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Haha gotcha. Theyre not making one, at least not now.

Would it make a good movie, though? I mean, having Link talk, doing an entire Zelda adventure in under 2 and a half hours,who would play Link, Zelda, should they be Japanese or not, what plot would it follow?

I say if they did for mario bros, they sure as hell can do it for Zelda.

EDIT: The entire movie wold need to be like this



I don't think that anyone should make a movie about Zelda. Zelda is a very personal thing to me, and I take it very seriously, so I'd rather not see one my favorite franchises get raped on the big screen. On the other hand, it could work. IGN's April fools trailer was actually pretty cool, despite how Ganon looked, and I think a guy like the one they used would make a good Link. Not too pretty, not too ugly. Someone with an innocent and good-willed look who can turn into serious business with the blink of an eye.

And, if it were to be done, then it should be split into a trilogy. There are too many dungeons and subplots going on for a single two hour movie.

Also, to hell with idea of making Link japanese. Link is Link, and whichever actor, regardless of race, who portrays Link the best should be the one to play him. Link isn't Japanese, he's Hylian, and the assumption that he should be Japenese because his creators are is an asinine demonstration of bad logic. I'm not saying that the above poster is saying that, but I just wanted to get that across before it is assumed.

So, yes, I would go watch it, and I would probably enjoy it because I usually try to lower my standards before I experience things.

I don't think that anyone should make a movie about Zelda. Zelda is a very personal thing to me, and I take it very seriously, so I'd rather not see one my favorite franchises get raped on the big screen. On the other hand, it could work. IGN's April fools trailer was actually pretty cool, despite how Ganon looked, and I think a guy like the one they used would make a good Link. Not too pretty, not too ugly. Someone with an innocent and good-willed look who can turn into serious business with the blink of an eye.

And, if it were to be done, then it should be split into a trilogy. There are too many dungeons and subplots going on for a single two hour movie.

Also, to hell with idea of making Link japanese. Link is Link, and whichever actor, regardless of race, who portrays Link the best should be the one to play him. Link isn't Japanese, he's Hylian, and the assumption that he should be Japenese because his creators are is an asinine demonstration of bad logic. I'm not saying that the above poster is saying that, but I just wanted to get that across before it is assumed.

So, yes, I would go watch it, and I would probably enjoy it because I usually try to lower my standards before I experience things.

Zelda could be made into a fine movie, even for fanboys. You could cry about there not being enough temples, or whatever else, but key elements are all the movie would need:

A) Link being a boy in a town blah blah, going off and discovering he's DA HERO OF TIME

B) Getting the master sword

C) Zelda

D) Ganon.

E) Tri Force

F) Optionally, Goddesses. They're becoming a big thing now a days, if even just mentioned.

Fill in the in betweens however you'd like. LOOK at the Zelda's. Some of them have similiarities, but all of them are different. The plot follows a structure, fills in some key elements, and that's it.

Sure we'd like to see a fire time, and a water temple, and a temple of time, and yadda yadda blah blah blah. But where were those in a Link to the Past? Where were they in Game Boy Renditions? Hell, look at Link's Awakening. It hardly followed anything you'd see in most Zeldas, but it's considered a Zelda title and a GOOD ONE at that.

They could do a trilogy if they wanted to milk it, but I don't think there's a real need to. I think they could EASILY get the point across, with a little back story, and the key elements in 2.5 to 3 hours. The ONLY thing they'd need to do is STICK to those key elements verbatim. No trying to make it overly realistic, no trying to make it EXACTLY like the video game to where things like the Spinner from Twilight Princess exist. Just find a calm medium, and run with it.

Also: Totally CG would be pretty much ideal, but I think IGN's trailer is a good example that, if done live action with the right productions team and a good enough ammount of resources, could be pulled off so long as the actors looked a bit more accurate (and Ganondorf wasn't LITERALLY green).


And, if it were to be done, then it should be split into a trilogy. There are too many dungeons and subplots going on for a single two hour movie.

Hahah, I could see it now

The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Power

The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Courage

The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Wisdom

Anyway, I would be amazed if they were able to make a 2 hour Zelda movie in which Link NEVER talks.


