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I thank you for remixing a song that always inspired me, that always driven me crazy! I was living very difficult burden in my life, hearing this just brighten my day.

I really admire you, myself doing my possible to compose music and stuff, you're one of my favorite artist here i really like your style.

Not having the experience you hold, but music is also a big passion of mine.

Hoping to hear more from you, you are talented, like they always say, hard word pays off, and i can tell the time you putted in this one, something to be proud of!


Continue on, you have talent, and passion, let it burst in musical harmonies!


Awesome stuff, thanks for the great memories from hearing this classic track. Just like DJP, I was one of those affected big time by this game back then. Hangin out at the laundry mat/corner store afterschool playing DD was da norm!

Yer interpretation using guitars is perfect, u feel the edge of the mean streets that Jimmy and Billy fight on, and the pianos are a great touch too. I especially luv the jump into the 3rd verse of the track at 1:42! Crazy stuff...

Anyways, there's enough interest to keep u pumped thru the whole mix, minimal when it comes to overly-repetitiveness.

Please feel free to mix more tracks from DD, perhaps a medley of Stage 2+3, or the infamous Title track aka: The red carpet song, or Machine-Gun Joe's theme as we used to call it back in the days :)


You're like the Michael Phelps of ReMixing! (Oh wait - someone used that already.)

Seriously though, this latest one was simply awesome. It made something as simple as eating a bowl of potato salad (what I was doing at the time) seem epic beyond compare. You rock, and I am yet again reminded why I'm trying to learn the guitar.


I've been listening to this mix for a while now, and I'm incredibly impressed with this one. I distinctly remember how cool I thought it was the first time I listened. It literally drew a "Aww, HECK yeah!" from me.

Sixto, keep up the great work. You're definitely one of the most talented guitarists out there.

Thumbs way, WAY up.


I always enjoy Sixto Sounds' songs, what else can I say? Actually, I can say that I really dig the piano spots, bits of techno and Sixto's usual rockin'. And I'm getting no readings from my "Annoying-Repetition Radar!"

Great to see his new song have some differences in sound from previous ones- namely the instruments other than the guitar. :nicework:

  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone knows that Sixto is able to make rockin' remixes, but this piece here goes beyond that. The electronica influences really add a lot to the song, taking it closer to VGM territory (especially 1:12 onwards). The piano is a very nice touch, too.


My second favorite Double Dragon theme, behind the title track, done up about as good as it can get.

I love the rhythm guitar phrasing, the little breakdowns, the original touches, and the solo is killer. It was great back then, but is even better as a 'real' solo.

The irons have been upped. Rock on, Sixto. \m/

  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Really well done, I can tell you put your heart and soul into this. I love how the guitar kicks in at the beginning, excellent.

One critisim would be your 'Twin Blood' is it based on 'Roar of the Dragon'? Have a listen to Double Dragon II Arranged Tracks, it has 'Roar of the Dragon', its' good, but it is begging to be rocked by you. Please, if you get the chance look into this.

I'm not taking anything away from this track though 'The Secrets of Sosetsuken', excellent throughout.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This one isn't as memorable as, say, Twin Blood, for me, but it's still a very strong track in its own respect. I don't really feel like the electronic elements are very engaging and it starts to feel repetitive after a while, but the guitar is well produced, well performed, and pretty much carries this song for me. Nice solo, that was definitely needed by that point in the song.

Not a favorite, but I still enjoy listening to it on occasion. At the very least, there's a well-produced rock song with some cool riffs that might not be as creative as some of his newer mixes, but ain't bad compared to a lot of other rock schtuff you hear around the net :-)

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

This is, by far, my favourite remix on this site. Nice sound, nice playing, absolutely gorgeous tune to be remixed in a rock-fashion-style. Long-lost memories stir me up when i am listening to this. Double Dragon on Nintendo's Gameboy was one of my first handheld games and i played it for a very long time. Respect, dude, for what i call a perfect remix.

  • 3 months later...

I used this song as boss fight music for a D&D game. No joke.

This track really gets me bangin'. The guitars have a lot of character to them. Very shreddy. The piano pieces seem a bit overwhelming at times, but not enough to make me want to turn this badass track off. I'm really glad Sixto went with the original solo. Such a massive nostalgia kick at that moment.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01745 - Double Dragon "The Secrets of Sosetsuken"
  • 3 years later...

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