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Everything posted by A-RoN

  1. "Amazing!" "Astonishing!" "Not bad." Sums it up since an electronica/rock genre-mash mix is quite rare here. I enjoyed how the ingame samples were used especially at the transition between "Pizza time!" and the last portion of the song. 8/10
  2. First Pokemon mix ever and it's a winner. The mix of oriental and electronic influences is amazing! This is a recommendation for those who are into Beatdrop's stuff. 10/10
  3. Let's hope I wasn't in mind when you thought of making the joke tune. I'm actually part Philipino for those who need an education on my "heritage." LOL Anyway, I love this mix. Downtempo chillage galore! The flamming effects are well done. This type of genre's hard to do since most loop bpms need to be either multiplied or divided in half to get the goods. The synthwork besides the synthetic drum fx is very basic but keeps to the source tune nicely. I also like the lead. What kind of sample is it? 8/10
  4. Nope. Saint Vital, Winnipeg, MB, Canada is lame like that. We have 2 remixers from Winnipeg and only 100 people in Manitoba know what OCR is.
  5. With every mp3 converted to 128 kbp (for listening purposes only as changing mp3 encoding's a bad idea), I'm able to fit 130 songs if each are 5 minutes or less. Yup, 256 MB with an extra data card. I need to upgrade...
  6. There's a purpose behind my best stuff then shaking booty. I'm doing this for a cause that is worth dying for. If you want to know more, PM me or do a thread on PPR. In life, there's sheep and shepherds, Coat. Feel free to bark like a morbid farm animal.
  7. It's a good game. Not the best of Star Wars games in general but it is good. The storyline coupld use a little more substance, but the gameplay is quite good. Although Jedi Academy has more moves for the Jedi, the diffuculty is as it should be; at least for the Padawan. BTW, purchase a joypad. Playing the game with your keyboard is not as flexible as it can be with a joypad. Also, I hate those green laser things. LOL
  8. Wow, this epic style mix of the first 2 final battles with Kefka is packed! Without major spoilers, here’s a quick review. ALOT of work has gone into this. The composition of this "remix" is oozing with excellence as it impressively shows Uematsu what the source tune could become if a live-action epic movie of Final Fantasy was made. I also love how it keeps true to the original, as Uematsu himself created a song that's unique enough that it can't be twisted into ruin when re-arranged. 2:03-2:13 brags on its influences of John Williams and Howard Shore big time as the brass section pulls off some Matrix, Lord of the Ring, and Star Wars type fill-ins. The mix would go much further if the choir was recorded live, but the samples did do a bit more than justice in the mix. Yeah, I know. Expenses are an issue, but there's always a loop-hole if you want low-cost excellence. So again, good use of various choir samples. Don't be discouraged. Anyway, other than the volume issue which is being worked on, this mix not only snags a 9.9/10, it sets the bar for future epic mixes on this site. Highly recommended for epic movie soundtrack fans!
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, my new album The Address to Earth Mixtape is done! And it's a free download too! The links to the album are below the banner and the songs speak for themselves! *sniff* Finally, my baby's going to be released into the planet to fulfill a great commission! http://www.zshare.net/download/a-ron_an_address_to_earth_mixtape-zip.html or http://z18.zupload.com/download.php?file=getfile&filepath=61075 WARNING: This file is 50 MB. If you have a dial-up connection, find a place or internet cafe with a faster connection. If you're on DSL or high speed internet, go grab a coffee while you're waiting, or just browse. This may take a while. So go ahead. Listen, love it, hate on it, spit on it; whatever! Just listen to it and take it with a grain of salt. If you don't like it, at least listen to track 7. It will definately give you an interesting outlook.