It's just my policy that if you're going to do it, you should go all the way. Regardless, it could work as a single film, but that's also depending on which game the movie is based on. I still have to stand with the 3 movie format, because Lord Of The Rings has a huge story, and having three movies just let those movies breathe so well, and they were great. (Of course, you have to consider that Peter Jackson was at the helm.) Anyway, if there's money to be made, it will be done. I could imagine that if they based it off of Ocarina, they would probably skip a lot of dungeon parts, and having too many dungeons would definitely get redundant.


I definitely dont want to see this happen. I am 90% positive that there isn't a single director/studio in hollywood that could get it right.

And in regards to Zelda, if you can't do it right, don't do it at all!

Just thinking about the travesty called the Super Mario Bros. Movie makes me gag...

Hahah, I could see it now

The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Power

The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Courage

The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Wisdom

Anyway, I would be amazed if they were able to make a 2 hour Zelda movie in which Link NEVER talks.

They'd have to make it just like this, same sound effects and all.


I would pay for three tickets. That's how cool that would be. Except, Link should be played by Matt Damon, Zelda should be played by someone like Angelina Jolie and Ganon should be Samuel L Jackson.

Oh and Navi can be played by that actor who played Mini-Me in Austin Powers.


Oh by the way, if you haven't seen this already, three part series. A fan movie about Zelda. Pretty long, about two hours, to two and a half I'd say. Very good in my opinion, its not on the big screen, but its humerous and displays many funny features about the game. Ganon is a real riot too. It's deffinitely worth the time. I've seen it and I loved it.

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:



The SMB movie was indeed awful -_-..

Beyond that I can't think of too many good 'video game' movies to date, though I'm sure a good we could get a decent anime series of the Zelda.


I'm actually surprised it hasn't been done yet.

It really depends on who would be doing it. It's not a hard concept. You need Link, Zelda, Ganon, the Triforce, the Master Sword, and some dungeons. Fitting it into 2.5 hours or so would be tricky, but certainly doable.

The problem is that Hollywood likes to "make movies more accessible to the general public" and in the process fuck them up totally. They always pick people who are totally unfamiliar with the source material and who just want to tell their own story under the header of a popular name. Fortunately, since all the Zelda games are so different from each other, that could theoretically work in this case.

yeah uh usually making movies that don't suck is equal or above what one would call 'hard'

Only because Hollywood sucks at making movies now. Making a decent movie should be ridiculously simple with such a straightforward concepts.

No, that's why they are making a Dragonball movie.

Come on, look at what the characters look like.


I've already decided to pretend like the Dragonball movie never happened. Goku is going to high school. They replaced Krillin with his Mexican equivalent, Teto. There is one reason, and only one reason, to consider seeing that movie, and that is for the live-action CG Kamehameha.


Hopefully, if it were to happen they'd get someone similar to Jon Favreau - similar in that with Iron Man he was a fan of the material, hired good actors who are also fans, and got a good script that honors the source while making the necessary changes to adapt it from one medium to another.

Without question, I also think it should be a trilogy.

Did nobody learn anything from Super Mario Bros: The Movie


Also at Bigfoot's post, lol at Chow-Yun Fat as Master Roshi. I may have to watch the movie just for that.


As with all games being made into movies, it's doable. They'll never pull it off right though. Hollywood just doesn't have the passion to portray games correctly though there are countless games that would make incredible movies. The people in Hollywood just see dollars signs and aren't bothered by making it suck and filled with plenty of cheese since games already have a fan base and they'll turn a profit whether it's good or not or they go the other way and are too greedy to share the profits with the companies that own the games and just do it right.

In order to not make video games into movies and not have them be cheesy and lame is to make them rated R or push the PG-13 rating to its outer most limits. But then you lose all the little kids.

I think a high budget Zelda movie would kick ass, I'm now imagining countless action scenes where link is cutting and dividing his foes, escaping with his hook-shot and doing Legolas type shit with his bow.

I think a high budget R rated movie of Ninja Gaiden would be incredible. You would nearly have to go to CGI to get someone that could perform Ryu's actions at his speeds though..

Anyways.. Fun thinkin' about it for a minute. Very unlikely it will ever happen.


I saw a trailer on the IGN (April fools day) but i saw what it may look like and i thought of all movies made by games ,so i dont think it would be a good movie,anyways if someone has to make it i would be better performed by Japanese.

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