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The Summer Session of OCR Fit Club has started! Join us in the Competitions thread:



Okay, let me explain a bit.

I've made the decision to start working out every weekday this summer, starting the day after my last final. In addition, I'm going to start watching what I eat... eating out less, cooking more, and cooking healthier. Starting May 3rd. Quote me on that.

Of course, this wouldn't be the first time I made this sort of promise to myself. I think I've said I'd try something like this for the past two summers, to no avail. 'Problem is, there's no accountability. Without any friends or family making similar pacts, nobody's gonna care whether I keep up with my exercise or diet or whatever. I lack self-motivation to really keep up with this kind of thing on my own.

So I wonder. I'm sure I'm not the only person on the internet in a similar quandary. And I came up with this proposal.

Let's have a "competition" of sorts. Obviously, everyone here has different levels of fitness, so we're not interested in who's the healthiest person on OCR. Rather, anyone who wishes to enter this competition, has to make a commitment to some sort of exercise routine, or diet, or both. Then, all you have to do is keep up a good faith effort to follow it for the duration of the competition. You'd be expected to check in at some regular interval (weekly maybe?) and explain how you fared since last check in. For example, if you want to lose weight, you could include that in your check-ins.

What I'd really like to see is people who normally lead healthy lifestyles involved in this too, since you could provide advice or support to the rest of us as well. If you already have an exercise routine, there's no reason not to join... just keep doing what you're doing.

At the end of the competition (perhaps it could last for the summer?), everyone who kept to their workout regimen or diet is a winner. Maybe some clever artist could contribute sig badges for the winners? But the point, of course, is just to encourage healthy habits in our online community. And to make sure I don't have any excuse to slack off working out this summer. :)

I'd gladly organize this competition of sorts, if there's interest in the community. So if you think you may want to participate, leave a post. And if you have any suggestions, please let me know! I'm curious to see how this idea pans out.


I'm glad to see someone interested in this kind of thing, often the best way to keep yourself on a workout schedule is having someone else to keep track of you too, so you're committed to more than just yourself. However, it might be hard get the followup to go with the initial committment. Good luck with this, if it succeeds I'll definitely be checking in often.


Exercise habits: I go to the gym almost everyday.

Dietary plan: I go to a nutritionist who gives me a new diet plan every two weeks.

Weight lost: 30 pounds

Weight left to lose: ? (I need to weigh myself and see my body fat percentage and what not)

Weight goal: I'm 6'0 so ideally I should weight around 180 lbs. but I gained some muscle mass so I don't know what weight would be considered healthy for my height.

Other exercise activities: DDR :)

:nicework: Steben.


This sounds like a good idea. If this gets going, I'm definitely in. I've been needing a good excuse to get my flabby butt moving.

Also, I'm not much of an artist, but let me know if you need any other help getting this thing together.


I used to go rock climbing twice a week with my buds, and the other day i saw a picture of myself 2 years ago, just before we stopped going. I'm not overweight in the least, but dayum, if you saw what i used to look like...

I went climbing for the first time since then on Friday, and I will continue to go at least once a week. I'm in.


Alright, well, this generated enough interest for two hours on a Sunday afternoon for me to think it's worthwhile.

My last final is Friday, so next weekend I'll go about getting this thing organized. In the meantime, keep the suggestions/feedback incoming. :)


I thought about this for a second and thought 'Holy crap...May 3rd is this Saturday!!'...sheesh. These days just keep going faster and faster. This thread emphasises something that I -really- need to do. I weigh in on average at around 260, sometimes fluxating in 5-10 pound increments, usually going up. I dont' like looking or feeling the way I do. Last week I went for a four mile walk, so perhaps if I did more of those a couple times a week, to start off. Count me in.


I'll go ahead and get it out there that I weigh around 270lbs, although most people would never guess that I weigh that much just by looking at me. A lot of my weight is from my naturally large build (lots of football players in my family), but a lot of it is still unmistakably excess weight. I'm not sure how much I can take off over the summer, but I could eventually get down to 200-210 (healthily) if I worked out enough.

I pretty much feel the way megaphone does. I'm not going to devote my life to this or anything, but it's time for this beer gut to go.


I'd be interested in doing this too. I've already had an "eat better" thing going on for the past year and a half or so, and was working out routinely a year ago. I actually just started working out again this past Friday.

I'm 6' and ~230lbs so I could definitely lose about 30 lbs.. I was 250lbs back in late 05 and got down to 215 after some serious working out. I've just let myself go since then :P


Count me in. I spent the last 8 months of last year getting back in shape after letting myself go a bit. Ironically, I've let myself go again in the last 4 months, but even worse than last time. I'm 6'2" right now, and did weigh about 207lbs. back in December. I'm now up to 231, so I want to see that weight gone as quickly as possible. I know my body though, and I know that when I'm working out regularly I'll drop it fast, but I think this is a good motivator.

