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Holy mother of...what the...wow....that's honestly one of the most horrendous examples of voice acting I've ever heard. I didn't know if to laugh or cry. But seriously it HAS to be fake right....seriously....? Gotta love how that "Yeahhhh!" had two syllables though.

Holy shit. Uru is clearly very metro, Karen is a crackwhore, and Nicole? is just some guy. What is this from?
You know why it's so bad?

Here's the deal: The voice "actors" are actually mostly family members of one of the guys on the localization team. They're not professionals and presumably didn't get paid at any kind of rate that professional voice actors are paid.

The only reason the game even has an English "dub" is to get it approved for North American release. Chaos Wars has a dual-language option, and the target demographic is the American-subtitled-anime-watching-otaku crowd. In other words, the publisher knows that the people buying and playing the game aren't going to listen to the English dub anyway; they're just gonna switch the language to Japanese and get that full-on anime experience, so they don't even bother putting any effort (or more importantly, money) towards the dub.

It's a pretty sneaky but effective way of saving money on localization. Plus there's the added benefit of publicity from videos like this.

Anyway I've heard that it's a pretty good tactics-style RPG, so if you're into that kind of thing and want an anime-styled game, hit it up.

There's your answer


I guess maybe if it's a major japanese franchise

type of game... I prefer for things to be in english.

But, it's barable if the subtitles are english. My

friend was playing Mario 64. He downloaded a

japanese rom he found. I guess he played the game

enough to not need to read; but it ruined it for me.

What console is that Chaos Wars game on?

That would explain why they wern't too worried

about making the voice-overs decent. I would say

it's somekind of handheld; and they tend to dim

things down alot when they are replicating a game

that's already on a better console.

I guess maybe if it's a major japanese franchise

type of game... I prefer for things to be in english.

But, it's barable if the subtitles are english. My

friend was playing Mario 64. He downloaded a

japanese rom he found. I guess he played the game

enough to not need to read; but it ruined it for me.

What console is that Chaos Wars game on?

That would explain why they wern't too worried

about making the voice-overs decent. I would say

it's somekind of handheld; and they tend to dim

things down alot when they are replicating a game

that's already on a better console.

It's a PS2 game.

And stop pressing enter in the middle of your sentences. Write normally.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...!? Seriously, the dubbing is horrible. I too stopped halfway through, I couldn't take it. There's just no feeling in the dialog. Hell, I could do better.


Me too. I honestly remember playing Ninja Gaiden 2 with friends and we were drinking and doing voice acting during the cutscenes, and we did a much better job. Doing voice acting for a game would be super awesome.


Playing the demo and watching the trailer, the voice acting in the new Tales of Vesperia game is just horrendous. Especially that final line of the trailer, the guy loses all hope of life it seems. Or is a mannequin.


Some guys (and girls) got around to do their own dub of this dialogue, and although it's still bad, it's at least 2 and a half steps better than the real dub on a 1-10 scale.

(no, really...they weren't really trying at all...they really did just do it for humor purposes)

Regardless, yeah...this is like epic badness at its best.

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