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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Yeah, the mods here are pretty quick, and they get stuff done. Also, they'll probably never do it, but replacing violators' sigs with the salesman is a hilarious idea.
  2. I never use my scroll wheel, because it's stupidly slow anyway and I don't feel like trying to figure out how to fix it. Personally, I don't really care. When someone has an obnoxiously large sig, it usually just makes me laugh... Though it would be nifty if we had an option where you could turn off all sigs of a certain size or larger. You could add in an option to turn off that ugly sidebar while you're at it. (jk plz don't ban me.) That would probably take more coding than it's worth though.
  3. Atmuh is like OCR's retarded cousin. For some reason, he just can't get a grasp on the social norms of this place. He probably gets what he deserves, but sometimes it seems like everyone is just picking on him all the time because of the down syndrome.
  4. It's part of the takeover plan dude. The election is right around the corner... if he doesn't start now, someone may actually get elected to office before his devious conspiracy is fully realized and he can declare himself Galactic Emperor.
  5. Man. I was all ready to get my vote on too. Better luck next time guys!
  6. Dude. It's Legend of Zelda with lightsabers... and in space! Seriously, it don't get more cool than that. ... lock the taskbah lock the taskbah......
  7. Sorry to bump an old thread, but does anyone know what the status on prize delivery is? I sent the dude my info when he asked, but I still haven't got my copy. Hopefully its just slow shipping and it didn't get lost in the mail or anything.
  8. Heck yeah. Once I actually get some disposable income, I'm definitely going to donate to you and all the other artists on my list of "musicians to donate to if I wasn't broke". Because even the free-stuff industry would die without a lil' bit of cash.
  9. lol. What I meant was "who says you can't spam irl?" I thought I was different online until I read this and started thinking about it. The things I say here aren't really that much different than the things I'd say irl, except that I can assert myself a lot better with writing than I can with speech. I guess to some degree everyone is a little bit different on the internet. For example, irl I make a lot more stupid "that's what she said" and "your mom" type jokes. Then again, that's probably not any different than the way people normally act different around different people.
  10. Says who? 10char
  11. Not that I'm going to do this, but out of curiosity, can original photography be considered fan art? I'm not a great artist with a pencil or a brush, but I know how to set up a pretty mean shot if I may say so myself.
  12. DCT. MY HOMIE. BIRTHDAY BOY.... Yeah, happy birthday dude.
  13. As far as old systems go, I've got an NES, SNES, and a Gameboy Color. Still play the NES and SNES all the time, though my DS has pretty much covered all of my portable needs. Emulators are cool, but a keyboard and savestates can never beat the feeling of sitting in front of the TV with the controller in your hands. With arrow keys, you can't show off your epic Street Fighter 2 blisters.
  14. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..... yeah about that...... There's kind of a "no favorites thread" rule that goes on around here. People don't like it to much when threads like these are made.
  15. Excellent. What kind of sweet cash do you think you'll be getting from this?
  16. I hereby grant you all the right to crucify me for saying this, but... That movie actually looks like it might be pretty good. The no script thing sounds like they're basically filming a very serious role-playing campaign.
  17. Ok, so I gave it another shot and figured out that you can get off the ground if you click the first one... but I for some reason, I can't really get higher than the third hook without it my weight pulling it down with me. Why is it that up close I can get lift, but not the distant ones? I still don't really get it. Maybe I'm missing something really obvious? Seems like it would be pretty fun if I could figure out what I'm supposed to be doing.
  18. Well how many female Imperial commanding officers have you seen in the series? I can't think of any. And I would expect that a Dark Lord of the Sith, an intergalactic emperor, and a dirty old man would MAKE cleavage the standard. I mean, the light side Jedi Council got away with epic bewbs, so what's stopping the dark side? I can't even begin to imagine a Sith Lord not using the full power of the Force to further the dark will of his penis.
  19. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha..... lol. I can't help but wonder if djp actually edited that, or if Archaon just made the post that way from the beginning. Either way, it's genius.
  20. I know that someone at one point had transcribed the lyrics and posted them on the Protomen forums. I'm too tired to fish out a link ATM, but that's where to look if you're interested.
  21. It's amazing some of the pure garbage that comes out of Game Maker... but then every once in a while someone uses it to make a real gem like this. Good job. Is that music from the trailer made for the game? If so, I'm already thinking of some remix ideas....
  22. Wait, did you seriously think this was going to be anything besides than an over the top beat em up with a decent story? Cuz that's exactly what they've been advertising this game as since they announced it. Also, I thought the opening line was fine. The original trilogy was full of weak lines like that. They've just grown on us over the years. Where are you guys getting this demo?
  23. I heard people were talking about me in this thread.
  24. Truth. Overlooked is where all the songs that are too good for the OCR judges go. But I went on there the other day, and it's dying. We need to come up with a plan to save it. I have some pretty fond memories of that site too.
  25. I've never sold on amazon.com before, so I can't help you there, but http://www.half.com is basically ebay's version of that amazon service you're talking about. I don't know if it's better or not, but I've gotten a lot of milage out of it as a buyer and I haven't had any trouble with dishonestly yet. It might be worth looking into before you settle on amazon. I've never really liked amazon since that time I paid extra for a pre-ordered Jedi Outcast so I could get it 3 days before it's street date, and then they shipped it 3 days AFTER.
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