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  1. Hey everyone! hope everyone is doing good! I wanted to share with you guys my metal cover of the Stormwind City Theme from World of Warcraft. I hope you guys enjoy
  2. I've discovered this bg music in a Mario Flash bootleg game (called Super Mario Remix 3) and I really liked it. Probably is a remix of a bg music and I'd like to know the origin of it. I don't think it was made by the creator of that game, because flash bootleg games used to take songs or remixes from other sites. I know that this page is special for remixes and I've discovered great remixes in this page (for example I've discovered a remix of SMW Castle Theme that was used in another mario bootleg game called New Super Mario Forever 2012). If you could tell me where it comes from. I'd very grateful. Thanks for your attention.
  3. Hey everyone! this is my metal rendition that I created of Far Horizons from Skyrim. Enjoy
  4. Hey everyone! this is my rendition of the Opening Selection from Pokemon DPP. I hope you guys enjoy it
  5. This is a playthrough video of the first single of VMK's debut album "Platinum Wings." A passion project inspired by popular shoot 'em up video games of the 1990's such as "Thunder Force," "Touhou," and "Raiden." Follow us on Facebook for weekly updates or subscribe to our YouTube channel if you don't want to miss our future videos
  6. Hey everyone! I'm happy to share that as of today, my name is officially attached as "composer," not "remixer," to a 100% original game soundtrack. It's an indie game, but still, I had a blast stepping into RPG mode and crafting the various map themes, battle music, castle, shop, and church tunes... lots of good stuff. I'd like to invite you to give it a listen, and let me know what you think! (Also check out the game, it's out on Steam and actually pretty challenging.) https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/mazequest-2-original-soundtrack For your listening pleasure, the album also includes several bonus tracks that didn't actually make it to the game, and, a whole bunch of chiptune concept pieces. I'm not a keyboard player, so drafting in 8-bit seemed like a time-friendly way to present thematic ideas without getting hung up on samples and such. Have fun comparing the chiptunes to the final orchestrated pieces; some are very close, and some changed a bit during the orchestration. Enjoy!
  7. Hello all. I just recently posted some remixes in the remixes subforum. I am new here and would like to share some WIP pieces for feedback. Here are some tracks to check out and critique. They should give you an impression of the extent to which Metroid, especially Prime, has affected my creative life. I hope you enjoy these and become immersed into the world of Metroid
  8. Hi Oc Remix, Here some tracks of my second OST, for the indie game Koloro. Most of the tracks are ambient / downtempo and some are more nervous for the boss phases Enjoy and feel free to comment. Peace Full OST : https://tzerofive.bandcamp.com/album/koloro
  9. Hello everyone. I'm Sonistrelle and go by many a name. This here is a remix I put together for a friend and I was quickly told I should try out this website for my songs. If you'd like to make any suggestions or criticisms please do. Keep in mind I just make these songs for fun. Original song: (for comparison) I do hope at the very least you enjoy.
  10. Thought I'd put together another original Mega Man song for once in a long time, hope you all like it! Please like, follow and all that fun stuff and I'll love you forever Also you can find my Bandcamp here with more music goodies: https://blaz1222.bandcamp.com/
  11. Hey everyone, I'm an old(ish) school OCRemixer from back in the day, and I wanted to let you all know I've finally made the leap to a game composer with the release of my first title: XING: The Land Beyond. You can check out the Bandcamp I've set up here: And a link to the Steam Page: I've got all sorts of fun memories here, recorded in the posts I made back 12 years ago when I was 15 and wide-eyed at the idea that there were other video game music fans out there in the world. Thanks again, OCR, for leading me down this path of creation!
  12. Hey everyone! The game is out and so is the soundtrack Have a listen here http://fredrikdronen.bandcamp.com/album/winds-of-trade Steam page for the game can be found here http://store.steampowered.com/app/576260
  13. Hi there, folks! I made a post a couple of weeks ago about me posting about "Song Suites" and mentioned in particular that i had my mind set on doing a short "Rival Schools: United By Fate" song suite. The funny thing about when i first posted this song on my personal Facebook account for friends to listen too before it went public, The Director of Rival Schools had a interview published where he expressed interest in making Rival Schools 3! RIVAL SCHOOLS 3?!? Make it happen, Capcom. #RivalSchools3 While this is still a work in progress (No drums right now, weird feedback from Piano that has to get cut down somehow, ideas about a potential solo guitar to go along with what's played on piano in the first part to make it more authentic to the original, Etc.)-- I still feel like this is a solid rendition of "On The Rooftops Of Taiyo High" and "Reconciliation" from Project Justice. Any form of input is valuable to me, as i am using these OST song covers to improve myself as a musician that can play multiple instruments along with mixing/production stuff. While i did not -exactly- have Rival Schools in my PS1 collection as a kid (Tekken 3 was there instead ), The Marvel Vs. Capcom Air Combos/Mechanics/OST all captured my heart as soon as i first started playing and i was convinced that this game was a underrated classic...Which it is. Enjoy!
