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  1. Hey all. Think I've finally got this Splatoon remix right where I want it (mostly). But it could use some extra feedback, especially on the mastering side of things. Better title suggestions also wanted... Song: Calamari Inkantation Original:
  2. Hello! I made a new cover. It's about Lufia 2 soundtrack, a little bit of sad theme. There has been some time since i uploaded anything, but this one got my groove back :). Main instruments are acoustic guitar and piano. I made other sounds like bass with DAW from the scratch. Here is the cover: and here is the original soundtrack:
  3. Hey peeps. Did a furious number on this cool source. Commentary welcome af
  4. Track has been submitted Original Post: "Yeah, it's another Vampire Killer remix. But I can't help it." Finally pushed through the block I had and got this out of it. It's another retrowave remix. This time I've take ideas from 80s cop movie themes and a bit of Michael Jackson. The initial idea was to essentially recreate the prologue as an old horror movie trailer and then Vampire Killer as a pop-ish/dance-ish cop theme. And then "Thriller" got mixed in there. It's the cheesy chip sfx break. The toms, I might redo a few parts. It doesn't sound like it's intrusive I think so I might not. But let me know if you think it is. I've made the hand-off synth during the chorus to be a more whispy/flute-like sound because I felt like was clashing with the main synth a lot. I might change it again. Let me know what you guys think. Feedback away! v2 -lowered sample levels so they just sort of sit in the background instead of being prominent during the break -replaced hand-off synth -took away some highs from main synth for warmness v3 I felt that the track needed some escalation of some kind during the second pass. Just a little to give it more variation. So I added a keytar to just play around on the side and I think I might have given the song a slightly different flavor now. I mean, I like it. But I'm not entirely sure about how to mix it in place too so I'm on the fence about whether I should keep it or not. Thoughts anyone? unmastered v1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6MyiCdTp6ojN0MzdjZlNVRnNGs unmastered v2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6MyiCdTp6ojUF9LRkJfUEM1b28 unmastered v3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6MyiCdTp6ojQTAyMHJSUEtKcE0 Source:
  5. Hey everyone ! Here's my remix of Ahead On Our Way from Final Fantasy VII. Hope you'll enjoy it =)
  6. So I did this remix of Wicked Child (classic Castlevania track) with Moonlight Nocturne from Symphony of the Night for the Cacaphony of Incarnation compo here on OCR a few weeks back. It's a 3/4 orchestral 'waltz' style and since I'd like to polish it up a bit more and submit it to the panel I think I can use any feedback I can get So... any thoughts?
  7. Hello, folks. I just finished this remix. Actually, this is the 2nd time i remixed it 'cuz i love this song so much. Anyway, have a good day. ->original
  8. Yes, yes. I know. We're supposed to be getting Alex for this month. And I'm waiting for that heavily. But if it's an Alex concept you're looking for, Check out MaxieDaMan's concept here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KtVq...If any of you played 3rd Strike, you know that was the game to come home from school and start playing. While New Generation and 2nd Impact were good, the hugest mark left on us was by 3rd Strike. And with Urien and Alex joining the roster along with some returning cast, you know it's gonna be lit. 3rd Strike had some of the greatest music (Aside from the online remixes. Some of which were good and I enjoyed. You'll hear a bit of that here.).I'm gonna try and make a new theme every week. But I have a surprise in September for you guys. Keep watch.
  9. Hi everyone ! Here's my acoustic rendition of Pallet Town From Pokémon R/B/Y. Hope you'll like it =)
  10. Hey everyone. This is a latin/jazz arrangement of a Castlevania tune that probably goes under the radar most of the time (I hadn't even heard of Rondo of Blood before this). We finished it several months ago, and probably won't be submitting it, but we wanted to post it here for general feedback anyways. Cheers! Youtube version with fancy visualizer and pixel art Source
  11. Hello ! It's been a while since I've last posted a remix here. I've waited to come back with something good, I think one of my best arrangements! An orchestral remix of the bicycle theme of the 1st Pokemon, made for the 20th anniversary Pixel Mixers album. I'm still learning so any feedbacks will be appreciated
  12. Did this initially as a personal project, then refined it for OCR as suggested by my composition instructor as a challenge of sorts. Here you go! And, of course, here's the original. I've spent the last week mastering it, and it's ready for submission, but I wanted to get some feedback nonetheless.
