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Found 18 results

  1. https://youtu.be/FYVmcrusVok Quick remix with a new synthesizer that combines and resurrects the sounds of the tape replay keyboard Chamberlin (from the 1950s) and the Mellotron (one of the first samplers). Starting with that classic guitar arpeggio we all remember from Kakariko Village, I used the sound of a 12-string dreadnought guitar. First melody section is played by a tenor saxohpone, very 1950-60s. I couldn't resist putting in some drum beats here and there. Second melody section is played by a clarinet and a flute, backed up by an ambient harp. Then a simple short solo with my signature lead before ending the song with another ambient harp playing melody over that first same ambient harp. I tried to end it with the feeling and vibes of a lullaby. That's why I chose the background art, made by a cool guy from DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/rainbowphilosopher Ocarina of Time had an initial experience I don't think any game after could achieve. It was that groundbreaking technical and graphical step everyone had been waiting for. We all had dreamed of a Zelda adventure in an (almost) open world 3D game. Ocarina of Time fulfilled many of our dreams. Critics we're amazed, players we're having their time of their lives, saving Zelda and facing Ganon was on a whole new level now. I too experienced this, from loving A Link To The Past so much, into this was just amazing. I don't think there ever have been a jump of experience from an era to another like it was from SNES to N64. So much happened here. This remix was not intended to go as one of my ordinary releases, just like a fooling-around-with-a-new-synthesizer. I hope you like it anyway guys! Good night, Neon X
  2. Hey everyone! I turned Gobi's Valley into an epic metal track, I hope you guys love it
  3. Hi, I'm new here. I recently decided to try remaking "Zip" from Bomberman Hero. This was done by ear, but I tried to stay mostly true to the original. I'm looking for constructive feedback. My remake: Original:
  4. Hello guys, I started with a remix of the opening theme from an old n64 game called "Mischief Makers" (Very nice game btw). Well I think, that I made good progress until now and i tried to keep the heart from the original. So let me know what u think about it :). Mischief Makers - Opening Title (Semantic Remix): https://soundcloud.com/semanticdj/mischief-makers-opening-title-semantic-remix
  5. First off I just want to say thanks to some of OCR's finest musicians for being an inspiration. I occasionally jump on and off of FL Studio, I hit a wall stopping in a lot of projects and don't even bother sharing them. After listening to Zircon, Sixto Sounds, Willrock, and many others I told myself I'll eventually have something somewhat decent. Well anyways here is what I have so far, I have a few things I know have to really work on, the synth at the later half of the song and changing the outro. Please share what you think and tell me whats good so far or anything that comes to mind. Thanks for listening!
  6. Hello everyone, this is my remix on Redial, a tune from Bomberman Hero. I hope you guys enjoy it & any feedback will be appreciated! REMIX: ORIGINAL:
  7. I would love to see Hybrid Heaven's Battle Theme (Fight!) and Boss Theme (Fight Hard!) to be remixed, simply because there is no remixes or remakes of Hybrid Heaven anywhere on Youtube that i can find. Literally. This game is one of those forgotten gems that were created on the N64, when it was at the end of its shelf life. If i had to choose one of the two, i would definitely go with the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!). The build up is too good to leave out! Sadly though, the last segment of that specific song doesn't play twice before looping over again. It's pretty much everyone else's favorite part as well. lol, PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN! <3 P.S. The Battle Theme (Fight!) is also good, but like i said, if i had to choose between the 2, it'd be the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!) instead. Feel free to merge them together if you'd like. Both songs are linked below. Here's a Youtube link for the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!). And here's a Youtube link of an Orchestral Remix Demo that someone actually created for the build up part, just to give you an idea of how it could sound when fully remixed. As for the type of style/genre that would probably work well for this song?... Possibly more epic, upbeat, atmospheric, orchestral, etc. types! Kind of like a modern take, since the N64 had audio limitations. I wanna feel badass, with a sense of urgency when fighting a big boss in-game. Feel free to implement the Battle Theme (Fight!) as well. It has a dark/serious tone to it, which i really love.