  14. Hi Folks! I would like to share with you my youtube channel with all the remixes I've worked . I hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/espiritudionisiaco
  15. Hi everyone, this is my first own finished electronic music track on LMMS. I created it as soundtrack for the game I am currently developing (also my first one actually). I hope you like it ! All sorts of feedback are appreciated and don't forget to enjoy the music!
  16. Hi good people, just wanted to share one of the tracks i recently made for an animation series pilot. It's a sci-fi anime, i use many of my hardware analog synths for this track. All feedback appreciated!
  17. Friendly greetings! Rpgmaker.net video game community presents Summoner of Sounds: A Community Journey in Video Game Music! Summoner of Sounds is a series of interactive community events where video game music will be celebrated by the means of craftsmanship and community interaction. Members of video game community with experience in music production will be dared to participate in challenges testing their ability to perform well as a versatile video game composer, while the game developers with other areas of expertise are encouraged to analyze the challenges, and provide the composers with commentary, feedback and constructive criticism. The RPG Maker Network offers an extensive network of gamers and game developers, both hobbyists and professionals. RMN will bring the participants visibility, and the yields of each challenge will be shared on RMN's social media during the course of the events. Summoner of Sounds series will be creating composers a portfolio, but it will also be creating the community a whole lot of great video game music! Everyone may also post ideas of any themes they would like to hear. If the ruleset permits, a composer may very well decide to compose your idea. This event series is designed to help the composers of the game development community come together, challenge their know-how and showcase their creative efforts, and the rest of the community to come in contact with the composers. Will you be able to take on the challenge? Can you become the Summoner of Sounds, or even something more? Check out our first challenge and hop right into the action at the Summoner of Sounds event page!
  18. Sonic And Knuckles - Flying Battery - Electro Analog REMIX By Pixelizer Good Listening ! Original :
  19. Hello all ! Mario Paint - Creative Exercise. Electronic REMIX Source : https://youtu.be/FHK4cQvnH2k
  20. Mega Man - Nes - Select Stage Analog Remix By Pixelizer. Good listening Source :
  21. Hello all, Mighty No9 Theme Remix with analog and modern sound Good Listening ! Source :
  22. Hey everyone I'm currently 26, and been a fan of vgm since I can recall, It all started in the SEGA genesis with sonic themes. I'm in love with video game music because of so may reasons, and mostly with OLD generation consoles, which have really catchy melodies and sounds, things that I don't find in new generation games, because with all the electronic advances, music now is more "real". I'm talking about chiptunes mostly. Aside of that, lets get to the point, I hope you all can enlighten me a little bit. I have always had the "dream" of having a band that plays covers of old themes (NES, SNES, SEGAgen, ps1 and earlier), adding my/our own touch to each song to make it unique and more rich just like the remixes on this site. My question is: is it legal? is it right? is it possible to make profit out of that?Not that I mean to rip-off the artist and their music. What I want is to reach out to more people and make them know there's a whole world of video game music, and of course, do it for fun and if possible, get paid/rewarded for the effort put in. I think the songs could always be offered as free in the social media, internet, etc, to avoid copyright infringement, but, is it ok to get paid to perform on stage on events? to "sell" the band? or how does this work for us that love playing game themes? I saw this guy that does covers of game themes in mariachi style in youtube, and he sells the songs on iTunes, is that legal? can anybody do that? I have been trying to find some information about all of this but have not been succesful and don't know where else to look around. Also, it makes me sad that when this happens: Someone -"hey what type of music do you listen/like?" Me -"almost anything, but I'm really into video game music above all others" Someone -"oh yeah like super mario and that righ? (sings theme) turu tu turu tu" *conversation ends or subject changes* That's why I want to make more people to know the vgm world. This post enden being way longer than I expected, I think the reason is that I feel there will be a lot of people here that will understand me so I thought I would just let it all out. Also English is not my first languaje so sorry for any mistakes. And if you took the time to read all of this, thank you for your time.
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