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  1. Multi-Track Drifting Source: The Final Exam (The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks) Inspiration: F-Zero The original tune was composed by Manaka Kataoka, the lead composer for Breath of the Wild. So why not get some BotW hype started with some lo-fi orchestra hits? Comments welcome!
  2. its been a long time since I submitted anything, here goes! Lemme know what ya'll think Definitely still taking feedback if I need to adjust the mix or anything like that Link here: Lyrics here: faster than a hundred thousand million billion miles per hour stronger than a hundred hurricanes from way off shore katamari is my heart, and you , you are my soul you're the only one who makes me feel like i'm whole was there something in the middle of that febuary sky? did the planet change in some way that cant be quantified? did anyone else wake up that wasnt asleep? was anyone listning when the the sound track modulated upward? did anybody else feel crazy on a springtime sunday? was anybody else looking forward to the following monday? nobody else can output half as many lumens .000000001 percent of humans and you're mine in a completely non-possessive way so it is totally fine I would rather not objectify you while i sing but you need to know you know you are my favorite thing thats why I went down down down down to the center of a world rolled with hundred thousand million billion people thats where I found you and I and we and we will be together for approximately ever (and ever) That's not to say you won't be sometimes doing your own thing with out me without me hope you have the finest sundays eating fancy brunch with whomever you get to accompany you to them (to them) just know you are the only person I will always need so drive safe be safe for me ooh... sakura iro no ni giyaka na kisetsu deshita (deshita) duh duh duh duh
  3. Hey guys, just submitted something I've been working on for a while. Couldn't get the Rainbow Road theme out of my head so decided it was time to take the guitar to it and do a cover. https://youtu.be/0iFy4PJ35aI
  4. Hey folks, I've been a great fan of this community and its content for more than a decade now. Therefore I'd like to take the chance to thank all the artists who contributed to this site After so many years I thought it's time to bring myself in. Over the past years I've become a huge fan of the synthwave genre. Since I kept listening to VGM since my childhood I thought it might be an interesting approach to merge both genres. I'd call it: VGMwave More recently I finished my first song and would love to contribute it to OCRemix. I was wondering if it's good enough? I'm eagerly awaiting your feedback! Also, I'm considering to set up a compilation for VGMwave. Maybe some of you might want to jump in? Would love to welcome some OCR-folks on board! Anyway, here's the track. It's still set to private, so please don't share it yet:
  5. Haven't been here in a while. But here's what I've been working on on and off while in grad school! On one of my other mixposts (Dungeonmans), djpretzel had remarked that Shantae needed some love. I mean... the only mix on the site right now is by the composer himself. That's cool and all, but he needs some company. I checked out the soundtrack to Pirate's Curse, and came across "Scuttle Town"; immediately, I got a mideast glitch hop vibe from it that would be ridiculously fun to build off of, at least for the main groove. Peeking around a bit further, "We Love Burning Town" was more than enough material to work with, bursting with a playful vibe that I couldn't resist (which for some reason is associated with burning a town... playfully?). I started this in January of 2016 (before I started grad school), stitching together Indian Ragas samples from Crypto Cipher to see what would happen. Slowly but surely, a glitch hop backbone came together, held up firmly by Serum and Zebra2, and I managed to finish through the breakdown section by the end of summer, featuring ISW's Bravura and Turkish Oud. I was kinda stuck on what to do next, so I put it to the side while I prepped to go to WSU. The first semester passed by, in which time I was TAing general chemistry, and toughing my way through quantum chemistry and thermodynamics (A- in both, oh yeah!). When I got to winter break, I immediately got the idea for a buildup back to the main drop, and finished the first three minutes so far, but I had to set it aside again for my second semester. I already knew by now that I was going to finish the track eventually... and here I am, not willing to put it off any longer, finishing it up in May of 2017 after one year of grad school! Never has finishing a ReMix been so hard!
  6. I have already submitted this piece but I really, really would love to hear suggestions from other users. I improved the instruments a lot prior to submitting this piece. The game I remixed is Populous released back in 1989. The original piece can be found on Youtube here: The remix of the song can be found on SoundCloud here: Thank you for your time.
  7. I'm terrible at coming up with names for pieces, so if you have any suggestions let me know. Midna's Lament is like the best theme from Twilight Princess in my opinion and it was begging to be orchestrated. This project's been sitting around on my hard drive for a long time as I hit a roadblock at one point, but recently was able to pretty much finish it. It ended up sounding kind of snow or ice-themed. Here is the link (aif) Another link (256kbps mp3 instead) Source
  8. A remix/mashup of Sneakman from the original Jet Set Radio and Fly Like A Butterfly from Jet Set Radio Future. It's primarily a Sneakman remix, but since I added a bunch of samples from Fly Like A Butterfly, and since this style of music is very sample based, I'm calling it a mashup of sorts. Suggestions/criticism appreciated! Also, I did not sample the songs themselves; however, I did use samples used in the songs. I know sampling the song disqualifies a remix but I think this should be fine considering that it's not a direct sample and this type of music is heavily sample-based. Please let me know if I'm wrong about that! I also realize there's a long tail of silence at the end, I'd fix that when it's good enough to submit. Remix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f26b1qzxucxvppk/Sneakman-Fly Like A Butterfly GCJ ReMix Submission.mp3?dl=0 Sneakman: Fly Like A Butterfly:
  9. I think it's finished. I think I'll submit it to OCRemix today or tomorrow. Edit: Finally submitted, as "Seagull Sonata"
  10. Soundcloud Link This is a remix that is a little different than normal. It took me a little while to think of what to call this. It's somewhat ethereal and surrealist in feel due to the echo, bending, and fading in and out of parts. This is an arrangement of Protoman's Whistle Concert, or the epilogue from Megaman III. I arranged the track for 16 french horns, taking advantage of a 4 octave range from G1-G5. I finished the arrangement fairly quickly and did the recording in about 4 hours, recording all 16 parts in a single session. I then spent about a week editing it. The editing was slow for 5/7 of those days due to me being out of town and only able to work while on the road when I wasn't driving (I split the driving with my wife). The editing was quite a monster task, using many plugins and effects, and extensive automation. I am satisfied with the result. Everything in this track is created with live recorded french horn and effects plugins. Nothing else.
