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Castlevania 'Grim Reaper'

Definitely sounds like a tracker but that's OK. The guitar actually sounds pretty cool, though at times the bass does overpower it. The song includes some synth in the second half as well as percussion, and the synth gets a little funky and out of place, in my opinion. I'd say this mix is OK at best. The ending is "super-couldn't-be-more-abrupt-if-it-wanted-to", which is bad.

  • 4 weeks later...

One of the first remixes I heard here. Actually, this is how I found OCR back in the day. I search for CV remixes and this one came up. I love this one! The ending is the only part I actually do not like though, as said before, its just too much of a cut off, like membler didnt know where to go with it.

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I just listened to the original for the first time a minute ago. I thought the same thing about the organ being out of tune, especially beginning at 1:38--or at least something strange about it. But instead of it being out of tune, I think Memblers is just using different intervals for this part than the original. The resulting dissonances made, to me, a section that's infinitely "spookier" and more unsettling than the original. I can say the same about the rest of the piece. I love it when I can be made unsettled or uncomfortable by a piece. You don't need a lot of instruments or other complexities to have a great piece; this is the proof.

Ending's quite abrupt, but that's tracker music for you.

I'd almost want to try this one myself, but it wouldn't be as good or as original as Memblers'. Very good work.

  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The begining is great. If I were to judge it just based on the acoustic guitar and some of the early organ stuff I would give it a 9/10. When the organ first comes in, it seems to have a little trouble blending with (and not drowning out) the guitar, but it still makes a good addition to the arrangement as the acoustic guitar would have become repetative if used by itself for the whole 3 minutes. The off-key-ness of the organ after 1:38 really drags it down though, and it needs and ending. It sounds like when djpretzel was downloading it the download got cut off toward the end and he forgot to go back to it. Because of the sour ending by the time its over you almost don't remember what it was that made it so great. Fix the organ and give it a proper ending (hopefully doing one final run of the guitar by itself in the process) and I would rate it truly excellent.

  • 4 months later...

I also really don't like the ending. I thought my download had screwed up, it's completely cut-off. It doesn't sound intentional at all and I don't like it. It's a shame, because other than that, it's a cool mix.

Edit: Just listened to it again. Sure this isn't a mistake? The note it ends on doesn't seem like the right note to end it on, and it seems partially cut off. Was this thing uploaded correctly?

Edit again: Nevermind.

Ahhh, so nice to see new contributions from our 'veteran' ReMixers . . . well, the Site ain't even 1 year old yet . . . but you know what I mean :) Memblers, as I have previously stated, has his own unique thing going on. Many are confused when listening to his ReMixes because they're all short and often cut off abruptly, like this one, but take my word - it's SUPPOSED to be that way. The songs, originally, looped, and instead of a fade Memblers has just opted to truncate at the loop point.

Still think you could come up with a better signature than that though.

  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I love the guitar in this track. It sounds almost slightly flamenco. The bass is understated and supplements the track well. I also think that the juxtaposition of the Organ and the Guitar are perfect for the track. My only complaint is the abrupt ending. However, I heard that there is a version with a proper ending which would be great.

  • 8 months later...

Well, I honestly thought a fight with the Reaper should have a bit more of a wall-of-sound feel, like many of CotMM's works. Honestly, I don't think "spooky" is quite what you're after when you're fighting the Destroying Angel himself.

On a complete tangent... Why the hell did they make the ANGEL of death a boss in DRACULA'S castle? It just don't make sense. Oh well.

  • 2 years later...

Starts out pretty weak with a constant and loud hiss. The guitar sample is actually pretty decent, but that bass hiss and the organ are not so good. Pitchbend on the organ is MADNESS, and the part is either way out of tune, or you are writing in 2 different keys.

It needs an ending as well.

Sorry, I don't really like this one.

  • 1 year later...

This is much better than his Gradius mix IMO. Obviously it's still tracker stuff, especially with the infuriating non-ending (cause a lot of tracker music is supposed to loop).

I think the guitar and organ had some neat parts especially. around :37 was very well done, and I actually liked the organ at 1:38 (though it would probably infuriate most people for being so deliberately offkey).

