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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. I'm not sure I get what you're supposed to be doing. Instructions would be nice. Anyway, the music and art are both fantastic. Good job.
  2. I usually only go onto http://vgmusic.com when I'm feeling too lazy to listen to try and find the original chiptune version of a song... but it wasn't until recently that I noticed how many unique remixes were available on the site. Of course, some of them suck, but there are more than a few that are quite awesome. I haven't found anything OCR quality yet (obviously production is next to non-existent), but there are some really original and well executed ideas on here. Someone should try and get in contact with some of the authors and maybe record a few of these ideas into something a little nicer sounding than General MIDI. EDIT: I was going to hotlink a few, but I don't the site owners would appreciate that much. Instead I'll just list the ones I like and link you to the index page. Zelda - Overworld (Jazz Remix) - No arranger name given Zelda III: A Link to the Past - Light and Dark World Overworlds (Metal Remix) - Klevlin F-Zero - Big Blue (Bluegrass-ish Arrangement) - Daniel Wright Chrono Trigger - Middle Ages: World Map (Punk Rock Remix) - Goat Hair Know of any other good ones?
  3. Heck yeah man, that's a great little tune you did there. You should see if you can get your highschool band or whatever to do a cover and post it on the boards for everyone to hear. EDIT: Hahahaha Monobrow, I finally got the funny behind your sig. It has a monobrow. Rofl.
  4. Ah, a nostalgia thread on a site pretty much dedicated to nostalgia. Very clever indeed. This place is so ingrained as part of my identity, that at this point it would be nigh impossible to list all of my fond OCR memories. Not all of these are directly related to the music, but they're all memorable parts of my amazing OCR experience so far. I remember the first time I actually listened to an remix from here. My friend (Captain Grunty, Mr. Monday, Heir Montag, etc., if anyone remembers him from back in the UnMod days) had kLuTz' 600 A.D. in Piano playing in the background on his Xanga site (friggin' leecher...) I had just finished Chrono Trigger for the first time, and I fell in love with the remix. Funny, because I had been lurking the forums here for at least 2 years prior, but I had never listened to any of the songs. I have no idea what I was thinking. I was young and stupid. The third mix I ever downloaded (second was kLuTz' other Chrono Trigger song, Town Life in Piano) was Children of the Monkey Machine's "Ruined World (Eternal Derelict)". I must have listened to that song a hundred times before I actually listened to it without falling asleep. I mean that as a huge compliment, because I was battling massive insomnia at the time, and it was the only thing outside of medication that would make me relax. The there's the "EA Remix" april fools joke. I pretty much spent my entire day on here as GenDisc degenerated into it's own version of UnMod. Even the people in on the joke started seriously freaking out when Neil L. Shapiro (an actual attorney for EA games) supposedly sent a C&D order to the site for mocking EA. Everyone (or at least all the people who had been formerly trolling the ones who didn't get the joke) started frantically trying to figure out if the C&D was real or not. I then promptly changed my account name (against the advice of Mythril Nazgul) to Neil L. Shapiro, and confirmed that the C&D was indeed real. Everyone went back to screwing around and the thread eventually degenerated into a heated debate about the superiority of pancakes vs. waffles. For the next few months, I was the designated Commander-in-Cheif of the National Waffle Association (complete with a badass NWA sig and, like, 4 members). Staying up til 4am laughing like an idiot at the cockbee thread. I literally was laughing so hard that I got a headache worse than any hangover I've ever had. Wearing my OverClocked ReMix T-shirt and having people give me funny looks as they asked "What's an OverLocked Remix?" Grrr.... idiots can't even read. The "MICHAEL JACKSON IS INNOCENT" fad threads. I kinda miss UnMod, even though I largely agree with the decision to delete it. Actually crying the first time I heard Jill singing in "Journey's End". I'm a sap. I know. I've never even played FFX, but it's still one of my favorite remixes... no, favorite songs... pretty much of all time. Getting a totally different, but equally awesome reaction the first time I heard sixto playing guitar for Steppo's "Passing of the Blue Crown" on #ocrwip (zircon had not yet entered the fray at this point). I think that WIP converted me to a prophesying, tongues-speaking Pentecostal, because it felt like I lost all bodily control and I became a conduit for the Holy Spirit to totally rock out on air guitar. To this day I cannot listen to that song sitting still. Feeling like I was the only person who didn't like the sidebar, but didn't feel like making a big fuss over it. Back in highschool, I went to a church camp with Mr. Monday. Now few people here know this, but that man is a helluva dancer... and he's got so much charisma oozing out of him that literally everything he puts his mind to is both extremely good and extremely funny. So early one evening, we got a bunch of disco lights, strobes, etc. and he worked up a pretty decent sized crowd dancing to a bunch of tunes on a mix CD he made. His biggest two hits? Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, and Triforce Majeure by Disco Dan. Playing "Music of My Groin" and "Niggaz 4 Life" for the first time to all of my extremely white, nerdy friends. The two songs have since become part of our groups "Official Soundtrack" which includes other songs like Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", the Pokemon and Sailor Moon themes (back to back), and the entire Hot Fuzz soundtrack. We once nearly got shot blasting "Niggaz 4 Life" with the windows down while driving around a ghetto area of Cincinnati on our way to a roleplaying game store. Long nights on #ocremix chatting and listening to various radio streams like VGFreq and whatever Beatdrop calls his show. Crossing my arms, grinning like and idiot, and telling my parents "Nice Work" at the end of my graduation speech. I had taken piano and guitar lessons earlier in life, but OC Remix actually inspired me to take my music seriously. Because of the influence of people on this site, I actually went to college to study music. Although I'm on a short hiatus while working on an Associates degree in recording and filmmaking at another college, I intend to eventually finish out a Bachelor's in Music Composition. Thank you OCR, for dooming me to never making any real money for the rest of my life. Learning to be less judgemental by meeting nekofrog IRL after years of thinking he was probably the biggest dick on the planet. That title has been passed on to Atomic Dog. Nekofrog is actually one of the coolest people I've met in a long time. And of course an awesome Louisville meetup. This entailed a +10 hour roadtrip with ifirit + nekofrog + nekofrog's gf, staying at totally bitchin' hotel, seeing a fantastic performance of VGL, and nearly choking on our food at Steak 'n' Shake trying to get to our first viewing of The Dark Knight on time. EDIT: One more... being ridiculously obsessive compulsive about my posts and spending countless hours making dozens of minor edits to their wording (can you guess why I added this one?). I'm glad the forums stopped showing how many edits have been made to a post when we switched to the new boards. If I posted a fraction as much as I made unnecessary edits, my postcount would be astronomical. tl;dr I know, I know... but that's just what I could think of off the top of my head. I love this place so much. Any time I start to get annoyed with the drama or djp makes a decision I disagree with, I just look back at all of these awesome memories and remember that none of them ever would have happened if it weren't for some amazing people volunteering their time and money with absolutely nothing in return. Dude... That's an awesome way to be introduced to OCR. I'm jealous. 10char... lolololololol
  6. Well at least it's not the PS or Saturn version that uses digital photography instead of artwork. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cho-aniki-psx-5c.jpg I seriously wish I had never read that wiki article...
  7. ghey 10char
  8. Sweeeet. Is that 5pm EST? I'm to lazy to try and convert it. You're really doing a great job getting you name out there. "Breathing You In" came up on one of my Pandora stations the other day, and I hadn't even added you as an artist seed or anything, thinking that you'd be too unknown to be on there.
  9. I kinda like the new facebook now that I'm used to it. It basically means I don't have to look at peoples' stupid quizzes if I don't want to. Tabs and editing from your profile are nice features too. And I've never understood the problem with posting your info online. If someone wanted to stalk me without using the internet, all they'd have to do is follow someone home or find out my name and look me up in a phonebook. If you're a hot chick or something, yeah that means more people are going to be fapping to you, but for average joe, what's the big deal?
  10. Wow. A facebook thread and an argument broke out? Who woulda guessed? I hate to say it, but I'm a big fan of stalkerbook. This is partly because most of my college friends are on there and partly because in spite of the stalkerish features on there, the server doesn't get bogged down with weirdos tolling for pics of underage women. However, I still haven't seen a facebook feature that competes with Myspace Music very well. Maybe they're just trying to stay focused on social networking, but with all the apps, I kinda doubt that. Personally, I think it was a lot nicer before they started doing apps and letting highschoolers on, but it still beats the snot out of myspace... I have a lot of friends that I would not be in contact with otherwise, and the chat feature (although buggy) helps me talk to a lot of people that I probably wouldn't talk to in person or on AIM for whatever reason. http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=142700279 ^ There's my page. If you add me, send a message with your OCR screenname so I don't reject you.
