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  1. Deflektor 'Laser Dance' Mr. Dodgers exposes us to a very happy blippy but cool mix from the game Deflektor. Ok panning here, quite a large amount of bass, and a good choice of instruments. Quite a few changes here too, although I probably would have preferred a few others to mix the song up a little more. It's a good listen, it's got fairly good mixing and the overall sound quality is pretty good. Synth orientated. I can't really think of anything else to say. Good work Chuck!
  2. Seiken Densetsu 3 'Angels on the Shore' This is a very sweet moving melody, nice soft ambiance, and a lovely wind instrument. This one really makes me wish I could play the game because the way it sounds, there must be a deep story line behind this somewhere. If you like slow melodies then this one is probably for you, a good break from the fast paced electronic stuff. Thank you for this Ailsean.
  3. Command & Conquer 'On the Prowl Redux' YES! I love Command & Conquer (the Red Alert series may have been better, but still) and I love Scott Peeples. Why don’t we mash the two together and see what happens. Massive action flick style cool song madness! My only suggestion would be to give this one a tad more power, because it sounds a tad soft for Command & Conquer. Besides that, I can only say that this is one that you shouldn't miss. Peeples always sets us up with awesome tunes, never fails.
  4. Mega Man 'Set Me Up the Bomb Man' Someone give me a controller, I want to play some Mega Man. Mute the TV and put this on the stereo. Yes! That’s what I’m talking about. In case you haven’t already noticed, I suppose I should let you in on a little secret: I love this mix. The thing that gets me into the groove with this one is that bass line. It sounds like the authentic NES bass enough to bring back the memories of those old games (not that I ever played Mega Man in particular), while still adding enough sweet electronic spunk to make me want to dance. And by the way, it also hops into some awesome piano inserts a couple times, just to spice things up.
  5. Radical Dreamers 'The Furthest Promise' Tinkly piano intro, really nice, followed by what we've all come to expect from Ailsean, some great electric guitar. Not much to say except that this mix is definitely one of the betters in the Radical Dreamers flood. Check it out, along with the rest of the Far Promise flood of Apr 21st. Collect the whole set!
  6. Chrono Trigger & Final Fantasy IX 'Knights Come Marching Home' Ants come marching home? What the heck? Oh! Jebus Cripes! It's Frog's theme done in electric guitary goodness! Tasty. I had to actually describe this mix for a friend of mine, because he didn't believe that there was any FF9 in it. As near as I can tell (I barely played FF9) the "storyline" of this mix goes as such: 0:00-0:49: marching ants 0:49-1:18: glenn's theme 1:18-1:46: ff9 battle 1:46-2:14: glenn's theme 2:14-2:32: marching ants Anyways, good mix. Highly recommended, get it. Now. Right now. Go get it! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!
  7. Final Fantasy VI 'Terra in Black' Wonderful guitar work and arrangement here. Definitely a top notch remix. The quality of the sound and arrangement is great. It's a shame I just don't like this remix, because if I couldn't get over the dirty feeling it gives me I'd probably really really like it... but after hearing Death on the Snow Field, this version of the theme just kinda feels wrong to me. But it's such high caliber composition I'm torn. This is the kind of file you download just to have on your hard drive and share, even if you don't like it.
  8. Chrono Trigger 'The New Zeal' Sounds damn good for a tracker! Of course the music itself is good. Doesn't do anything revolutionary, but who says it has to? A good listen.
  9. Herzog Zwei 'Breach' This game is so awesome and very overlooked. People who enjoyed games back in the day will appreciate this mix from Herzog Zwei on the 16-bit Genesis. I first rented the Mega Drive version of this game from a local game shop and it played on my Genesis without modification or any adapters. I was stoked. I didn't know what I was doing but soon got into it. It's TechnoSoft so of course the music was great. This is my tribute to that fabulous action/strategy game. There are lots of great tunes to mix but I chose this one. I wanted to make it sound sort of nostalgic, which I think I accomplished during the intro and outro. I'm not one to toot my own horn, but this is better than TechnoSoft's own arrangement of music from the same game. In fact I'd say the original cartridge music is better than the TechnoSoft CD! Anyway if you enjoyed the game I think you'll like this mix. If you've never played the game, give it a try anyway. It's action music but it's not overwhelming, and it sounds smooth.
  10. Super Mario Bros. 'Super Jungle Brothers' It's the main Super Mario Bros. theme with cool percussion and some nice electronic processing effects. It sounds nice and smooth. Nothing groundbreaking, but it is a good listen and it's always nice to hear the Mario theme. I like!
  11. Banana 'Slumber Party' I have no idea what this game is about or why it's called "Banana" but I really dig this remix of it! It's extremely fun to listen to. I like music that is good (I know... I'm a dying breed) so I really like the melody here and also the energy that kicks in. My only complaint would be that it is too short. But it does hold up well to repeated listenings. Sounds cool and I heartily recommend everyone give it a try... it's small so you might as well.
  12. Lemmings 'DABOMB' Short and sweet by dabombinc. Making use of a drum and bass type loop incorporating a voice sample to keep the groove, some smallish synths for the main tune and some nice reverb, the song plays along bringing loops in and out. Pretty standard stuff here, but it is well done, and some good panning is used. Keeps at a steady pace, not too fast, just right.