  10. Ladies and gentlemen, my new album The Address to Earth Mixtape is done! And it's a free download too! The links to the album are below the banner and the songs speak for themselves! *sniff* Finally, my baby's going to be released into the planet to fulfill a great commission! http://www.zshare.net/download/a-ron_an_address_to_earth_mixtape-zip.html or http://z18.zupload.com/download.php?file=getfile&filepath=61075 WARNING: This file is 50 MB. If you have a dial-up connection, find a place or internet cafe with a faster connection. If you're on DSL or high speed internet, go grab a coffee while you're waiting, or just browse. This may take a while. So go ahead. Listen, love it, hate on it, spit on it; whatever! Just listen to it and take it with a grain of salt. If you don't like it, at least listen to track 7. It will definately give you an interesting outlook.
  11. Awesome! More people from OCR need to be featured on secular video game soudtracks; better yet, any kind of soundtrack feature in general. More OC Remixer love!
  12. This is very well done and composed. I can tell which songs are which as well. Excellent transitions are also well executed. A classic 4 rock fans! BTW, fellow Pegga WesPip, I like the sig...the gold teeth there are called "grills" (unless of course the dentist gave him a bad fillin' job LOL).
  13. Yes! More free Canadian music, please!
  14. It may have been said already but this should be in PPR. My sympathees go out to the 25-30 dead on Monday. I don't know why these things happen. I don't know why people would rather take lives instead of live to re-program the sodomy that surrounds humanity. I really think we need to stop and think about the way and the reason why we live and feed this creature called the American dream. It can sometimes cost more lives than ensure prosperity. I'm not saying anyone's to blame besides the killer, but random school shootings won't stop unless something in our way of living and thinking changes. I shamefully have to give this discovery. It's my purpose on this planet. Seriously.
  15. Very funky blend of Funk, Acid Jazz, and Electronica! 9/10 -1 for too much wah/phase/flange. The first bit reminded me of Super Metriod, but then the quirky feel of Warioness came into play at 1:20. This is excellent. Perfect for dancing with that conservative Mennonite girl you have a thing for...oh wait, do Mennonites even dance?
  16. I'd be "everythingremainsjurrasic." Actually, I'd be any remix if po started producing songs similiar to NAS' old skool stuff.
  17. True. But at least we can tell what song it is, so you done good, mate!
  18. Nice tunage. I'm shifting my style of hip-hop into the grime scene myself as that's the generic sound of Canadian rap these days. You should check this out as well: www.thejoehiphop.com There's a free mixtape with a very similiar sound.
  19. I'm just here for the music now and the occassional post in the PPR sections. Reviews are few now. I'm not bragging that I have a cooler life or anything. I'm just a loner looking in through the keyhole.
  20. I'm sure something wierd and spectacular will happen in 2007, like another one of Midee's smart remarks will emerge a legacy like the Nice Work Guy.
  21. That surprises me considering his track record in rap and newscasts.
  22. All I can say is for the benefit of listeners who are here for the first time, let them hear some creative mixes where they can determine where the source tune came from the first time they listen to it. I had a friend who listened to one of the later remixes of Final Fantasy and they were like, "What tune did this come from? This isn't Final Fantasy; it's just a very creative original song. WTF?" I took the critique with a grain of salt. I wouldn't hate on any mixes just for the sake of the above. In fact, get as creative as you people want. I support individuality. Just keep the listener in mind, and don't make their vegetable brains strain unless you have a message to say in a rap song. I'm out before my butt gets flamed again.
  23. Excellently done as always, z. The mix keeps true to the source tune while adding a very original creative spin on it. Many genres thrown into a cauldron is exactly how OCRs need to be. The drum kit used is your basic Kanye/NAS kinda kit which needs to come back and keep in competition with some of the crunk and snap beats of today. As for the metalic and creepy Tim Burton feel to the mix, excellently done. Great use of ambient textures and pads. This is what OC Remix is all about. 10/10 -A-Ron
  24. Protricity?
  25. the_joe_cool_school_geek_rap_backpack_weird_core_da_mixtape Underground rap 4 life! EDIT: If you aren't serious, very funny, SOC... All the thread said was free music thread, and Joe's stuff is complete and free for downloading. Let me know how good it is.
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