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  1. Hello there. It's been a while since my last activity here and my songs. Now I'm willing to create more stuff, and I'd like to present a playlist that will transport you to the magical world of classic RPGs. Introducing the "8-Bit RPG Odyssey - Soundtrack"! I'm thrilled to announce the release of this unique collection, carefully crafted to bring the nostalgia of 8-bit gaming to life. I hope you enjoy and feel free to give any feedback. <iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/playlists/1700791434&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"><a href="https://soundcloud.com/zathoz" title="Zathoz" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">Zathoz</a> · <a href="https://soundcloud.com/zathoz/sets/8-bit-rpg-odyssey-soundtrack" title="8-Bit RPG Odyssey- Soundtrack" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">8-Bit RPG Odyssey- Soundtrack</a></div>
  2. This was on my todo list for a long time. Finally I made a cover/remix of one of the greatest videogame soundtracks of all time: Parasite Eve! It is the stunning main theme of the game, featuring my favorite parts of the short and orchestral theme. I added some deeper tones and dramatic voices. Hope you enjoy it!
  3. This is my piano cover of the Hero Quest Ingame Music from the Amiga version. I made a cover of this 14 (!) years ago and it was very well received so I revisited it and recorded a new version. Hope you can feel the heroic fantasy mood with this. Thank you for listening!
  4. This is one of many themes I composed for a hypothetical mystery adventure game. (This song is also a loop, that's why the ending seems a little sudden.)
  5. Hey everyone! I'm happy to share that as of today, my name is officially attached as "composer," not "remixer," to a 100% original game soundtrack. It's an indie game, but still, I had a blast stepping into RPG mode and crafting the various map themes, battle music, castle, shop, and church tunes... lots of good stuff. I'd like to invite you to give it a listen, and let me know what you think! (Also check out the game, it's out on Steam and actually pretty challenging.) https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/mazequest-2-original-soundtrack For your listening pleasure, the album also includes several bonus tracks that didn't actually make it to the game, and, a whole bunch of chiptune concept pieces. I'm not a keyboard player, so drafting in 8-bit seemed like a time-friendly way to present thematic ideas without getting hung up on samples and such. Have fun comparing the chiptunes to the final orchestrated pieces; some are very close, and some changed a bit during the orchestration. Enjoy!
  6. Yuzo Koshiro really does some great music & I wish there were more RPG music on this site besides Final Fantasy & Chrono Trigger. Original Remake
  7. Finished up a 2nd video using footage from our recording session from late April. This time we play Shoji Meguro's "Beneath the Mask" from Persona 5, which is both a favorite of ours to play as well as a crowd favorite from our shows. Over the last year I've digested more of Meguro's catalog than any other video game composer--I'm excited to have completed this particular work and released it for your enjoyment. Also, similar to my "Corridors of Time" arrangement, I snuck in a quote from another one of this game's tracks, as well--let me know if you catch it!
  8. Hey, everyone! Late last year I posted some live clips from my VGM/jazz group, The Hard Modes. Since then I've written a bunch of new arrangements for the group that we've been playing locally, and about a month ago we recorded some of our repertoire. I wanted to share the first of the bunch with you--the beloved "Corridors of Time" from Chrono Trigger, written by Yasunori Mitsuda: I never really intended to arrange this tune, especially because it seems like a lot of people cover it (and cover it well!). But, I kept hearing it while I was at MAGFest this year and was infected by the groove so much that I felt like I had to give making something unique a shot. The resulting arrangement is pretty straight forward with the exception of some harmonic variation and the incorporation of 3 additional Chrono Trigger melodies therein. Hope you enjoy, and would love to hear your feedback. Thanks for listening!
  9. I'm working toward making a good enough demo track collection to pitch myself as a composer to indie game dev teams, and I'd love your feedback! I want to specialize in 2D "non-realistic" games (JRPG, Puzzle, Sci-Fi, etc.), so right now I'm putting together a few battle themes. Here's the first one, where I was going for a "regular encounter" theme that would fit in a game similar to Final Fantasy 5 or Golden Sun. It would mean a lot to me if you take a listen and drop a comment or a critique to help me know where I'm at and what I need to work on! Uncompressed MP3 Link
  10. Hi everyone ! I am currently redoing the soundtrack of the famous game "Mario & Luigi Partners In Time". I hope you will like the end result !!
  11. A pretty little track from an underappreciated game.
  12. Here's a quick rpg theme I recently composed. It is supposed to emulate a scene where the protagonists of the story are reflecting around a campfire and under the stars (hence the sequenced synth at the beginning and the end). All feedback is welcome :D.
