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This mix has addictive, limitless energy... all the benefits of crack but without the wife-beating.

But doesn't it seems as though some of the chords have been changed for the worse? Every time the first theme comes to a close, the harmony seems to dissolve. Here's the nerdy part: in the original, the final chord of the theme is this great 2nd-inversion (F# on top) d major over an E bass, but here there isn't even a chord, just that F# over an F# bass. Obnoxiously technical, but after all that lush shit that F# always seems pretty lonely.


in the original, the final chord of the theme is this great 2nd-inversion (F# on top) d major over an E bass, but here there isn't even a chord, just that F# over an F# bass. Obnoxiously technical, but after all that lush shit that F# always seems pretty lonely.

In my personal opinion, the power of the single note compliments the strength and adds better resolution to this somewhat crazy off-the-wall style of this mix. And no offence Unipulator, but "obnoxiously technical" doesnt even begin to describe the level of nit-picking your going at here. I understand you want to accurately describe what you feel is wrong with this mix, but I don't know, seems kinda wierd. Anyways, this mix rulez!!!11! I don't think anyone likes anything repetitive, and this mix throws tons of ideas at you all at once! I LUVS IT! The tiniest little things in the background add almost subliminaly to the greatness. (example: 0:27- the noise in the background that sorta sounds like, for lack of a better desciption, little gnomes hammering things) And sounds that would ruin most mixes improve the fun of this one. (example 2:00- sounds like the "you're wrong" buzzer on game shows) If you couldn't tell already, I luvs this mix.


Maaaannn! I was lookin for this everywhere! After downloading your song and burning it on a disk, i deleted it off the computer. Then the disk broke and VGMIX went down!

Anyway, this is one of my favorite remixes of all time. I love that weird "tshsc" beat. However, the instrument choice for the main theme was kinda annoying, too bad you couldn't have used something a little smoother like in "Temporal Distortion."

  • 6 months later...

I honestly enjoyed this one a lot, probably my favorite techno remix of Crono's Theme I've heard. I like the effects, the distortion, the scratching, and the skipping effect. This remix is head and shoulders above the others I've heard of Crono's Theme. Both addictive, and pushing the envelope, but close enough to the original not to piss off and big fans of the game.

Defenitely a keeper.

  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I'm really surprised that J:/Drive doesn't have more remixes here as he obviously has loads of skill. This has been my favorite mix for a long time now mainly because I've long held the Chrono Trigger tune as my favorite on the OST and this is a mix that really does it justice. After a few listens of this the original sounds flat.

NJ Rating: Aural Sex.

  • 3 months later...

There's only one way I can think of to describe this remix - bloody incredible. Someone who hasn't played the game can listen to this, and immediately get a feel of the epic nature of it, while someone who has played will probably feel like the story's being retold without words. Of all the Chrono Trigger remixes I've heard, this is probably the best.

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This is one of my all-time favorite remixes on the site. The fusion of complex drumwork, multiple echoing melody lines, and excellent panning make me very happy. It doesn't get old at all at the 5:31 mark (which is saying a LOT because most songs in the 5-6 minute range bore long before they finish).

Awesome awesome awesome. Oh, and he picked great source material. :)

  • 2 months later...

This does Chrono Trigger the justice it deserves...Truly an epic tribute to the greatest game of all time. The way it plays sporadically yet melodically is just beautiful, it almost drove me to tears at 3:18 - 3:38, the arosen tension then relieved by even more brilliance.

Best Chrono remix ever. Hands down.

  • 3 months later...

THIS IS THE WORST ORCHESTRAL REMIX I´VE HEARD, AND....what? it´s a techno? OOOOOhhhhhh..I see.

Just kidding. This was quite the techno remix, you´ll never get tired of the Premonition, eh dudes? But personally, I just thought that this is too overstuffed. My heart melted at the beautiful part at 2:08, it really did, sounded like Chaos theme from FF1. Nice, but when that part came again at 3:37, it didn´t fit with all those technonoises in the back. Maybe I´m too orchestric, but this was just not my style.:whatevaa:

And how did you manage to find that giant pendulum in the beginning and end, THAT one was cool. 8)

  • 1 year later...

One of the first OC remixes I ever heard and still probably the best one, this song is amazing no matter how many times you play it. This would usually be way to techno for me, especially considering its took from chrono trigger, but theres just something about this which makes it stand out. Love the ending to it, fits it so well, especially that insane part at 4:20. What can I say, great job. :D

  • 7 months later...

