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Sonic's up B + up air = fun and deadly. I don't know why I had such an itch to play as him, but I must have done 10 different 7-minute matches with him in a row. He doesn't need the power of the Chaos Emeralds to rule the battlefield, but it helps.

Makai, your grumblings about Link are spot on. They ruined every single one of his best moves, and buffed up his useless moves to a slightly-less-than-useless state. Seriously, his up-b (chargeability be danged), side b, dair, smash a (even with the hidden second strike), and fair are almost garbage now. <sarcasm> But his arrows and bombs are stronger!!!</sarcasm> Sheesh, what a waste. His up-b nerf makes me the most upset. In Melee, if you hit the opponent a moment after you activated the move, they'd be sent far and low, getting plenty of KOs. Now? Nothing.

Thank goodness we have Toon Link.

...They feel right when I use them...


i use ness. a lot of people cant. it's all about who fits your manner of strategy

i happily will allow anyone to put that theory to the test

im always available to play

lets see that sonic that everyone says is cool in action

i'll play you later tonight (1 0r 2 am, if youre about) and see how i do, if you will. aint home atm

I really don't like what they did to Link ... I'm not a big fan of grenades, though.

use toon link. or lots of aerials

also you know you can control the length and strength of the grenade throws right? short throw, grab them, and then you can be more precise. or, hell, throw hard for a bit of knockback. grenades rock

What I love about this game is that every character is usable. I'm maining R.O.B, but I actually like and can use to some degree of proficiency all the other characters, even Yoshi.

Nobody can use Yoshi. He's unplayable.


It's harder, I admit, and he takes a few matches/deaths to get used to, kinda like Dedede or Olimar (for me anyway). Its a completely different way of playing.

Also, I found a guide, got 100% on Subspace, and didn't get shit. Not even a "Congratsulations" pop-up.

I hate Subspace so much now.

also you know you can control the length and strength of the grenade throws right? short throw, grab them, and then you can be more precise. or, hell, throw hard for a bit of knockback. grenades rock

Yeah, or even roll to drop a grenade or shield an attack with a grenade held to defend while the opponent takes damage for attacking the grenade. I use them occasionally, but I just don't like grenades.

About Toon Link, he's even less like the Link I came to know and love than Link himself. A light Link with slow projectiles (and different attacks even [no sex kick, wah]) is not the kind of Link that I love to play as. Melee Link was a stock tank with projectiles useful for setting up combos, strong normals with high knockback, and several recovery options including a really cool, techy one. Spamming arials is not what Link was about.

I actually didn't mind the up b nerf too much. I'm only saddened that they removed its spiking capabilities. :(


I mind the up-B nerf, but that's just because the old up-B had to be one of the most fun moves in melee period. Even the players with the best sportsmenship couldn't help themselves murmur "cheap" everytime they got KOed by it.

I like the new link. He plays different though. His projectiles no longer really setup for combos. In fact, I don't think the new link can combo anything except a couple up-tilts at some low %s. But it's a brawl character in a brawl world now, so he doesn't come up short in a lot of ways that he did before.

Anyway, link is a camper. Just stay planted somewhere and just use the crap out of your projectiles- the bombs are hefty and have a low trajectory that is hard to go under with the small guys, the bow charges up a lot faster and does good damage and has decent knockback, and the boomerang comes out quickly- and although it doesn't help link chain into other moves like it did in melee it is a lot better at messing up people's approaches with it's more horizontal knockback and it's push/pull characteristic.

And that's the whole deal. Camp with projectiles, and let them get punished as they shield/dodge/roll to you with that disjointed hitbox of a sword of his, knock them away(because pretty much of all his moves have pretty solid knockback, it's why you can't combo) and they have to repeat past the projectiles all over again. His Up-B is still very useful out of a shield, and his ranged grab goofs up a lot of shield based approaches. Also, try using his grapple-attack with a short hop. It comes out fast, it completely cancels on landing for 0 lag, has decent knockback and stun, is easily the longest ranged aerial move he has, and can even hit twice for ~8% damage.

His recovery sucks hard though.

OCR tournament to be announced later today.


If it works out anything like that Pokémon tournament you started, I don't have high hopes for it. :P

so i am taking it that you arent going to join

fine wudeva

pessimists out

Bwahaha, I'd love to, really, I would, but I've no internet for the thing. Plus, technically, the 'rents don't know I own it yet. (I've hidden it from them since last July; that's skills, man) Tell you what, though, if you hold one, say, this September or October when I'm back off to a four-year college, I'll definitely enter.


Just added most everyone that was listed in the database, and added my own (2492-3979-7578 ) as well. I PM'ed everyone that requested one, but hope to get some more adds. I'll get on the IRC channel sometime soon and set up some matches there, too. Can't wait to fight you guys. :<

Bwahaha, I'd love to, really, I would, but I've no internet for the thing. Plus, technically, the 'rents don't know I own it yet. (I've hidden it from them since last July; that's skills, man) Tell you what, though, if you hold one, say, this September or October when I'm back off to a four-year college, I'll definitely enter.

Your private life sounds needlessly complicated. You're an interesting one, grasshopper.

Tournament winner fights Global-Trance???? *scratches head*

Is it going to be one of those item tournaments?

What is this I keep hearing about item tournaments? I haven't been on smashboards in awhile so I may have missed something..?


Just unlocked the last character I needed. [spoilers] They made Wolf a pain to find, and finally decided to look online for how to get him. Good thing I guess, since I wouldn't have unlocked him for a while the other way (I only had about 250 matches, and he required 450). [/spoilers]

What is this I keep hearing about item tournaments? I haven't been on smashboards in awhile so I may have missed something..?

I dunno, but a lot of people seem to like these.

G-T's still a bit sore from losing in the first round of the UnMod tournament to a green shell.

Way too true.

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