  13. Anyone interested in a new T&C Surf Designs remix? I made a music video for it as well.
  14. Here's my metal rendition of Fire Field from F-Zero. Hope you'll like it =)
  15. Hey guys ! So I've been working on this track, and I hesitated to submit it directly to OC ReMix, but decided to post it here first : Of course, any critics will be welcome, but the main thing I'm asking for is, whether should I add a guitar solo or not. When I was creating the arrangement I thought I could compose a guitar solo for the (2:37) part. But I moved on to polish the rest of the track and at last make the solo. But I got used to the track without the solo, and now I'm lost, I think It's fine without it, but I'm not sure. Tell me what you think ! Also the biggest of my trouble when creating a piece of music is to give it a title at the end, so any suggestion will be appreciated
  16. This is for the callout. Original post: I focused on the arrangement first, then lyrics and vocals as I'm pretty bad at the latter two. I couldn't really do much with the source since it's just a 15 second loop but that riff is too sweet to ignore. I'm still working on it to add more elements like toms, rides, pads(maybe?) for sure but I'd like to know what you guys thought of it and also I'm taking this opportunity to invite anyone available to sing the vocals. I'm pretty bad, you'll see what I mean. Update 1: Added more elements and tweaked drums to sound more organic. Also added a pitched layer to vocals so the right notes can at least be known: singer position still open. https://soundcloud.com/justcoffee/wip-dd2-no-violence Update 2: (2/11) No vocals for arrangement critiquing purposes https://soundcloud.com/justcoffee/dd2-no-violence-no-vox Update 2: (2/14) Newest version Final arrangement (unless someone wants to provide better vocals) https://soundcloud.com/justcoffee/double-dragon-2-undersea-base-remix-no-violence Lyrics: My mind it longs for paradise Not long ago, I realise I must have no one that I'm sorry for my actions in life My anger loves my enemies And anger leads to destruction (their life in my hands) But I know I can prevent it for the peace of my mind (So I say) No violence can rule me No violence I swear No violence, control my life But violence, it finds me And violent, I can be Like fire, it burns up my life And my right to say no to a fight I understand your frustration (your love has been taken) You fight for love and you'll go (and I'll help you I know) By birth and blood we are brothers my strength is yours But words are equal in power (and can also be stronger) By force you take down their numbers (my words are a loss) Must violence be the answer My mind bears a cross (But I say) No violence can rule me No violence I swear No violence, control my life But violence, it finds me And violent, I can be Like fire, it burns up my life And my right to say no to a fight (But I say) No violence No violence No violence, control my life (But I say) No violence No violence Like fire, it burns up my life And my right to say no to a fight Source: Feel free to PM me or Skype me if you're interested in doing vocals. I would really love to submit this with better singing in time for the deadline.
  17. hi!! here's a metal arrangement of "The Rival" from Shovel Knight. I'd like to do a full Shovel Knight album. let me know what you think please!!! EDIT: here's the new version. I still need to tweak a few things, but I'd say it's like ~90% done.
  18. Hello everyone! So, I recently wanted to get some more practice in arrangement and making remixes with more original aspects. So I chose this theme, since it is only about 20 seconds before the loop. It was pretty fun taking a 20 second song and making this remix, and feedback is appreciated! Source: Remix: https://app.box.com/s/7bk0n65r1h7vqvsakmgtef1zfzppyjq9
  19. Why the hell not, right? At some points I just started rambling on my paino to add some variety to the orignal track. Also I noticed that on SC the Hi Hats sound a bit messy, sort of distorted, could be due to the limiting and compression I used for the final mix. Hope you guys like it!
  20. This is an original piece I did for a friend of mine who goes by the name "Munnbun". In case you guys were curious, that is his art. Glorious, ain't it? Her name is Sarah, and this is the first version of her theme. I'll be making more themes for his characters in the future. You can check out his page and his art here:www.facebook.com/Munnbun/ Hope you guys enjoy! Copyright © 2015 by Saitoshi All rights reserved. This composed work or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission from the creator.
  21. Since Street Fighter V is well on it's way to PS4 and PC in less than sixteen days, I decided to do a short little project and create a concept theme for a character in another Street Fighter Universe. Kairi Mizukami is a character (A favorite of mine, actually) from the Street Fighter EX series, which was born from the collaboration between Capcom and Arika. There are a lot of EX characters that I want to see return and hopefully, Arika decides to work with Capcom again later on down the line.In all honesty, I was thinking about doing a concept album for characters, EX and all, who aren't in the game. I don't know yet, depends on how people like this one. I wanted to capture the essence of SFV while still keeping the original sound of the EX series theme. Lemme know what you guys think.
  22. Here's something I just started working on recently. I know the direction I want for this remix but I wouldn't know how to tag the style properly. Anyways I hope you guys can tell me what you think of what I have so far.
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