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  1. Here's a bunch of tracks I've remixed over the years. Looking back on this, I can say I got progressively better - but would love to hear a critique or 2. Have at you!
  2. https://youtu.be/FSBk0q9sN0c It has been a while since I released something. This remix is meant to be some kind of contribution to Halloween 2022, this particular song has been planned since last year (a suggestion from one of my best friends). It's this time of the year once again, the world has changed very much since last time. And I want to dedicate this remix to what has become of the world this passed year. A quote from Dracula by Bram Stoker: “It is a strange world, a sad world, a world full of miseries, and woes, and troubles. And yet when King Laugh come, he make them all dance to the tune he play. Bleeding hearts, and dry bones of the churchyard, and tears that burn as they fall, all dance together to the music that he make with that smileless mouth of him. Ah, we men and women are like ropes drawn tight with strain that pull us different ways. Then tears come, and like the rain on the ropes, they brace us up, until perhaps the strain become too great, and we break. But King Laugh he come like the sunshine, and he ease off the strain again, and we bear to go on with our labor, what it may be.” I'm getting references to the real world and what it is as we speak, and maybe always is, behind the scenes and curtains. Many leaders and powerful people (not all of them of course) keep ignoring what happens in the world because of their personal goals they think are optimal only for themselves. Sometimes it goes way too far, and a whole nation is affected in ways that might not be restored even in hundreds of years to come. The people of the nation might be told that there is good in what the leaders decide and that their world will be a much better place. King Laugh comes and gives them hope and trust. 6 months later the nation has been cut off from the world completely, and their leader's closest followers drop off one by one. A future of pain, agony and loss is inbound, and the people of the nation almost if forced to leave their homes, their cities, and even their country. This only because of ONE HUMAN BEING. So unfair. I usually don't bring up this kind of subjects but I just can't shut up on what's happening. But what about the music? It's really inspired by what's happening in the world. Inflation is almost all-time high (for as long as I've lived), food and electricity is at peak levels in costs, my country's currency is all-time weak. It's hard times, very hard times. Halloween is coming up, and I got myself a new synthesizer (with a really nice pipe organ, listen for it at the intro and outro). There is tons of synth sounds from Jean Michel Jarre's Oxygene and Equinoxe albums as well, really cool! The original song is first heard in Castlevania from NES, but returns in several other Castlevania games. It's a great song with surprisingly many sections. Oh, and I found a really disgusting female demon scream you can hear in the intro right after the pipe organ section. I would prefer to never enter a house and hear that scream. My own half tempo section with the solo is all in influenced by the present world and musically influenced by Dream Theater, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and the soundtrack of Unreal Tournament 2004. It's the same kind of chord progression I used in the last section of Bowser's Castle from Mario Kart 64. A really mysterious and dark atmosphere, nothing but minor chords which kind of says it all. I don't want to sound too depressing though, and finished off with a classic sus-major chord from the pipe organ, just like in many psalms, chorals, hymns or whatever. There is still hope! And never shall we give up the world, and how we want it to be. A happy place, where all are friends and acting with respect and love for others. *blink*
  3. Thanks to the talent of @TeraCMusic, @VelkkuEvilBastard, @pixelchips and @Dextastic, here is a remix from "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" to celebrate the holiday season ! A huge thank you to everyone involved in this project -- you guys are the best ! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!
  4. Hey all! On 2018 I published an album called The March of the Machines. It's a robot themed concept album consisting of 10 NES & SNES title songs. On 2021 I will be releasing new Sinfinian stuff and I would appreciate any constructive feedback / criticism on the previous release. Thank you and happy holidays! -M / Sinfinian Here's the links for the album: Track listings: 01. The Trail Of Tears (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - Bloody Tears) 02. The Essence Of Alloy (Mega Man II - Metal Man) 03. Awake In The Dark (Zelda: A Link To The Past - Dark World) 04. Technological Knock-Out!! (Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - Fight) 05. Lunar Path (Ducktales - The Moon) 06. Alchemy In A Tin Can (Final Fantasy VI - Devil's Lab) 07. Dragon Morph (Double Dragon - Mission 1) 08. The Remains Of The Last Droid (Super Metroid - Theme) 09. Unite The Robothood (Secret Of Mana - Leave Time For Love) 10. The March Of The Machines (Mega Man II - Dr. Wily Stage 1/2)
  5. A remix I made for the Pixel Mixers CV Tribute Album. Used the melody from CV2 Dracula's Castle theme and made a song. Complete with original lyrics!