This could have been a really nice arrangement if it was expanded and had some better sounds. As it is, I'm not gonna write it off cause of some of the neat parts, but it's not something I'd really listen to.

  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

As many other Ocremixers here, this was my very first song I ever heard in this site and I loved it. It's been hundreds of years since I didn't come around the site and now recalling this song I happily find there's a complete version of it. I have to agree with Andino that this new version (see his tread or go to http://membler-industries.com/music/remixes/castlevania%20-%20Grim%20Reamer.mp3) is a WAY much better and stylized version AND it has an ending. Memblers thanks for re arrange it ^^ I't been so many years for me to hear this nice song and you made it. Thanks and thanks to Andino to make this subject clear.

  • 1 year later...

I was into the the guitar stuff in the beginning - it was simple and elegant. Then, about a minute in, it kinda shifts gears entirely into some kinda of dance/organ thing. It did sound out of key, especially at the end - it was a little grating.

I think it should have stuck with the guitar. Reminded me of Rodrigo Y Gabriela.

  • 2 years later...

Okay, so hearing the other version on his actual site, I can at least retract several comments I would have made about the loud hissing noises, a couple (not all, but some) off-key notes in the organ and guitar and it does sound better there than in the preview here. It's not night and day, but it's immensely more tolerable on his actual site to say the least. Not really digging the fade-out ending, and not because it's a fade-out, but because I think an actual melodically driven ending would have been better, but that's just me.

  • 1 year later...

Basing these comments on the updated version a few posts ago:


Kind of alright with that unusually loud bass, but you'll almost never hear me complain about bass anyway. Besides that, well it's really simple. The guitar is a pretty solid sample, and I agree that a whole mix in the style of the first minute would have been neat. The organ isn't bad, but does make this a bit more 'typical' in terms of Castlevania remixes. Which isn't bad, I guess. The drums are a little weak and basic though, barely registering at all. Not one of my favorites but there's some good ideas here.


That bass and that hiss feel so off. I think the bass sample may have been recorded with the hiss in there, because you get that phase reset on each note. The guitar ain't bad but it's noticeably tracker or MIDI. The wide kick is really weird. It's an OK track but it just doesn't do it for me. :/

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00087 - Castlevania "Grim Reaper"
  • 5 weeks later...

Memblers, I am coming out of the pure woodwork to make this, my first post in some 13 years, a declaration that whether you or anyone else on this board knew it or not, you were ahead of your time in this mix.

Your mix fit the obscure and frightening mood of Castlevania with introspective solo classical-style guitar and imposing, colorful organ. Here are some specific aspects that lend this piece its color and interest (I assume this piece is in the key of C minor):

  • Great variety of guitar picking samples -- the very hard attack of picks near the bridge, and the open, rounder sounds of picks near the sound chamber; 
  • Special attention to dynamics in the solo;
  • Good use and control of tremolo picking at 0:37;
  • Nice, interesting release of tension by sliding the organ to the raised third (E natural?) at 1:08, an interval not in C minor;
  • Clever use of the 7th (perfect 4th of the root key) at 1:19;

and my favorite part, 1:39 and on: the chromatic, meandering organ line in place of the original's fugue (which is simply overused in Castlevania soundtracks and, at this point, has become trite) makes this passage beautiful, terrifying, colorful, and fit the character of the game so nicely. This is the sort of color that I've heard from Scriabin, Debussy, Bartok, and Stravinsky. Some pretty nice company you have there.

I know you're probably proud of the re-work that you did, which people seem to like, but my opinion is that your original only needed a more conclusive ending. Again, a job very well done and thank you for this early treasure of OCR.

  • 5 years later...

This is SO CLOSE to being a good remix, even a great one!  But it is stopped dead in its tracks by some glaring flaws.

What's with the engineering on this one?  It's like the artist's six year old nephew came in and starting twisting the volume knob on the tracks just to be funny.  We have these strong melodies starting and then suddenly dropping off into quiet solitude.  And elsewhere in the song it does the opposite.

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