Wow guys...

Thanks everyone for all of your excellent critiques and comments. I remember working on this mix at my little kitchen table/ haphazard computer/sound mixing set up in my Dad's old small apartment... AND with my old ass HP computer that probably couldn't handle most of the stuff I work on now...

Since then I've evolved as a musician and composer in WaveTheory and with my solo work.

When I first submitted this mix- it was "From Wood Sword To Katana"- I liked the title, but I think I had to re-submit it for some reason, to fix some things- I'm not exactly sure why. Anyway, I think I needed to change the title because I posted it on VGmix first, then here, because it had to go through DJP. I guess I might have thought that the first title was a little cheese...

There are so many comments, I don't know where to start- but I'll end this by saying that I'm planning on submitting more remixes- and they will be CT for the most part. I'm looking to re-interpret some of my favorites.

As far as all the "just another CT remix- whoopie" jumbo- I can understand if people are tired of them, but I love the game, love the music even more- and I wouldn't have it any other way. If you don't want to hear "another CT remix" then don't listen to them :P Besides, there's a reason so many people keep doing them...

Comparing me to AE and Digimatic is totally fine, because they're my brothers and bandmates as many of you know. You'll find I have branched off with my own style though, so look out.

I'm interested in doing remixes for other games, especially now that my mixing, and arranging skills are tons better. Maybe even with some vocals.

J:/Drive won't be known for the "one remix" for much longer...

Maybe I'll be to CT remixes as AE is to MegaMan? lol... probably not.

I did submit the 600 A.D. mix, but DJP rejected that one. I think Alex (AE) even voted to not accept it! lol... I think it had mixing issues. At the time I didn't think sound quality was as important as the content of the composition. Oh well...

I couldn't remember my password for my old account, so I made this one. Glad to be back.

  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

OK, on my trip to 1000 I found that HAD already written a review for this song, but again, this is a fantastically written remix.

The drumwork never gets old. He keeps it exciting the entire piece through as opposed to my own drum looped-ness. The build up at the end is fantastic. It gets more and more complex, adding layers upon layers and then drops them all out again and starts thumping the bass and then building back up a SECOND time. And even though this would seem to get repetitive, it's the part I look forward to every time.

The central section where the theme gets obscured and starts just wandering around through some dissonant harmonies was a part that had to grow on me, but the more I listened to it, the more I appreciated how he had to do quite a bit of original work on that section as opposed to just staying on the melody all the way through. Great segue to get back to the B section of the theme.

I can't say enough about this song. It's really well written and I wish he had stuck around and done more. Oh, and I feel like it gave new life to the overused theme (although I really enjoy the theme).

  • 8 months later...

thinking about remixing another CT track.

The "Omen" theme (not sure whatever everyone else calls it)-

OR "The Masamune" theme or "Frog" theme or "Cyrus" theme (whatever you call it)...

Damn, it's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to, step to... step to... step to.:oops:

  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Some really good ideas here keeping the theme pretty fresh and moving in some unexpected directions. I can definitely hear the comparison to AE in a lot of aspects, but there is a distinct flavor here as well. Some of the little stutters are in a really strange mode, but it gives attention to them in a way i'd normally overlook, and doesn't really detract, so nice work. :-)

Too bad this was the only mix by J:drive.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00922 - Chrono Trigger "A World Awaits Chrono"
  • 1 year later...

I've almost ignored this track completly for a long time for some reason... Probably the first impression wasn't that good, heh. But man, I love it so much now :) The beats are damn hot, the synth work is pretty intense, and some string action seems quite appropriate as well - certainly feels like a journey through time and space with all these subtle changes throught the whole song - especially love that transition at 4:20, which gives me chills just every time. Definitely worth the download!

  • 3 years later...

The first half is still great by today's standards, listening to the VGMix version (which is 160kbps instead of 128). But somewhere in the 2nd half, all the sounds become less distinct from each other, too much blending into one sound field. I was ready to add this to one of the best 200 game remixes of all time! It's really cool reading how enamored SGX was by this mix in 2003.

14 minutes ago, Audity said:

The first half is still great by today's standards, listening to the VGMix version (which is 160kbps instead of 128). But somewhere in the 2nd half, all the sounds become less distinct from each other, too much blending into one sound field. I was ready to add this to one of the best 200 game remixes of all time! It's really cool reading how enamored SGX was by this mix in 2003.

Message me a copy of the 160kbps version, if you have it. :-)

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