  11. Made this little ReMix about a week ago. I was inspired by Django Reinhardt (I added a couple "yeah"s in there, something he did on his track "Minor Swing", and tried to make it sound a bit more vintage) and a similar ReMix by Adrian Holovaty of the Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld theme. I submitted it a couple of days ago, and I'm wondering what you guys think of it. This is the first thing I've uploaded to this site. Hope this upload works, as it's the first time I've ever done something like this on a forum: I couldn't embed it, so here's a hyperlink instead.
  12. Hello! This is a remix that I just posted on SoundCloud and submitted to OCR. It started out as a plain Jenova remix, but after messing around with it and adding some harmonic layering from Find Your Way (FF8) onto the chords and started messing with the chord coloring, it sounded cool enough to me so I added a section that is more centered around that source in the middle of the track. What do you think? Do the sources work well together? Cheers, Plato
  13. https://soundcloud.com/fazzakins/buff-trump-with-a-grudge The inspiration for this came out of nowhere, while I was trying to figure out how to make decent synths with NI Massive. For some reason, one of the sounds reminded me of this song. Since I was already recording metal-ish things it wasn't too much of a stretch to try and recreate this theme myself, with some flourishes. Someone on YouTube commented that Geese looks (and acts) quite a lot like Donald Trump -- this was before he was elected President, of course. Seems quite apt to title it after him now. Even though Geese is stacked and angry and Trump is mostly just angry. Any feedback, I'm all ears!
  14. Been 4 years since I got my rejection letter. After all that time I think I can finally call this song done to the best of my abilities as both a performer and a vocalist... but also as an engineer. I'm resubmitting this for sure... not sure if that'll be tonight or tomorrow. I'm fading faster after spending a little too long on the video editing. First is remix followed by source:
  15. Hey, This is a piano arrangement from ff10 ; Twillight and The Deceased Laugh. https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/ff10-the-dream-is-clearing I've written this years ago, but was blocked on the recording. Now, I've a better synthe and I've recorded this in numeric. I feel the result largely better, but I'd like another listenning to judge if now the recording quality acceptable.
  16. For those moments in life when you need that last little drive to win, recover from a lose, or conquer your rival. Now get stacking you lazy sack of bolts.
  17. Just like Chernabogue, I also did a remix for the FF3 project . Thought I'd share for your enjoyment, so here you are!
  18. Hi Everyone. Above is the link to my newest video game cover/remix thing. Obviously SEO optimized for Youtube. Been working on a lot of things mostly to improve my process - but it's been worth it since I feel like I can actually do stuff like this without having to reinvent my process over and over again... I'm always looking for feedback - Just because it's on YouTube doesn't mean that I can't tweak to submit later - and I wanted to post it here because I can't for the life of me think of a title. While not having a unique title is great for getting clicks on the youtubes - not so much for OCR consideration. The source link is below, my concern here is if it's interpretive enough. I definitely change things around a lot and have an original section in there. I just know I've gotten feedback before on being to conservative and I really take that to heart. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwxm2gb8mkk051t/XvsZero-Reamp.mp3?dl=0
  19. Here is an acoustic/classical arrangement from dragon quest 7 "days of sadness" and "with sadness in heart" (composed by Koichi SUGIYAMA) For this arrangement, I wanted sthg minimalist in the building and in the instrumentation. I thank @Katamari (guitar), @Chris ~ Amaterasu (violin, viola & cello) and @Arvangath(bass) who have collaborated with me. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/dragon-quest-7-deeper-in-the-heartmp3
  20. I had a lot of fun arranging this. I joined my school's jazz band this year, and after playing a few retro tracks, I just sat down and made my own chord progression that sounded kind of like a 70's whole deal. And then I thought, "What if I put the Mario theme over this?" And I fell in love. I definitely went for the more funky weird vibe with this one. Let me know what you think! I think I finally fixed it, I made lots of edits to try and make this one better. It should be pretty near completion if not already. Most recent version:
  21. Title: sleepy baby weasel dook Source: Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1bp4pINjINbU2pDTEdNWG9YQWs/view?usp=sharing) I'm not sure how this got finished before some of my other VGM arrangements- I guess it's not as elaborate as the one other that's nearly finished, I dunno. Anyway, there's a lot of nostalgia packed into this little lullaby (not of this game, just nostalgia in general), but I figured I'll go into more detail when I submit it later. Whaddya guys think?
  22. Hey peepz. Here's my metal arrangement of the final boss theme from MMBN3!
  23. The original is absolutely amazing. I've never heard a remix done with guitars, which is strange, as even as a child I always though the main lead was meant to be a guitar.
  24. I could use some more ears on this. Gimme your thoughts! Source: Zelda: Wand of Gamelon map theme (plus bits of the original Zelda theme) ReMix: Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk I was going to call it "Zelda Does the Duck Walk," but it turns out she doesn't use that term in her tutorial! It is written, only Link can do the duck walk.
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