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Soothing. Mysterious. Kalm. ;)

It has a nice flow created by the harp and the deep strings, almost hypnotic. I would have taken more advantage of that part, meaning I would have extended it. But it works perfectly as it is, you just want to listen to it again.



Agreeage. Calm, and whatnot. Mysterious and whatnot. Wonderful and whatnot. ;)

Nicely blended all the way around. Perfect dynamics. I think thats what makes it so immersive: The fact that its so well done. I find no fault whatsoever.

The mp3 encoder gets pissed off from the soaring strings, but thats not Russell's fault. Otherwise,


-Dale North


Final Fantasy VII is my favorite game of all time for many reasons.

One of those reasons, is this song, and the story it represents.

How 7 years ago ShinRa Energy and Power sent a troop of soldiers to the town of Nibelhiem to inspect the Makou reactor. This is the song that plays as Barrett, Tifa, Red XIII, and Aeris sit around listening to Cloud tell his story up in the hotel of calm. Russell Cox could not have picked a better, more emotional, more meaningful song to remix, and he couldn't have done a better job of arranging it if he was Uematsu himself.

Russell Cox. Man. Musician. Genius.

Final Fantasy VII is my favorite game of all time for many reasons.

One of those reasons, is this song, and the story it represents.

How 7 years ago ShinRa Energy and Power sent a troop of soldiers to the town of Nibelhiem to inspect the Makou reactor. This is the song that plays as Barrett, Tifa, Red XIII, and Aeris sit around listening to Cloud tell his story up in the hotel of calm. Russell Cox could not have picked a better, more emotional, more meaningful song to remix, and he couldn't have done a better job of arranging it if he was Uematsu himself.

Russell Cox. Man. Musician. Genius.



Man, I just wanted to say this is a great arrangement. I love the instruments and the overall quality. I really don't have any complaints with this one, but I LOVE the harp parts, and the occasional Horn parts and I think you should have incorperated more of those, because they were very nice to listen to.


I've had this on my computer for awhile now, and I still listen to it. It was originally on VGMix. I get as many of Russell Cox's ReMixes as I can!! He has an ingenious way of ReMixing these songs.

I always have felt that if anyone was to make a live-action film of Final Fantasy VII (or Ninja Gaiden -- the other ReMix that he has) I would hope that they would hire him to do the score soundtrack.

Always excellent work, and I hope very much to hear more.


Russell MADE me listen to this song hehe, but I'm glad he did, this song is ummm Pretty heh in a good way

Wish i could make my crap music sound this good hehe

Congrats Russell, this song kicks ass

(yes my reviews suck, but ah well, not my fault heh)

:cry: *sniff* man, I feel like my brother just died or something. Or like someone with a really long sword just wiped out my village and walked off. Oh wait, wait, I think I know why! This is from Lord of the Rings right? no? Well it kicks ass all the same. I mean, this song wasn't even all that good in the game. Sometimes, the most beautiful things come in tacky, poorly wrapped wrapping paper. But as soon as you smash the package and burn the paper, you get a rash. Or something... :?
  • 1 month later...


I've had this on my computer for awhile now, and I still listen to it. It was originally on VGMix. I get as many of Russell Cox's ReMixes as I can!! He has an ingenious way of ReMixing these songs.

I always have felt that if anyone was to make a live-action film of Final Fantasy VII (or Ninja Gaiden -- the other ReMix that he has) I would hope that they would hire him to do the score soundtrack.

Always excellent work, and I hope very much to hear more.



I like symphony and orchestra, but not with the classical feel to it - not efficient enough, or something. This is good, very good. My favorite Russel Cox.

At 2:41 (though my player is often off with it's time keeper) those strings (I think) change chords, and become almost dissonant what with that sharp-sounding bit. But it still sounds right, it just brings out emotion, like the people playing the instruments are trying not to cry. Waah! ;)

  • 9 months later...
At 2:41 (though my player is often off with it's time keeper) those strings (I think) change chords, and become almost dissonant what with that sharp-sounding bit.

actually i think that's also part of the original to some extent, although i've got this so "confused" with the original(mostly due to the fact that i dont listen to it anymore, because this is better).

anyway, nice! and i resurrect the star system with giving this one....fifteen stars.


I have only one word to describe this piece...-whoa-...I mean, honestly, you can tell this had a lot of feeling put into it. I am not much into classical (although I am known to listen to it from time to time) but this piece would probably even move a rock -n- roll die hard fan (considering if "he/she" was a FF fan mind you) to emotion...

Awesome job, Russell! :D


Very relaxing. To me, it just sounds like an orchestral version of the original song, which isn't a bad thing. It rekindles memories of those terrible, heartbreaking times in FF7. Very emotional and very epic.


Wow, this song brings back memories. Russel did an EXCELLENT job remixing this baby. It's pure, in emotion, power, and majesty.

It really captures Cloud's exposition, in crystal clear musical form. I just cannot imagine a better job than what Russel has already done with this. It's breath-taking, and awe-inspiring.

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