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  Arek the Absolute said:
For this bullshit, they better have exclusive songs like a billion songs from F-zero and metal versions of metroid songs or something cause this is just seriously fucking retarded.

Yeah, playing Upper Crateria from MetroidMetal would be pretty sweet.

  Gorgonian14 said:
Except that I don't want to play any of the xbox 360's games, including this one?

if youre telling me that you enjoy the wii and its extremely wide array of excellent AAA titles you amuse me


Well fuck you too, EA. Let me guess, you'll also go ahead and just give us a worthless PS2 port with graphics the N64 could have pulled off? And stick in mono sound while you're at it?

Why the hell do GH3 AND Rock Band both have to get the pine tree up the ass for the Wii versions?


No DLC for the Wii version of Rock Band eh?

Aight, fuck you too EA. I'm not buying your gimped product.

Oh, and nobody can really blame this on the Nintendi Wii multiplayer setup (which as we all know sucks) because EA has already shown it can do its own infrastructure just fine.

  Atma said:
if youre telling me that you enjoy the wii and its extremely wide array of excellent AAA titles you amuse me
  IbanezNinja said:
The wii is terrible, more at 11.

These two posts win at this thread and sum up my feelings on the console as well.

Terribly played Nintendo and EA. Terribly played.

  sephfire said:
The Wii has almost no hard drive space and gimped online service. This news is disappointing, but it's not like it should come as a huge surprise.

Not only that, but it's my understanding that the systems storage can't even be expanded to allow for more downloaded content.

I find it amazing that people are shocked by this as well. Complaining about a system that lacks the ability to really support massive amounts of DLC and the worst online implementation this generation, receiving a game with no online features at all is pretty funny to be honest. Though if you want the real reason for no online multiplayer, it's likely because it's a straight PS2 port and EA doesn't care enough to alter it at all. Frankly, it's what happens when you have a system that's cheap to develop for and that popular. I'm sure there will be plenty of fools out there who buy it for the Wii and never notice or care that they're getting a straight port from a weaker system, and since EA will be making buttloads of money despite the lack of online, I can't blame them for not caring. Maybe if Wii owners stopped buying gimped ports of good games 3rd parties might start to give a crap about them.

  Gorgonian14 said:
If you're telling me you don't think it is possible to like Nintendo's games more than most other companies' games, you amuse me.

I don't think that's what he's saying; I think he means there's no AAA titles on the console except for Nintendo titles. That said, I wouldn't say anything Nintendo's done on the console so far is particularly amazing. They're so afraid of trying anything new lately that I'd swear they changed their name to Electronic Arts.

  Vivi22 said:

I don't think that's what he's saying; I think he means there's no AAA titles on the console except for Nintendo titles. That said, I wouldn't say anything Nintendo's done on the console so far is particularly amazing. They're so afraid of trying anything new lately that I'd swear they changed their name to Electronic Arts.

I am unconcerned with what people consider AAA titles and whether or not people besides Nintendo have published them All I'm concerned with is that the games I want to play come out for the Wii at an almost 100% rate (I don't mean I want to play every Wii game by this, I mean that if a game comes out I want to play, it is almost always for the Wii), while the games for the Xbox 360 appeal to me at almost a 0% rate. There is no reason for me to purchase an Xbox 360. That is all I was pointing out.

To add to this, one of the biggest games of the year to me that is multi-platform is Pro Evolution Soccer 2008. It is far superior on the Wii over the other versions. I truly feel like what Konami has done with the Wii version of that game could revolutionize sports gaming on consoles (at least I hope so).

It doesn't bother me that some others don't share this view.

  sephfire said:
The Wii has almost no hard drive space and gimped online service. This news is disappointing, but it's not like it should come as a huge surprise.

I think that this is the most sensible thing said in this whole thread.

I know a lot of people who own Wii's and I don't think many of them will really miss online play (hell, most of the people I know who own it for the 360 wouldn't miss online play). If you really want the full enjoy ment out of the game you need 1-3 other people... playng in the same room with you. Playing online is basically the same as playing by yourself really. Yes, it is a cool option to have, but it really doesn't add a lot to the games enjoyment.

Sure they could have spent a bunch of money implementing a somewhat functional online system that most of the people who buy the game won't use very often. Or they could save the cash (and the hassle).

As for the graphics, do you think 90% of Wii owners are going to notice that it's a PS2 port? I don't.


I find it interesting how often people focus on the graphics in games...

I wish we were all like Zero Punctuation, where graphics are only mentioned if they're outstanding.

As far as bad graphics in games like GHIII and RB go, really, when you're focused on little colored circles coming at you at top speed, whether the girl's hair moves or not really isn't going to bother you.

Plus, someone tell me that mario galaxy isn't a good game. Or brawl. Or metroid 3. Or zelda.

However, i agree that I can't think of a decent 3rd party game ;)

  Overflow said:
Plus, someone tell me that mario galaxy isn't a good game. Or brawl. Or metroid 3. Or zelda.)

That's the whole point. There is virtually no decent third party support for the system. Period. Sure they might all be great games, but they're all first party. Not to mention that the focus as of late has been(and god I hate the fact that I'm saying this) pretty damned kiddy. Nintendo has turned itself into an elite club ala Apple. Now there's a company I know isn't getting a single dime from my pocket.

Of course I do agree with the sentiment that Rock Band is the kind of game that you really do enjoy it more when playing it in the same room with friends. Playing it by yourself online with other people is well... Like playing it with yourself.

It IS ass that there's no DLC for it whatsoever on the Wii version, but blame that on Nintendo's failure that is their Nintendo Network.

  Overflow said:
Plus, someone tell me that mario galaxy isn't a good game. Or brawl. Or metroid 3. Or zelda.

I've yet to play Metroid, but it isn't really that they're bad games so much as they're the same thing as their respective N64/Gamecube iterations all over again, except less innovative and creative (though I will maintain my belief that the Smash Bros. series is terrible until the day I die, and playing Brawl has done nothing but deepen this feeling. I get that tons of people like it, but damned if I understand why). I'd also argue that the Wii Nintendo games just aren't as fun as their predecessors, usually because of things that, while they aren't glaring flaws, really take away from the experience.

At the end of the day, I'll just never understand how people can rag on a series like Madden, or any number of others for rarely doing anything new, yet applaud Nintendo for giving us the same damn games 12 years later. This is the company that showed us 3D games could actually be fun after all. Apparently I'm in the minority for expecting more than the rehashes they try and sell us.

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
These two posts win at this thread and sum up my feelings on the console as well.

Terribly played Nintendo and EA. Terribly played.

Disagree - as far as I'm concerned, the Wii has close to the number of AAA titles as the 360. It's just that it doesn't have as many decent games. No console this gen so far has a lot of AAA titles, but that's just the way it goes in ~2 years of a console generation.

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
It IS ass that there's no DLC for it whatsoever on the Wii version, but blame that on Nintendo's failure that is their Nintendo Network.

The real reason is lack of a hard drive. I can't blame Nintendo for this because it would only be more cost to those casual gamers they've been searching for and it was completely against their marketing idea for the Wii.

The worst bit is that people will have to buy two guitars to have a four person band. Even with the PS3 version they've been bitchy about what guitars can and cannot work with it. It's really stupid. Only the 360 got out well when their wired guitars still worked out just fine.

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