  13. Even though I haven't made them in a while, RPG battle themes are my absolute favorite. This one was inspired by the works of Yuzo Koshiro in Etrian Odyssey. https://soundcloud.com/schematist/calm-divide-rpgjrpg-battle-theme
  14. Hey there, my favorite Twitch streamer (www.twitch.tv/bakihanma20) was streaming gameplay of Secret of Mana 2 the other day, when he suddenly broke into a spontaneous freestyle rap, over the in-game music, while playing the game. It was a really cool, unique moment! Warning: Lots of N-Bombs, F-Bombs, and other offensive language in this video. It's mostly harmless, but some people may get offended. Anyways, enjoy!
  15. One of my favourite games of all time with an awesome soundtrack. My brother recorded some funny footage to go with it. 6 Sonics on a killing spree... I may do more of this soundtrack in the future in different styles. Let me know what you think of it, thanks!
  16. Hey there, I'm making a concept album for a TRPG, Leviathan Stadium Tactics. This track is for one of the optional battles against a legendary fighter, so you can recruit them. The song's finished, and I'd really like some comments, crit, all the good stuff. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy.
  17. Hello, Here I am to present to you my new piece "Heat of Battle", a theme I hope is fitting for some oldschool RPG monster slaying ! Its not yet where I want it to be mixing-wise, as im pretty much learning the ropes, and I hope i can receive some advice from you guys to improve myself. In advance, thank you ! Here we go:
  18. Hello to OCREMIX Community. This is Marcel Gherman alias Megatone, a musician and prose writer. I wish to present you my album Realms of The Cosmic Tree, in the style of old school Japanese fantasy RPG games. The album is inspired by my science-fiction modular novel Multiverse and my cycle of fantasy prose Chroinicles of Pandava. Last track on the album is a short fragment from an audiobook based on my fantasy story The Path to Avalonia. Enjoy! https://archive.org/details/arboruniversalis
  19. Request remix for, specifically, the Title Theme to Betrayal at Krondor or a mashup of the game's soundtrack that captures the spirit of the original while re-awesomifying it. If anyone's keen on doing more that'd be amazing. Thanks for reading. Title Theme: Full Soundtrack:
  20. After I got second place in that RPG project, I did some thinking. Why can't I host a remix contest? The idea is that each member chooses a video game piece they like and create a RPG field/town theme out of it. It can be anything from an RPG boss theme like "One Winged Angel" to "Gourmet Race" (Kirby)". However it can't already be a town or field theme. Round one will be a remix of the chosen theme and Round 2 will mix that theme with an original composition/beat I will provide. Message me if you want to participate. I'm sure this will be a lot of fun. The summery will provide most of the rules but if anyone would help me with them, it'd be appreciated. I'll judge the field themes myself but would prefer a second judge. Have a good day.
  21. until
    Voting for the final round of the ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016 has begun. The finalists, Ghetto Lee Lewis (Leliana) and Ronald Poe (Xehanort) combined their sources with Master Porky's Theme from Mother 3 and now it is time for the people to determine which of them will defeat Porky and become the new champion of the rRPC. You may find a link to the mixes and cast your vote here. Thank you to everyone who took time to follow this compo.
  22. This poll is for determining the winner of the ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016. On the Hero side, we have Ghetto Lee Lewis (Leliana), and on the Villain side, we have Ronald Poe (Xehanort). Both finalists must combine their theme with Master Porky's Theme from Mother 3 with the option of including their opponent's theme as well. You may download the Final Round mixes here. Please refrain from posting in this thread. If you want to post a review of the tracks for the round, please do so in a single post in the main thread for the rRPC 2016. You may vote for yourself in your own match ups. Please consider the quality of the arrangements when casting your votes, along with production value and your personal enjoyment of each mix. Voting will be open until midnight EDT on Monday, August 8th.
  23. until
    The Bonus Round of the ReMix Role-Playing Competition is open. Compo participants may take their character and/or party member theme and mix that with any of the sources that have come up during the compo (excluding the finalists' and Porky's Theme). There are no restrictions and collaborations are allowed as well. For those who did not sign up for the rRPC 2016, you are still allowed to participate in the bonus round. All you need to do is pick out a hero or villain theme that isn't already claimed by the participants, and combine that with any of the sources used during the compo. For more information, follow the link to the post in the compo thread.
  24. until
    The Finals of the ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016 have begun! Ghetto Lee Lewis (Leliana) and Ronald Poe (Xehanort) are not only pitted against each other, but also the character who won the first rRPC: Porky! Both finalists must combine their character theme with Master Porky's Theme from Mother 3, while also having the option to include each other's character theme as well. Who will defeat Porky and become the new reigning champion of the rRPC? The finals end at noon EDT on Monday, August 1st. For more details, follow the link to the compo thread.
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