  6. Hi! This is probably my best cover out of eight that I have put up on Youtube and Spotify. Having hard time finding any kind of audience/community to share these so I figured this is the place where I can find some video game music fans that give opinions and hints! I try to be pretty faithful to the original arrangements and bulid my own stuff on top of that cos' it brings my piss to a boil when you have a metal remix of some tune and it's just filled with double kick and djent without anything to do with the original arrangment. So there's my modus operandi, enjoy! Original:
  7. I heard this while listening through Castlevania Soundtracks. I like the tune, but I would like an updated version of this the Game Boy track. Not so much as a remix as a remaster, to something one would create in a studio today. To make a comparison, to make Battle of the Holy from Castlevania Adventure on Game Boy (original Game Boy track) into this (modern remake to eShop) or even into this (full orchestral remake). If you are asking for a direction, I think the tune would work best as a "ominous situation character theme"; something that would play during a dialogue sequence (just like the original).
  8. I finished another one of my emulation style remixes. All sounds extracted from the original games as separate channels using sound emulation, then mixed together/distorted/stretched/manipulated. Sounds are from NES Castlevania 2, Super Castlevania 4, SNES Dracula X, Castlevania Bloodlines, and Super Metroid. Source:
  9. Hello OcR's, I've made a weird combination of Vampire Killer from Castlevania I with a touch of Beginning (Stage 1) from Castlevania III and synthwave.
  10. Link to The Track: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/818804 Source: Bloody Tears [Castlevania I], Monster Dance [Castlevania II], Bloody Tears / Monster Dance [Smash Bros. Ultimate] Description: Managed to make this before the Smash Bros. direct, I hope I don't end looking like a fool hahahaha Anyways, I liked how this arrangement ended, so I figured out it would be a good thing to get a review and try to get it into OCRemix, I hope you like it!
  11. Though it was meant to be sung by the fairy in the Playstation game, I always picture Sonia singing this lullaby to young Trevor at the end of" Legends" ! I also thought arranging the piece in the same style as A2's "Chosen One" might be a good idea -- tell me if it is Original: Remix (Instrumental): Feedback is welcome !
  12. YES ITS BEEN DONE A MILLION TIMES BUT... I wanted to have a go. Also Kenichi Matsubara is a beast.
  13. Hello again! Checked out this game and thought it is awesome! The stage 4 music really hit me 'cos I think it's a kind of departure from the typical Castlevania music style and generally it has some catchy melodies and a strong beat. Tuned down to B with the guitars to get that low end booming! And also this is the first song I learned by ear, in everything else I've done I have used midis to help with the composting/arrangements. The original track:
  14. Hi, So I think the arrangement is close to done, but I need some advice on mixing. https://t.co/nbwZ1I6gc7 I'm kind of new to audio production, so I'm really open to any advice at all. I know there are places where I need to do something, but I'm not sure what. Thanks, I hope I'm doing this right. I'm kind of shy.
  15. Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation (CCoI) A Remix Competition Presented by the OverClocked ReMix Forums Introduction After being defeated by Simon Belmont, the spirit of Dracula floated in the void beyond time. After an unmeasurable age, he found himself returned to his body, but in a strange place. Reaching out, he found himself cut off from his seat of power, the eternal Castlevania! He soon discovered that, once again, fragments of the castle and the surrounding Wallachian countryside had been thrown together, along with some of his old minions--but only a handful of the monsters that once served him remained loyal, while the rest stood between him and his new enemy, the usurper of his domain. But he also found new allies! The heroes who had proved his bane time and time again have also been sucked through time and, sensing a greater foe than any they had ever faced before, now stand beside the former Prince of Chaos to defeat this mysterious enemy and restore Castlevania to its normal order! Current News Signups are now taking place. Anyone who wants to participate should post the names of their two teammates and their top 5 character selections, in order. Some characters have more than one source associated with them. If you choose one of those characters, also specify which of their sources you would like to use. You may choose only one source per character, and each character will be represented by only one remixer. Signups are still open, but the competition won't start until late January. More details forthcoming. Format This competition uses Darkesword's "gauntlet" format. Teams of 3 remixers will take turns remixing their character's theme with the shared theme of the week. The competition will be 12 weeks long. The main event will consist of 3 blocks of 3 rounds each, one announced per week but with a two-week remixing period, so that they overlap. This will be followed by a 1-week break and a 3-week final boss round. In each block, each remixer on a team will be that team's remixer for one week. The teams do not need to select a remixer ahead of time, as long as each member submits only one remix per 3-week block (which means that the third remixer of each block will be determined by default). The other remixers on a team are allowed to help with production and ideas, but the chosen remixer for a round must be the primary artist/arranger. Remixers can make use of other performers to play