  8. Here's the link to the updated version for your convenience, I've removed some of the percussive instruments and just generally changed the whole mix to get rid of some of the imbalance. So I decided to make an acoustic version of this classic Zelda tune, I did my best with the filters to make it sound like an old latin song that you might have heard on the radio. I used something like 10 different percussive elements some panned, all with customized velocity and slight time delay, did my best to separate all the instruments as much as possible, but the filters and compressor does kinda make it hard to hear them all, it's a trade off I had to make to get old sounding effect. Nothing fancy on the guitar style, I used what I had in Nexus and used some effects to tweak the sound. I know that this style of remix has been done before it just fits this song so well. Hope you guys like it. There's a link in the video description if you want to download it.
  9. I originally did this as a joke, but I kinda like how the arrangement went. This is mainly for a comedy sketch with a King Boo puppet I PLAN on building. Basically its just King Boo playing this song on the pipe organ, with a humorous ending. My samples are crap, I'm well aware. I'm looking for ARRANGEMENT feedback. What could I do to make this sound more like a classical/spooky organ piece for most of it? then the humorous ending shows up as a way to throw you off. I wanted it to remain somewhat true to the original and not arrange it TOO much. But I don't want a carbon copy either. as for quality I was thinking of collaborating with someone here who has better organ sounds/mixing skills. Let me know what you think ...PLAY BALL!
  10. Hey guys, just submitted something I've been working on for a while. Couldn't get the Rainbow Road theme out of my head so decided it was time to take the guitar to it and do a cover. https://youtu.be/0iFy4PJ35aI
  11. Hi there, first post on the forums, but I was hoping on getting some feedback on this song I made a while back. Unfortunately,I got a little too giddy, and released it without really checking it over a whole bunch. First thing, I can't easily put out new version of the song to listen to because FL Studios does not like rendering out the song without some glitchiness/weird stuff happening to it. I'll have to fix that eventually ): but for now I can only post videos. A few things I know I'll fix is the panning and volume of certain instruments. I was working on speakers because I didn't have headphones at that time, but since then bought a nice pair and was hoping to fix that up. The other thing is the equalization! I really can't get the intruments to sound well/dont know how to EQ them properly, specifically the xylophones/flute. I'm using the EWQL Gold library and FL studios if that helps anyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7PUkkS2yI
  12. Hi, this is the first time that I publish a mix here. This is my remix of Saria's Song or the Lost Woods, I hope that will please you. Bonne écoute Original version :
  13. This is it: Our final demo track is a tribute to the man who composed your childhood, Koji Kondo, with a medley of different pieces from various stages of his career. I am sure you will get the songs featured, right? We tried to approach the jazzy feel of his orchestrations by having our tribute in a similar overall feel, that we hope pleases your ear: Please leave feedback and like and share our FB page to expect more cover versions soon: www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband/ Rock On, RemCit
  14. Hey OC Remix folks! We are DrKrake vs Jellyfish. We've been remixing video game music for quite a while (since 2009), but never really felt the itch to submit anything to OC Remix. Instead, we had a short-lived run on Newgrounds and mostly only uploaded our tracks on YouTube on random occasions. For this Christmas, we decided to release all of our stuff in a big free package and did so in the Super Musical Entertainment System! It's a massive collection of 33 tracks spanning various electronic music genres - trance, goa, house, hardstyle, and everything inbetween. You can grab it (for free, of course) on Bandcamp: drkrakevsjellyfish.bandcamp.com Most (but not quite all) tracks are VGM remixes. As a little special for the OC Remix forum, I'd like to list all tracks with their original sources: 147 (Intro) - not a remix, but uses samples from F-Zero X (N64) and Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (N64) Welcome to