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OCR00925 - Final Fantasy IV "A Chocobo's Mystic Life"


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Wow. This ReMix got a sub-par, completely distracted write up. But don't let it fool you! This song totally kicks ass.

Not to keen on the choice for the ending, but this is a great song.

It's ONE HUNDRED MEGATONS OF HAPPY in 2 minutes, 37 seconds! Play this back-to-back with dabombinc.'s DABOMB OC ReMix and just TRY to not smile.

Not possible. Unless you have no heart... or you're Margret Thatcher.

Nice flutes, interesting variations to the traditional melody and a dancable beat (yes, I gave the feet the ol' test run with this one).

A must for anyone who likes smiling. :mrgreen:

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The sliding doors open and I grab a cart.

0:11 I look around....

0:20 Straighten my hat...

0:23 I'm off!

I'm running thru the supermarket, hair blowing back- powersliding with my cart around the aisle corners.

0: 37 I wink at cute girls as I pass by, I throw a box of pop tarts in my cart.

1:02 bobbin my head while browsing cereal. Cocoa krispies!

1:28 breezing thru deli, still bobbin my head.

1:37 I see people clapping on the soup isle

1:51 even the stockboys are dancing while stocking milk

2:03 I check my grocery list and catch my breath (lol, listen it fits!)

2:10 check out, first in line

2:31 swipe my atm card, tip my hat, and I'm off....

2:40 I smile while I walk out the door, as I stole a pack of bubblelicious. (watermellon)

No really, what a great remix. Its fun, lively, and well thought out. The transitions are great, hell all of it was. I'd dare say that Mexieus knows his stuff. To date, my favorite Chocobo mix.


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hey Mexieus.. Mex-ie-uS... er.. Start the song! Overall? A pretty good song. The intro and the ending have some issues with me, But if your a fan of any Chocobo Theme then its worth checking. Easier-going listeners will enjoy the happy and fun vibe it puts out.

0:01 - Piano's good here.. the backings are strong, but the lead feels too strong, and I also dislike the selection of instrument, maybe not the instrument, just the quality of it. its got a fasle sense about it that the other instruments don't seem to portray.

0:38 - Cool Synth-ish backing.. Love the additions to the song, i wish i had the original to compare it to.

0:52 - Right here is where the mix's "goodness" starts to come through, while the beginning wasnt as "diggable" as this, you certainly start catching the groove now.

1:10 - Cool work, The beat fits pretty well, and all the instruments fit well together, and it sounds really good. The Melody takes front stage as it should, and it sounds supported. Good work.

1:40 - You could do a LOT more here.

1:49 - Nice adaption..but you could push it even farther.

2:03 - Didn't like this short "transition" It was nasty. you just jumped right out, felt pretty rushed.

2:22 - Pretty solid work here.. But i hope it gets better.

2:32 - This gets to me. A PERFECT spot to make it longer.. and you just end it.. Its over. yea. you only get 2:40. well sorry but I don't like that at all, the mix is in general is too short. Blea

2:38 - On TOP of that. the ending doesnt fit the mood quite well either, it felt rushed.. And it didn't sound that great.

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To me, this started out like if Chocobo had a solo rpg, and that was the town theme. Then it started sounding like a JPop tune from a chocobo-oriented anime.

I really like what came out here, good job!

Hahaha I listened to the song while reading Dale North's review; that makes this song a lot more awesome! (Not that it was before). :D

Don't you mean "not that it wasn't before"? Unless you ARE saying it wasn't awesome before... I digress.

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Just noticed this, but I love the part that sounds like the old Mary Tyler Moore Show: "You're going to make it after all!" at around 2:24.

That's two mixes I noticed that did that. Weird.

HAHA! your right! thats awsome! this is a kick ass song btw, i am lovin it. We definatly need more Peppy Songs, I was gonna say Happy Hardcore, but this isnt "Hardcore" to me, but it is happy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok song, but the ending just irks me... but that seems to be his style

If you have ever heard the many other Mex songs, they all have that same rushed-cheesy-tacked on endings... Now, if he were to end his songs in the same manner as making them (instead of "getting bored and ending it") he'd be such a great composer,

Now ifonly he'd go back to his old euro-techno style....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mmmm... I like it. Lots. No really. I'm still listening to it on a daily basis. Fun, bouncy and interesting. Nicely made and keeps the attention.

My only minor niggle with it is it's shortness: the various sections seemed a bit breif and the song could have had another 30s added to it to round it out a bit more.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

Being a chocobo myslef...(ive had many owners...though i seem to be worth only a buck...)I find this to be a wonderful experience. I close my eyes and imagine my big yellow wings flapping through the air, soaring high above the clouds. But alas, when the song is over, I start to fall and I wake up from my little day dream. Tis a wonderful song, indeed. It brings tears to my humble choco eyes. Keep up the good work.Wark!

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