instruments, sing, etc., even those not involved with the competition, but these may not help in any other way. Submissions and File Names Entries must be sent to me by PM on the forums. Please include your team name and the round number in the subject line of the message. Please do not use a file-sharing service that includes ads or that changes the filename. Dropbox, Google Drive, and Soundcloud work well. If you use Soundcloud, please double-check to make sure you have set your remix to be downloadable. I will specify the filename for each round depending on the theme. Please read and follow the directions carefully when they are announced. Voting Rules and Guidelines After each week, I will create a voting thread in the public voting forum. Voters will rank their top three choices. A #1 vote is worth 3 point, a #2 vote is worth 2 points, and a #3 vote is worth 1 point. Competition members who vote will also earn their team 1 point just for voting. Team members may not vote for their own teams. This is primarily an arrangement competition. A creative arrangement that blends the two sources seamlessly, but with mediocre instrumentation and production, should be ranked more highly than an uninspired medley with flawless sound quality. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. Sources Participants can choose from the following characters and associated themes when signing up. They should choose their top 5 choices. If there are multiple picks for the same character, I will randomly determine who gets which pick. To prevent attempts to game the system, I will be be breaking 5th-place ties first and going backwards up the list. Dracula: Dance of Illusions Death: Evil's Symphonic Poem or Heart of Fire The Creature: Den of Worship or Walking on the Edge Golem: The Tower of Dolls or Stone King Golem Doppelganger: Riddle or Resonance of Malevolent Souls Isaac: Young Nobleman of Madness Joachim Armster: Melancholy Joachim Walter Bernhard: Dark Night Toccata Brauner: Esquisse of Violence Albus: Sorrow's Distortion Medusa: Cross Your Heart a.k.a. Crucifix Held Close or Stalker Akmodan II: Wicked Child or In Search of the Secret Spell Carmilla: Repose of Souls or Carmilla Elizabeth Bartley: Calling from Heaven Celia Fortner: Evil Invitation Stella and Loretta Lecarde: Dance of Sadness Simon Belmont: Theme of Simon Belmont Alucard: Dracula's Castle or The Tragic Prince Trevor Belmont: Beginning Grant Danasty: Clockwork Christopher Belmont: Battle of the Holy Richter Belmont: Divine Bloodlines Eric Lecarde: Iron-Blue Intention Nathan Graves: Awake Leon Belmont: Lament of Innocence Hector: The Curse of Darkness Soma Cruz: Castle Corridor Julius Belmont: Don't Wait Until Night a.k.a. Can't Wait Until the Night Sypha Belnades: Mad Forest Maria Renard: Slash Charlotte Aulin: The Hidden Curse Jonathan Morris: Invitation of a Crazed Moon John Morris: Reincarnated Soul Shanoa: An Empty Tome Teams Participants pick their own teams when signing up. They must also choose a Castlevania-themed team name, but they can wait until after their characters have been determined to do so. Please do not pick excessively long team names. Helping Out I'll also need artwork (album art and signatures). If that's up your alley, please let me know. I can cobble something together myself, but it won't be the prettiest, so if you can help out before the first round, that would be great!
  16. Hey all, This is a straight remake of one of my favorite vgm's. I'd be interested to hear any comments or criticisms! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRNimgWswAU
  17. What's up guys, I'm working on a VGM Remix album. Released a few teasers at my YouTube page. Teaser 1 - Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience Teaser 2 - Chrono Trigger - Opening/Title Theme Teaser 3 - Castlevania Bloodlines - Iron-Blue Intention Music styles will be well varied.. Would be cool to hear what people think, and perhaps find some new subscribers. All the best!
  18. I made this mashup using emulated sounds from Contra Hard Corps, Castlevania III, Castlevania, Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania Bloodlines, The Adventures of Bayou Billy, and The Goonies II.
  19. Hey all. I recently finished my metal arrangement of Vampire Killer from the original Castlevania game. Featuring live bats...(maybe fake ones). Enjoy!
  20. Hello! This is my first post here, I've just recently registered. I'm here to get some general feedback on my remix, I'll not submit it to OC ReMix. I'm an amateur musician (basically a hobbyist), but I really enjoy making these remixes, it's tons of fun! My remix (compressed YouTube video): Original produced audio file of my remix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsq5tydm4ssc75o/Ruthless Child - Wicked Child [NES Castlevania] Remix by Rodrigo M. Cucick.wav?dl=0 Original song: I hope you like it! Rodrigo M. Cucick.
  21. I wanted to produce a synthwave arrangement of the source but couldn't help using "organic" instruments for the leads and drums. I thought it could be interesting to try and find a right balance between synth and organic sounds -- keep those guitars, piano and drums and use only synths for the arrangements (which I'll start exploring way deeper when I find someone with a decent knowledge of synthwave music willing to help me ^^'). Original Source: Remix: I visualized Sonia telling her newborn son the tale of her adventures -- like it's a bedtime story -- when remixing this. Feel free to share feedbacks and whatnot :3
  22. Hello all, I first visited this site a couple of years ago and have loved it ever since. I have recently gotten into mixing myself thanks to this site, and I wanted to share what I made, so here it is. This is my first ever remix, I hope you all like it.
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