  13. Ultima IV 'Trollbash' I really like the opening. After that it goes nuts, but still remains pretty good. It goes hardcore. Hardcore what? Well not techno, not rock, just hardcore! In order to find out you'll have to listen!
  14. OutRun 'Passing Breeze ('97 BIT Offcut Mix)' Passing Breeze has probably always been my favorite Out Run music selection. It's also the favorite of Hiro, who composed the music for Out Run. Chris Abbott has taken that theme and made all the instruments sound really nice and smooth. Not a short song by any stretch, but that's a good thing since it is a good mix of a good song. It seems a bit more calm than the original version due to a slightly slower tempo, but not too much slower to be significant. Chris hasn't changed anything at all melody-wise, save for the cool ending, so if you've played Out Run before then you pretty much know you're getting a nicer sounding version of that.
  15. Gradius 'Horizontal Armada' This sounds pretty cool, fake orchestra with drums and other electronic sounds! Not the best Gradius tune in the world, but this one was a good one to remix and give it that djp touch (it sounds a wee bit similar to his Star Fox mix). The french horn sounds pretty good, though I am used to a bit more texture from french horn sounds. A good listen.
  16. Gradius 'X' A horribly short and horribly low encoded (112kbps) tribute to a cool Gradius tune. Nothing special, unless you love sitar more than anything. Sounds out of tune at times. Very abrupt ending.
  17. Gradius 'Perfect Selection' Gradius has almost always had awesome music. Every single track is not a winner, but usually the music kicks ass. This mix starts out sounding like it was straight from the game itself. Then it starts sounding a bit better, but still sounds like an 8 or 16-bit game machine. It goes through some various Gradius tunes. If you like Gradius music you'll like this. If you want to hear some good videogame music from the late 80's you'll also want to download this. Melody is king.
  18. Alex Kidd in Miracle World 'Sugar High' This was my first ReMix submitted to this fantastic site. I saw that DJP was a Sega fanboy (as am I) so I figured he'd take quick notice to this.... and he did! He quickly posted it and sent me a check for $1,000, which I feel that everyone should do. OK so he didn't do that. This is a decent mix, I think. It shouldn't blow you away and you shouldn't run away screaming, either. I added a string section towards the middle to change things up a bit, otherwise it it the main Alex Kidd melody with far superior instruments than those used in the Sega Master System and Sega Genesis versions of the game.
  19. Legend of Zelda 'Hyrulian' Ahh, djp's take on the Zelda theme. Starts out nice and smooth, but then DJP decides to add some funk. Nothing overly great to praise and nothing horribly bad to bitch about, though I'd love to hear a version without those funky drums.
  20. Pac-Man '64-bit' Well, what is a ReMix site without a Pac-Man tune? Wait.. don't answer that. Not too much going on here, but it is amazing how much the original tune was worked for this remix. Good job, considering.
  21. Tetris 'Slavic Roots' djp's take on the Tetris music is quite interesting. When it first starts out you feel as if you are in Afghanistan or some other middle eastern country. Then the percussion starts and you feel like you are back in the good ol' USA where we have drums! Throughout all of this it still has a Russian flavor to it. The only thing I don't really like is how it ends... It sounds like djp is passing the melody out of his ass or something. Amusing!
  22. Golden Axe 'Death Adder Trance' djp treats Golden Axe's first stage with his trademark sound. Kind of sounds like those things where you pull the slider in and out and it changes pitch as the air volume increases/decreases. djp loves that kind of sound, and he applies it to most of the instruments in this mix. Not quite as energetic as I would have liked to have heard, but it gets the job done.
  23. Streets of Rage 'Wah-Wah' This is kind of weird. djp has added a fake guitar to the opening theme from Streets of Rage! Kind of hard to describe, you just have to hear it. I wouldn't classify this as one of djp's greatests, but there's not really too much I can bitch about. Except that I wish he'd do this tune again with his current sound setup, and make it techno... something requires to be turned up to 11.
  24. Space Harrier 'Disco' DJP is insane. This is the tune that got me interested in videogame music back in the day when I first got my Sega Master System. And now it's DISCO?????? Actually it's not that bad. If you are familiar with Space Harrier then this is probably an automatic download. Sounds like it is full of MP3 artifacts in the high frequencies, but I'm not sure if that's something DJP did when he made the song (high ends sounds wishy-washy and slurry). It varies up a bit in the middle, and that's pretty cool.
  25. Shinobi 'Shin Shuriken Jam' This has got to be my favorite of djp's early efforts. I like what he has done here. This is based off of the first stage music in the Sega Master System version of the game. Something to keep in mind is that EVERY SINGLE STAGE in the game had this exact same music, so djp could have easily called it "Shinobi - Last Stage" and it still would have worked (the arcade and PC Engine versions featured about 4 different themes, the arcade had completely different 1st stage music, which Rayza has arranged). This tune is featured in level 1-2 in the arcade... that's the stage with the pictures of Marilyn Monroe hanging on the brick wall. djp takes the theme and makes it jam. It doesn't follow the tune note for note, as he takes the time to make sure he adds just enough funk between the familiar notes. If you have played the game then you need to download this tune. And since you are reading this then you must have at least a moderate interest. Start downloading if you haven't already!
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