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I didn't see a thread about this yet so...

2 more days! I am beyond exited for this movie. I hope to be seeing it thursday night, and many, many more times after. :)!!

Anyone else exited as I? No one exited at all? Discuss the new movie here.


Reviews are saying was disappointedly average, but then again you can't trust them critics no sir. The trailer looks neat, so I'll probably end up seeing it.

I'll just put on my 'low expectation' goggles and those make every movie awesome.


Being of the very strong opinion that there need to be more good adventure movies, I'm extremely excited about this movie. I know it isn't going to be as good as the old ones; I knew it wouldn't from the time it was announced. I do know however, that even if no one else likes it, I know I will just based on the fact that I love Indiana Jones.

Seriously, I even get stiffies for the flawed adventure movies like The Mummy, Sky Captain, and the like. Of course they're cliched, thats the point, they aren't supposed to be pushing huge dramatic boundaries or aspiring for Oscars. They're supposed to be fun! Anyone who expects otherwise is not only a moron, but a sniffy movie-school-dropout twat.

...Anywho, basically what I'm trying to say is that I know the new Indy isn't going to be great, but thats what I've expected and am hoping for. As long as it isn't utter shit, its gonna be great by my standards.


With George Lucas co-writing the story, you almost have to wonder if the movie will be worth going to. Then again, since Spielberg's still at the helm, it should at the very least be better than any of the recent Star Wars prequel trilogy (pretty much a given).

I think I'm still gonna go into it with lowered expectations though... just in case....

I am, howevered, quite saddened that some favorite characters won't be making a return. Sean Connery turned down an appearance so I don't expect to see the senior Jones in the flic. Unfortunately, I haven't heard any mention of Short Round at all. I have heard that there's some other good cameos though.

I just hope they don't have any botched references in this movie. Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade were great movies, but there were still too many contextual and referential screw ups. Of course, the action makes up for all of that. Here's to hoping that KotCS keeps the story straight without any weird "altered history" this time.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard any mention of Short Round at all.

Yeah, that's one I really wanted to see honestly. Him all grown up. I think it could have left a neat parallel for this whole father/son thing that's in this movie anyway, since Short Round had that experience in a way.

Plus he's a stunt coordinator etc.... Still useful for a Hollywood action flick! :/

Oh well, here's to hoping it's good enough for me!


Watching Harrison Ford's interviews and guest appearances in talk shows recently, the man is really, really old. I mean, he borderline slurs his speech and every word out of his mouth seems to have to do with helicopters and planes.

Pretty sad. I'd rather not see a senile Indiana Jones.


yeah, I just saw it tonight. 11 pm central standard time.

first things first!

overall impression after re-watching the first three movies in a row and then watching the 4th a few hours later: Indy's Back! and He's not pulling any punches.

secondly... the movie dares to veer off into uncharted territories instead of playing it safe with the same old stuff. (I'm being vague to hide any spoilers)

so Props for doing that

its hard to describe how I feel about this movie.

I'll say that there are a few main feelings that I had during the movie. it was a mixture of entertainment, disappointment of unbelievability (even for a Indy movie!), awed at the awesomeness, and sometimes just getting lost in the action/story.

The disappointment went away as fast as it came, and the rest of the sentiments were predominant for most of the film. I was impressed with Shila Labeouf's performance and Ford is still believable as the famous Archaeologist!

Best Scene? Mine at this moment is the 50's diner scene (you'll know the one)

Final thoughts:

Go see this movie, you won't regret it. although it bases itself in reality ( only by a thread at some points) it sticks with its promise: Its an another Indiana Jones movie. Fast, Fun, and Full of action!

I predict this movie shall destroy the box office. And it will be good for everyone.

Yes. I'm re-watching all three of the originals before I see it. Pretty soon the wife and I are going to watch The Last Crusade.


The movie was beyond incredible. Simply put, the best Indiana Jones movie made thus far, and you can believe me when I say there WILL be more. Everything about the movie took everything that makes Indy awesome and turned it up a notch. And rest assured, Shia Lebouffe is no slouch. He does his role and he does it well.

I loved how everyone pretty much admitted that Indy is now old, and just played with it by having him do some seriously outrageous stuff.


