subject that could be SHOWN. Just show more video game footage, duh. I felt compelled to say this. Please continue with the current debate..
  16. One time I posted in a thread seemingly made for humble brag. Never again.
  17. Congrats! Also: Never Sleep Again =P
  18. Okay apologies in advance if this post is obsolete, unnecessary, whatever. Is it just me, or do a lot of the detractors for this project not realize that you don't actually have to pay any money to get the music? I mean, do people actually think they're "buying" an album at $50? Somewhere along the line a whole lot of people misunderstood the point of kickstarter, the point of prizes, something, idunno. Sorry, it has just been a good while since I wanted to yell at a computer screen. And since when have CDs become popular? I know I'm going to lose/misplace mine almost immediately. And before anyone says it, yeah. Collector's item. Got it.
  19. Good luck, guys. Wish I could give more. Can't wait to have this in my headphones all day at work
  20. I blast this late at night when I'm working in the lab. "Inspiring" is the perfect description.
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