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I've been lurking OCRemix since 2007, but only joined this year. McVaffe has himself a new fan. I've always enjoyed asian style music, and this song kind of reminded me of Shenmue, one of my favourite adventure games and one of a kind to me, just like Okami.

I have yet to play Okami though, I don't have a PS2 but I do have a Wii, and I'm eagerly awaiting it's realase, which souldn't take long from now on. This remix is one of a kind, just like the game from where it comes from and so it fits perfectly.

Thanks liontamer for sending this message to our e-mails! It sure has been worth the time! :nicework:


The production on this track is so pristine and palpable it seems to crystallize in the air around you. Charming arrangement full of subtle percussive touches that reward repeated listens. What a gracefully majestic return from McVaffe. Moar plz.


Wow, it's amazing, so....calm...it's beautiful. I actually just went to see the Peking Acrobats at a fair here in Miami yesterday, and I wanted some "chinese" music, so ching, some chong, lol. So yeah, this definitely wet my appetite, thanks! God bless ya'll


Awesome song from an awesome awesome from the awesome kingdom in awesometon...

I've enjoyed all of your songs greatly and I'm very glad that my favorite mixer from yesteryear is now back and making awesome mixes again. Great work McVaffe, and I can't wait to hear more.


For me, the mix was very pleasing and relaxing to listen to, with that classic Asian feel to it. I've never played Okami, but this ReMix is as incredible as I'm sure the game is. 10/10 :<


This is absolutely friggin' beautiful. As much as I love your other remixes (Crystalline Caverns FTW), this may be my new favorite. Great to hear new stuff from you again.


Oh my god. Awesome.

I really enjoy this kind of music. The flute plus the plucked strings are sweet candy for my ears. Percussion is sweeeeet. I love the relaxing feeling this arrangement gives me, especially the piano solo.

Thank you McVaffe for coming back with this awesome piece of music!


I never post reviews here, but I had to say that I love this song so much that it's made me finally make up my mind on buying Okami for the Wii. For some reason I never got around to playing it on PS2, but after listening to this remix I know I have to have this game. Very nice job McVaffe; I've been listening to your stuff on here for years, so it's nice to finally see you back in action~


Such a lovely piece of music. Every time I listen to it, I get hooked more and more. This is superbly crafted, fo sho.

I think my favorite part has to be from 1:47 - 2:47. So chill, so sweet, I simply love it. The instrumentation, swelling pads, and sense of rhythms simply add up to make me really happy inside, really happy. Actually, this whole song makes me happy. Of course, the chorus is beautiful as well - wonderful source tune to draw from. And because the source tune is excellent - this stands testament to McVaffe's talent - I really prefer this ReMix to the original tune, and I love the original. Props to that. Well, I'm gushing at the seams for this piece, but that isn't really constructive at all, is it?

I'm not a big fan of the piano section around the 3:00 mark, although it is beautiful. I guess it's because it didn't seem in place with the rest of the piece and the instrumentation, because the instrumentation is so wonderful through the rest of the piece. The minute right before the solo piano is incredible, and then the piano kinda takes away from the song in my opinion. I think that section would benefit with a different instrument in place - perhaps he could have used koto there, or some type of zither. Yeah, I understand it's a really nice passage, short-lasting, and a great contrast to the rest of the piece - but I certainly would have enjoyed it more if it felt more in-character with the rest of the song. I guess this is just a personal stylistic choice I don't agree with 100%, but I just wanted to throw that comment out there.

But like I mentioned earlier, I love this ReMix. It's one of my favorites from recent times on OCR. It's so good to see McVaffe back in action on the OCR scene, that gets me so pumped. It's one of those songs where I could stumble back upon a few years (or even 10 or more years) from now, and get extremely nostalgic, listen to it like 20 times in a row, and all that good stuff and it would make my day, every time I found myself listening to it.

Outstanding stuff. To McV: Hope you get a chance to submit more ReMixes to OCR, lookin' forward to listening!


Simply astounding. The rebirth of a God. Fits perfectly in with the Okami theme. I just have to say, I am a huge fan of Okami, and that it takes a lot to impress me with something related to it, because the originals were just SO GOOD. McVaffe, You have done it. My mind is blown.


Oh man, McVaffe.

This is pretty awesome as 'usual' for him, and he has incorporated a certain binaural quality to the track, gotta hear it with headphones to appreciate it. It'd be nice if the file was of higher quality too. :P


fuck, there's a reggae feel later in it, that i freakn dig! McVaffe was definitely my favorite remixer back in the day and one of few remixers who i visited this site for. Great game choice too!!! Maybe we can expect some more underrated game remixes from him in the future??? (please!$#!)


McVaffe, I'm so glad you're back. You are by far my favorite ReMixer.

This is more than anyone here needs to know, but...

Back in '05, when I had just recently discovered OCR, I got into a car accident. I was injured bad enough that I was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks. I was in college, so I had to go to school in a wheelchair. Whenever I wasn't in school, I was living with my parents because they were "taking care" of me. In short, it sucked. But after a long day, it was so soothing to sit down with my laptop and headphones and listen to "Weepy Loop." Audio therapy at its best.

On top of that you have other songs that I still listen to and love, such as "Retro Russian," "Taikal Drum 'n Ragga," and "The Darkness and the Light."

Further, seeing that you're back and reading your interview(s) inspires me to start creating music of my own. Unfortunately, I know nothing about anything related to music creation and I don't have time to learn, but still. That you're back is a great thing to me.

  • 2 weeks later...

This could easily have been part of the original soundtrack as a separate song. It fits in perfectly with the style the original composers used, and yet, at the same time, I can't figure out which song it's a remix of.

I actually found this out after I had listened to the song, as I just started playing Okami for the Wii a few days ago. Amazing game.

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