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Everything posted by A-RoN

  1. It's good...I want that flute sample!
  2. Reminds me of Destiny....very awesome! The voice is excellent, the lyrics were kinda cheesy at first, but very well written as the song goes along. Nice job!
  3. Very simple and to the point arrangement. Sometimes going that direction is the best way to remix. Very beautifully and wonderfully created. I especially love the way the strings fade in the end. 10/10
  4. Isn't this 16 bit?
  5. I have everything I need...except connections to places to rock the mic, but money can't buy that.
  6. I've enjoyed Crisis Core. The battle system makes it a real challenge and the cut scenes gave me an idea of what FF7 would have been like if re-released. I wanted to play the original over again. I also want to try inFAMOUS for PS3. I heard the gameplay was just as fun as GTA; with excellent cutscenes and graphics.
  7. Very nice...a little cheesy, but it works!
  8. No thanks. As much as I hate to admit it, I'd rather stick to Fami-Tracker.
  9. I'm virt, and one of my sub-genres is neger-punk...no. You can try these ones, Double A, Harvesta, A-Ron, The Peezy, but I'll stick to Aaron Parsons. Some people at karaoke called me "Aaron from the block" since some of recent stuff sounds very early 90s east coast-ish (South Bronx baby!) Yup, I'm the John Reuben fan with nothing to hide.
  10. Imitation is Limitation by John Mason Probably the best motivational book I've read.
  11. Me, I don't care. Music is music, but variety is the spice of life. I tried listening to metal all day but couldn't last an hour. I do like metal, but really, it's just too loud, and I like to think about the music I'm hearing, and my mind goes into ADD after listening to too much metal or punk. I've spent 6 hours listening to underground hip-hop and feel refreshed because I learn from hearing people talk about different things without screaming or singing (if they rap), but when I listen to mainstream poppy crunky stuff, I get bored from the repetition sooooo easily. Game music? I listen to alot of it and love it, but take breaks inbetween. I could listen to it all day because yes, it does work with my emotions, but I just have to listen to something with lyrics because sometimes the power of words can superceed tones of a non-verbal or electronic nature.
  12. Interesting. I wonder if anyone has done some 8-bit remixes of NAS, Ice Cube, 2Pac, or Notorious BIG instrumentals. I'm a hip-hop purist, so just wondering? Long live the underground scene!
  13. Some people think I look just like Keanu Reeves. Not even close! And my head's not pasted properly. Oh, well, I can always find another person who has Photoshop.
  14. Love the blend of Eastern influences with 70s housey music! I actually produced a b-boy video with this track in the background and the combination was sizzling! Mr. Morse, this is your best song..ever! And after listening to the rest of the Hybridism album, I'd have to say you've inspired this Asian to start remixing again. Peace out, Double A EDIT: The moog-ish lead at 2:22 is AWESOME! How did you generate that?
  15. The tunage sounds alot like something close to East Coast Renaisance Days. Good job with that. Great thumping beat, interesting instrumental...just one factor: Good idea. Without the profanity and the whole throats slitting line, this mix would have gotten a 10/10 lyrically. But the rest of it's very well written and well flown like an underground rap song from Canada.
  16. For some odd reason, I liked Crisis Core better than Final Fantasy 7 itself. I thought the storyline of Final Fantasy 7 was just odd and didn't make sense until I played FF7 CC. Since Crisis Core was released, I feel that any media FF7 related can stand on its own two feet; even without the "Final Fantasy" title in its name. Of course, due to the legacy the original Playstation game left, any game in the storyline will always be known as FF7.
  17. Here's the group the Joe's in currently: www.myspace.com/thelegendarycbt "Let's Drive" is sooooo freakin' pants wetting funny that it puts anything by JoeCam to shame!
  18. I'm in if anyone does east-coast underground with a bit of grimey 70 soulish record sounds in the mix (not battlin' just a personal preference, and Canadian rap sounds alot like what NAS, Wu Tang Clan, and 2Pac dish out). Conditions: -I can make a club or south track but will not provide vocals for it. -Keep it clean (not just in terms of foul language but any rap with an actual intention of offending someone will see me exiting stage right and turning the tables...over, but still, go ahead and battle in fun (listen to the Joe at www.myspace.com/thejoehiphop song Placid MalContent to see what I mean). -Don't just front and promote yourself. Send a message for the people! - And yes, I prefer pro-social concious/Christian to bling-bling raps. -Willing to provide mostly drum beats and breaks. Oh yeah, check out the link in my sig:
  19. Classic! That is absolutely classic! I got mostly clothes, and food that is currently eaten. I gave away many copies of my latest album, and Mario and PacMan energy drinks from the Bulk Barn store. Christmas 2008 rocked!
  20. Thank you! That's exactly what I'm trying to get across! My mission is now complete in this thread.
  21. Regardless of changes to judging songs on the site and without trying to play devil's advocate here, here's a question I should ask, "Is OCR dedicated to the listening expectations of an mp3 listening couch potatoe who doesn't want to think and just be entertained by a good song? Or are the arrangements here and on VGMix more for analytical musicians and scientists who like to study and critique good music?" I think the songs on both sites should be for both parties. So far OCR and VGMix are doing a good job and keeping a balance of both sides. But which would a generic audience prefer or would they prefer a balance of both types? Selah. (Think about it.)
  22. I can agree with that for sure. Alot of my friends of mine would rather recognize a remix of a song from a video game at first listen. OCR is such a turn off for them because they keep asking "What is this song?" or "What's game and level is the song based off of?" rather than just enjoying the music. I had a huge arguement with Liontamer about this sort of thing regarding judges standards. I'm open to covers as well as arrangements provided that the original piece is recognizable at first listen. When listening to music, no MP3 of a great song has to be studied to find its source of the original track. That's why OCR is only browsed and joined in by so many people. Think of your audience, remixers. The customer's always right unless you're lyrically trying to send them a message and re-arrange their thinking in song.
  23. As previous owner of both, I'd go for a DS if you want to game for hours. I got so addicted to it last summer, I had to take it back to Microplay so I can actually hang out with friends again. lol Although PSP has some great games with excellent graphics and superb sound, I only play 3 PSP games often (and that is if I get bored while I don't have a mic in my face). My PSP has somehow turned into a MP3/MP4 video player now. As for homebrewing, I find very few games and apps are compatible with system software above v1.0 and with the 3.9.3 system software, there's really no other additional features that are usable (I wanted to camera, but won't submit CC information to any Japanese sites at this point). Yeah, go for DS if you're bored!
  24. Any rap music after 2000 is obscure unless it's underground (yes, even the instrumental beatwork behind Christian hip-hop). And people wonder why my music is obscure. Hear song "Waste of Space" on the album link on my sig.
  25. Cool! Congrats from OCR members from Peg City, Canada!
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