Marihuana Kart - trancy remix of the Mario/Luigi/Royal Raceway themes from Mario Kart 64 (N64) Voll Auf Stern - short remix of the infamous Starman tune from many many Mario games Fuckin' Party - hardstyle-ish remix based on the Cameroon theme in Super Soccer (SNES) Snowland - trance-ish remix of the Frappe Snowland theme from Mario Kart 64 (N64) Finish Line - trancy remix of the Mario Circuit theme from Super Mario Kart (SNES) Super Club Bros - housy remix of the infamous main theme of Super Mario Bros (NES) Ein Erfolg - short remix of the Level Clear theme from Super Mario Bros (NES) Romanina - trancy remix based on the Romania theme in Super Soccer (SNES), uses Nina's voice sample from Tekken 3 (PSX) Stellungswechsel - short remix of the Change Court theme from Super Tennis (SNES) Tor für Deutschland - football goal theme based on the Ireland (nope, not Germany ) theme in Super Soccer (SNES) Clowns R Funneh - not a VGM remix, but a remix of the Clown College theme from The Simpsons Archives - psytrance-ish remix of the Archives theme from Goldeneye (N64) How High Can You Get? (Level 1) - psychedelic remix of the Level 1 theme from Donkey Kong (Arcade) A - remix of the A theme from Tetris (Gameboy) Halbzeit - short remix of the Half Time theme from Super Soccer (SNES) Viererkette - trancy remix of the Denmark theme from Super Formation Soccer 2 (SNES) Crackman - short remix of the intro theme from Pacman (Arcade) How High Can You Get? (Level 2) - psychedelic remix of the Level 2 theme from Donkey Kong (Arcade) Headin' For Las Vegas - not a VGM remix, original track using samples from the Beavis & Butthead movie Samstag Nacht - not a VGM remix, completely original house track Omnitopia - new beat remix of the Omnitopia theme from Secret Of Evermore (SNES) (no Square Enix samples are being used) Cruisn' Datteln - mostly original house track based on the House Special theme from Cruisn' USA (N64) How High Can You Get? (Level 3) - a... "remix" of the Level 3 theme (yeah, right) from Donkey Kong (Arcade) How High Can You Get? (Level 4) - psychedelic of the Level 4 theme from Donkey Kong (Arcade) Zum Mond - remix of the second moon level theme from Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (Gameboy) Six Golden Coins - remix of the intro level theme from Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (Gameboy) Yoshi! - remix of the scoreboard theme from Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (SNES) The Party Never Ends - remix of the Belgium theme from Super Soccer (SNES) Maverick - fast trancy remix of the theme from Dr. Wily's Castle in Mega Man 2 (Gameboy) Mouse Maze - short remix of the stage 1 theme from the Mouse Maze minigame in Fun 'N' Games (SNES) Sonic The Nitzhog - nitzho-goa-ish remix of the bonus stage theme in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis) Endgegner - hardstyle-ish remix of the Bowser battle theme from Super Mario 64 (N64) We hope you enjoy this album and would be happy about any feedback! A very Merry Christmas!
  15. Majora's Mask Astral Observator remixed with analog and vintage sounds Good Listening and give me your opinion Original Track :
  16. Hi guys, i want to share my newest Project with you. Its a Remix of the F-Zero X Series for the Nintendo 64! Its my absolutely favorite theme of this game, and i'm very proud on this Remix. I think this Project is finished in my opinion, but i'm very interested, on critique and Reviews from other Users. Hopefully you enjoy it and give me a bit of Feedback guys! My Remix Original Version: Greetings Matzino
  17. I remember hearing this remix, it is Mario Kart 64 for sure and uses a sample of Toad's banana hit scream repeating: It's a pretty fast paced song I wanna say dub step or trap in nature, later in the song it uses audio samples of Wario laughing as well later in the track. I have seen it in a few youtube videos (which I cannot find anymore) in joke MLG montages. Thing that sparked my interest was I was at Phoenix ComiCon this past Saturday in a tournament and they played it over the sound system in the tournament room and now it's stuck in my head again. please help, thanks EDIT: Found it, Aylen - Mvrio Kvrt Also the Youtube videos were the intro to ETC TUGS
  18. Hey guys, been visiting ocremix for a while but never posted here. I did a metal cover of haunted woods recently and I'd love some feedback. It would help me out on making next cover better. Hope you guys like it, thanks! https://youtu.be/RlfHI-mCp78
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