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Hey guys. Dave worked really hard on a lot of backend shit today. You won't really see any differences, but its a big deal as far as behind the scenes stuff goes. LETS SHOW SOME APPRECIATION


RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

edit: god its late i should sleep

Muchos Gracias!/quote]

Way to say "Muchas gracias."

Also, the no-Larries forum is the best thing to happen to OCR in the history of everything.

Thanks for improving OCR!

I love the "hide all sensible comments" feature of the control pannel.

gg dave

Is there a way to disable that feature?

Thanks DJP!

Visible changes or it didn't happen!

I know you're joking and all, but my thanks might be a little more meaningful if I had some idea of he actually did. "He did some stuff and now the site is better, trust me" falls a little flat in my book.

Let me know and he'll have my gratitude.

I'd say the basis of his comment is justified

Except that:

  1. If I thought the meaning of what I coded would be transparent and easy to convey, I would have done so.
  2. Having to explain it, especially when it's likely to mean nothing to most visitors, is basically a waste of my time, which the initial post should have indicated is in rather short supply.

Furthermore, I don't give two fucks whether I've earned the respect of "Pezman" or not. The only thing he's earned, in my book, is an opinion of him as being a self-important asshole who's deluded into thinking everyone should explain themselves so as to earn his respect, which I'm guessing he's probably the highest assessor of.

If you want to be ungrateful, rude, and self-important, do it somewhere else. The point of the thread was that I spend a shitload of time working on the site, and often it's on stuff you don't see. In this case, switching from mysql to mysqli and refactoring datalists into a class hierarchy. There, hope that satisfies you.

Maybe someday, when you pour your heart into something and experience such degrees of ego combined with dismissive attitude, you'll learn to understand that whether the "basis" of a such a comment is "justified" really isn't the point...

I'd say the basis of his comment is justified

While Dave said it best, I'd just like to add that this thread for for the purpose of SHOWING APPRECIATION for the specific hard-work he did. He mentioned late that night before going to bed that he'd spent something like 6 hours coding things. I figured I'd mention it to everyone, even if such things were invisible to the end user, so that we could all just collectively say "Hey, thanks."

Dismissing my post as "he did some stuff to the site, trust me" insinuates that I'm lying about it. Why would I lie about it? Can't you people just show some appreciation without overthinking things just once? Sometimes I'm baffled by some people here. :|

Anyway I just wanna say that I'm glad a few people understood the point of this thread.



oh ya and with little coding i have done in my life i can appreciate crazy coding that people do

that crap is DIFFICULT

While Dave said it best, I'd just like to add that this thread for for the purpose of SHOWING APPRECIATION for the specific hard-work he did. He mentioned late that night before going to bed that he'd spent something like 6 hours coding things. I figured I'd mention it to everyone, even if such things were invisible to the end user, so that we could all just collectively say "Hey, thanks."

Dismissing my post as "he did some stuff to the site, trust me" insinuates that I'm lying about it. Why would I lie about it? Can't you people just show some appreciation without overthinking things just once? Sometimes I'm baffled by some people here. :|

Anyway I just wanna say that I'm glad a few people understood the point of this thread.

I understand the point of this thread, and I never said anything about not appreciating the effort put in by DJP. I simply stated that I thought Pezmans comment was justified, after you simply dismissed his post calling him a jerk, rather than responding with some sort of valid argument. Its similiar to the childhood arguments where one will call the other ugly or stupid, something along those lines not responding on the topic, and the child is deemed to have 'won' the argument despite unless the other responds in a similiar manner (which isnt possible on a forum vs a mod). Rather than just calling him names you could have made comments like Dave and yourself just did, or simply ignored his post. My assumption would be that the wording of the original post may have prompted Pezmans response; I wouldnt neccessarily have 'thanks' for DJP for this recent coding binge (unless I knew what I'm thankful for), however I am (and have been since the discovery of this site) thankful/appreciative of DJPs continued efforts on this site.

TlDr; I was simply pointing out that Pezmans point was a valid one, and DS's response to Pezman was unnecessary and unsatisfactory imo.

DJP: Sorry, that post was directed toward DS, and was not meant the way you read it. Regardless of what you have been/are doing, you still get lots of thanks for this website, for future and retroactive efforts. Thank you, and again apologies for the miscommunication.

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