I'm going to mull it over before I rank this one with the other three. That's not to say this was a bad movie though. I liked it, and it was full of Jones humor and action, which is the most important part. It was awesome to see the man in another era too.

As mentioned earlier, this one dares to be different, and my group of friends were sharply divided over it. Cryptic, but once you see the film, you'll know.

I had heard rumors about George Lucas purposely not approving the earlier script treatments because he wanted Indy to face a certain something. Looks like he got his way.


Rewatching the first 3 films before seeing this. The Last Crusade (the best of the original trilogy) is up tonight.

Watching Ark last night made me realize how disjointed that film really is; it's hard to make sense of what's going on unless you've seen it many times and are already familiar with the characters. Easily the weakest film of the trilogy (though nearly everyone would argue ToD is, I find it superior to the first due to it being easier to follow; more linear).


I loved spike tv for this - playing the old versions of Indiana Jones within the last week was a nice 'prep' for this new film.

This way we can see all the new wrinkles and gray patches the guy has =D.

Seriously, Harrison Ford rocks, but dude is old.


I saw it last night, and was pleased. I'm still having a difficult time getting over the believability aspect (as mentioned above, it pushes the limits of belief even for an Indy film), but it was definitely a solid film.

The thing I noticed is that the music isn't nearly as good -- the orchestrator is lacking Williams' talent with the brass section, and it shows.


I thought some of the plot devices-hell, all of the plot was stupid. It passed my suspension of disbelief. Although, I guess when you get Spielberg doing an adventure movie in the fifties, certain cliched plot devices are necessary.

I was disappointed, but I still had a good time.


Ugh... Why is everyone saying this is the "best movie"? I got back 2 minutes ago and I am sooooo damn disappointed.

I ask you to look back at page one for my criteria I was judging this movie off of... yeah, I didn't care what it was, as long as it was an Indy movie... Well, there ya go.

Don't get me wrong, I would have given this movie my badge of "best movie ever" if it kept on the path it was starting off at the beginning of the movie, but nooooooooooooo, it had to add a bunch of cheesy special effects and Tarzan moments to it and then wrap it all up with a complete and total shit-tastic climax. Why?! It had started off soooo good, and then got a bit more out there... ok fine, its a little more crazy than the others, then it got a little more out there and then ended with the likes of nothing any Indy movie has ever wanted to be.

Long story short, it was pretty disappointing. Sure, Shia LeBouff (sp) did a great job, there were some pretty awesome chase scenes and throwbacks to other movies and a few damn awesome moments all rolled in. Those moments saved the movie in my opinion, but not quite enough. Its just disappointing it had to go the way that it did.

the movie was too farfetched for me.

indiana jones was always finding objects with a supernatural flavor to them...and even then there didn't seem to be as much stuff in them that felt so far out there as with this one.

i enjoyed it as a fun movie...but not very satisfying.

I ask you to look back at page one for my criteria I was judging this movie off of... yeah, I didn't care what it was, as long as it was an Indy movie... Well, there ya go.

The crystal skulls are a "real" artifact, and the film dealt with a "real" theory behind them which is no different than the other three. The film was pure 1950s B-movie just as the others were pure 1930s adventures. I felt the artifact was well within the bounds of Indiana Jones.

Jones doesn't have to deal with something purely religious in nature. Much of his expanded universe deals with other fantastical archaeological finds, such as Atlantis or the ruins of Babylon. And the television series dealt with purely historical material.

I agree this is not the best Jones film, but it's no travesty either.


I saw it last night. I think of it like Die Hard 4. It was a good movie, but it was different that the originals. 65 year-old Harrison Ford still kicks ass as Indy, but some aspects of the movie were disappointing. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the whole last 10 minutes of the movie either. But, action and effects wise, this movie rocked. It's plot was a little bit off from other Indy movies, but it was still a fun movie to watch. I'll currently put it down there with Temple of Doom (ok, maybe above Temple of Doom) but it's no Raiders of the Lost Ark, and doesn't even come close to Last Crusade. For me it just lacks some of the magic that made the originals so much fun. However, it's still one of the better movies I've seen thus far this year.

8/10 and anyone who thinks any lower of it is basically an idiot

:lol:ahahah yeah. In other words the movie is probably somewhere around 4 star or 3 1/2. It was a decent movie, overall pretty good.

Don't ask me to compare the older indys. Not gonna. :)

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