I'm planning on starting to run and bike again today. I hope to be hitting the gym again soon and I also do Brazillian Jiu Jutsu. Ironically, I hurt my hand there Thursday which is what will be keeping me from the gym for a little while. Oh well, cardio is what I really need right now.


Going off of Arek's post.

As a single OCR chica, I approve this thread. OCR needs more sexy mofos.

I also want to join this. I was up to running 4.5 miles senior year of college, and I've really let go since then. I want to get into walking (starting to have knee issues, so I'm gonna keep it low impact) and maybe some light work out to tone up.

Also, having my SNES set up in front of my treadmill will help motivate me, I hope.


ok! Did a weighing this morning, i'm currently at 175, and I hope to be ideally 185 or so.

I go to the gym 3 times a week right now but have currently plateaued on my weightlifting.

Talking to a few of the trainers there, I've reached the limit of what my body can lift right now (neural gains? something like that), so i need to gain more muscle mass to lift more.

My goal is to look like James from this season of Survivor!





I saw that picture before reading the post, and I thought someone was trying to pull one over on the rest of us by putting up a fake "before" pic. :-P

before and after pics are a must

we gotta show these ocr chicas that we are sexy mofos

well, at least i know im a sexy mofo, but i say we cause this is one thing i want all that participate to feel sexy about

ahhhhh yeeeea

Y'all know I'm sexy! No need to be fit if you've got a beard!

also, nice initative, good luck with this guys. I'm just too lazy


I guess I could participate in this. While I already work out almost every day and am pretty healthy (being a gymnast), I'm trying to get into absolute top shape for next season, so I can come out of retirement and start competing again, and this will be my first season competing at the elite level. Among the events I'd like to compete is one I hadn't (until recently) trained in about six years -- and it's rings, which is pretty much pure strength.

I could also benefit from improving my diet, methinks.

So I guess I'll join if you guys want me to.

I may also be able to provide help in designing a workout, if any of you need it.

EDIT: If anybody cares, I'm about 5'6", and about 142 lb.


Count me in. If we are going to make this a competition we should have some prize to the victor. Maybe all who are involved could put in a five dollar entry fee. Then at the end of the comp we could hand out prizes Like hoodies or t-shirts or things like that. Maybe for diffrent catagories like most weight lost, and most muscle mass gained. maybe by a precentage.

Or something. We would have

to have a verfication system. but its just a thought.

But like I said im in cause Im pretty weak, I am 6`2 and weigh at most 170. So I really want to eguip some bigger guns


There's no way for us to discern who's lying or to quantify the work done or anything. Having prizes would just cause dramarama and frankly isn't something I'd want to deal with.

There's nothing stopping anyone from placing side bets, but I see no compelling reason to have prizes or even placement in the official "competition".

EDIT: Not that I think it's a terrible idea or anything! :-P That had actually occurred to me when I first thought up this thread, but eventually I came to this conclusion.


I've been waiting for someone to make a fitness thread.

Couple of years ago someone made a longass post about workouts designed around those of Bruce Lee. That summer, I picked up a copy of The Art of Expressing the Human Body. I've been working out consistently since.

That said, I'm fairly familiar with weight lifting, circuit training, fat loss, muscle toning, muscle gain, cardiovascular exercise -- you name it.

Qualitatively, I basically went from a high school career of playing no sports, never working out, and doing little more than eating E.L.Fudge cookies and playing Street Fighter -- to running and working out competitively with the UNCW Varsity Row Crew Team in a little more than a year.

If you have any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer.


I'll bite :D

Edit: Alright that was a terrible post.

I'm all about this. This was my first semester at my university, so I was all about avoiding the freshman 15 that all my other chums had gained. But I was still a bit flabby, (Not overweight, just no tone). But then I roomed with a Jock =/. Looking at him everyday was more than enough reason for me to start exercising. I'm on my way to six pack abs, but that's not enough! You can't work out just one part.

So I've been eating healthier and exercising more, but guys, Get FRIENDS who are all about it too! If you guys get a few friends together, it's alot easier to get cardio - You just go out and play a game of basketball or football (Something with running) every day or every other day. My university friends and I have been all about ultimate frisbee the last few weeks. We try to play at least 3 days a week - You'd be surprised at what an hour or two running around catching a frisbee will do for your health.

But yeah, my goals are a little simpler, I want to bulk and get more muscle tone and definition. Not body-builder big, but not the twig that I am currently.

I'll add a picture later.

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