  11. I can't believe 10 pages went by without anyone mentioning Super Mario RPG. To be fair, I wouldn't have wanted to read through 10 pages of "OMG SMRPG!!11" either. It's not like much discussion is going on. Just recommendations.
  12. Streaming as in "don't have to download right now to listen"? Cool. I'll let you know what I think. Besides, if there's a nod to Tears For Fears, there's no way this album can't be good.
  13. I'll check this out once I boot up my disk partition that has all my music files. I'm always up for some free music, especially when it's from talented artists like these.
  14. Either they're poking fun at themselves or it's another disgruntled EA employee. Still pretty funny. Also, HOLY FRIGGIN' CRAP... FREE C&C RED ALERT?! HECK YEAH! Seriously. This is probably my all time favorite game that I never got a chance to own. Ah the memories. My friend would bring it over all the time and we would have epic singleplayer skirmishes. I never thought superpowered arms races could be so much fun. Probably the only RTS where I actually had fun playing multiplayer with all superweapons enabled too. But this release comes totally out of left field as far as I'm concerned. I have a newfound appreciation for the evil overlords at EA.
  15. I read that as "Castlevania: LOL" I'd buy that game. And the sequel "Castlevania: Rofl"
  16. There are a few that if you haven't played, you absolutely have to... Chrono Trigger Super Mario RPG Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2; the best in the series IMO) Secret of Mana Earthbound It's a bit cliche at times but I've really been enjoying Tales of Phantasia. And I know you asked for NES or SNES games, but if you've got a GCN/Wii or a Dreamcast, you've gotta play Skies of Arcadia. Very very fun game in a very very unique setting. Anyone know any RPG with a particularly engaging storyline? I enjoy the genre, but Chrono Trigger and Skies of Arcadia are the only ones that have ever held my interest long enough for me to finish the game. I haven't even finished a Final Fantasy yet, though admittedly I've only tried the SNES ones.
  17. It would kill the variety of tags that I would hope for, but SoulinEther's idea is a good one. Would certainly be less messy. And I never said the postcount idea was a good idea. Just brainstorming.
  18. Even though I normally think it's a crappy way to evaluate someone's credibilty, you could possibly only allow people with a certain postcount to add tags. Generally speaking, if someone has been around for 500 posts and hasn't been banned yet, they can probably be trusted with something like tagging a song. It won't eliminate the need for moderation, but it would cut down on it quite a bit. A few other ideas I had for a private tag system that doesn't involve dumping the whole workload on the judges: only allowing remixers to tag songs, or only allowing a large group of appointed members and/or remixers who can be trusted not to abuse their power. I guess I just really like the idea of a democratic system where the people (even if it's only some of the people) to tag the songs. If djp and the judges are the only ones doing it, it's going to add a lot to their already heavy workload, and the tags are going to be very limited. If the a larger group is in charge of it, then you'll get a wider variety of tags. A newcomer could make broad searches like "guitar," "relaxing," or "angry," or make very specific searches like "power metal," "sawtooth wave," or "female vocals." Theoretically, they would always get the results they were looking for, without necessarily missing out on the huge variety of styles available here. In regards to users being more selective, I personally think the opposite would happen. Most people that I know only download songs by remixers they already like or only from the games they've already played. Someone who might otherwise only download Castlevania mixes might listen to a new song because he saw something in the tags that caught his interest. I'd like to hear peoples' thoughts on turning something like this into an unofficial site project (possibly on a different webserver if necessary). I'd be more than willing to spend the time on it, and I think it would make the site more accessible to newbies and non-gamers (I know there are a few who listen to remixes). If the djp administration does decide to do this officially, we could take a huge workload off his back by having a lot of the groundwork laid out before he gets all the necessary coding done. Thoughts?
  19. I've heard of these guys before. Fun stuff.
  20. I remember staying up til 4 in the morning laughing so hard at the cockbee thread that I got one of the worst headaches of my life.
  21. *facepalm*
  22. Fair nuff, zirc. But nothing is keeping you from swapping it out with your own synths. This thing would be a blast to take apart and customize.
  23. Like I said on facebook, I expect a drunken birthday remix by tomorrow.
  24. Happy birthday dude. That DoD tune is pretty catchy. Good singing.
  25. So the rest of the OCR community has nothing to say about this? Nothing at all???
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