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Definitely a very creative mix. The music has a very realistic 80's effect and the the lyrics are quite good. Unfortunately I can't see myself listening to this song very much. It's mostly because lyrics have to be integrated really well into a song for me to enjoy it. But I have to give props to Star for such a creative remix. I really like the ending too.


Hey, StarBlast. Why won't you respond to my instant messages?? Are you too good for me!?!? Stop being an ass, seriously!! :lol: Just kidding.

Hey, I just wanted to say you did good work. I also think you should post your song Iced Tea in the originals forum, because that was tight. Or anyone can check it out on your site.

There are alot of people complaining because it's cheesy. That's just because they don't like the genre. The vocals were well done, and the music was tight.

Okay, back to more music.


I think I've almost learned all the lyrics...O_O I NEVER do that. (OK, almost never...never before with a remix, for sure!)

Geez, right when you think you're about to kick the habit, you click the "download" button again...

It's official. I'm addicted to "TheIncredibleSingingRobot!" O_O Must hear MORE!


There is a CD called "Sign" that was put out by Nobukazu Takemura, who did a lot of 8-bit NES music back in the day. I don't have the CD myself, but there is one track on it (it comes with a CD movie music video) that has some of the same vocoded lyrics and synthy instruments arranged in a similar bouncy and nostalgic fashion.

This composition instantly reminded me of it quite a bit, although I definitely like "Incredible Singing Robot" better. I know that this is just a remix, and not an original composition, but I would still say that Star has got some pretty strong kung fu.


oh my god. i love it. it's so pretty and emotional. XDD i thought this was a gato remix when i first started it up,and i was all 'HOLY SHIZ' ..I love it,it's got alot of feeling. the intermission is so great. ^^ i love it. ::nodnod:: it's real nice. i always pick robo over frog,personally. frog creeps me out X3;


that is my name but

you can call me


That part sounds so awesome. great job!


so.... man, this is totally awesome... since i downloaded like... 2 weeks ago, i've been all over this track, just... i have it stuck in my head at work, at school, everywhere..

i find myself in the middle of listening to something, and going "Fu@K this! I'm listening to that BADA$$ track ABOUT ROBO!"

Not to mention he is THE coolest character in CT, and I would pick him over Glenn any day.

Totally awesome.

  • 2 weeks later...
bahaha geezus people, enough with the ego bashing. I dont have a big ego! I just dont believe in false modesty :P

No reason to be like "omg i suck" to fish for compliments, right?

Just cuz I really like my own music (who doesnt like their own stuff?), and think I'm a cool person doesnt mean I have a big ego :D It just means I have a lot of confidence. That being said, thanks for the compliments, they help too :D



Awesome remix, by the way.

  • 2 weeks later...

The n00bs are wrong. Wait, I'm a n00b!

Brilliant track, represents Robo's Theme in a way that, as far as I'm concerned, deserves a medal. I love the drums, and the ending is particularly great. Not everyone will like it though, but it's better to have a song thats hated by 50% of the public and loved by 50% of the public than a song which everyone thinks is "OK".

Download this track, definitely, 80's pop fan, Chrono Trigger fan, or neither. No guarantees that you'll like it, but this track is like Marmite.


Nice. Probably one of the best ReMixes on the site. People who shun it can go suck a sage.

You should do a lyrical one to Lucca's Theme (how does one pronounce 'Lucca' anyways?).

Also, even if Mitsuda DID listen to this song, he wouldn't be able to understandit -- he's said so himself that he isn't very good at English -- but the song is still cool, even if you couldn't understand it.

Trés Cool, 9/10. My only problem is, the song isn't long enough, and the voice wasn't "robotic" enough, oh yeah, the vocals are sort of faded. o

Although, Crono's would have to be lyrical (ha, get it? He doesn't talk in the game, therefore no lyrics to his song! Ha! I kill me...).
You mean instrumental?

Whatever, same thing. Sort of. Well, not really. In fact, not at all. Still, it would be cool to hear lyricals to all the characters. I've always been a OCR lyrical fan. Erm... wait, ReMix ReViews forum, right. This song is... cool... or whatever.

:cry:<~~ Tears, mang. Tears of joy. And I didn't even like this game so much. I'll buy j00 some Mad Dog or Shiner Bock the next time I'm in Austin. For originality alone, my new #1.

man........if i had a synthesizer goddamnit im only 15 i cant afford the one i want

i would wanna be just like you, starman(excuse the abbreviation ^^;)

i mean, star salzman ^^;

yeah even though i dont have one i still want to be like you

and this song makes those feelings even stronger

i love it

i wont go through why cause i love every aspect of it



and its about time more people payed attention to robo -_-


It was AWESOME! The voice was awesome, the music was awesome, the lyrics were awesome, it was AWESOME!!!!!! There's NO way anyone could make a better mix then that! I listen to it all the time, when I'm working on my story, when I'm in the car, when I'm in the plane, well. . . that's the only time that I'm ever close to a cd player or computer. But do you get my drift? I love that song! I sing that song alot, too, but not enough to be upsessed with it. I think you should keep doing songs like that, with lyrics, either a techno or kinda 80'sish tune, and all thet stuff. Well, keep ReMixing. Sorry if I embarrassed you :wink: Star salzman RULES!! Eherm, toodle pip!

~Lune St. Claire, at yer service!

P.S. If my book is published and I'm famous for my writing, I'm giving special thanks to you. Good music gives me ideas :D


I love this song. the only thing wrong with it is that people are gonna put up fewer Robo's theme remixes cuz its so great. And if you DO make another one, star, then Frogs song should definetly be very orchestral.

INCREDIBLY strong and nostalgic finish.


Well, it strikes me as kinda goofy, but I still can't help but like it. As corny as the lyrics are, it does sound like it could really be Robo, it sounds like stuff Robo would say. I can almost imagine it really is him singing the song. So even though one can't take it completely seriously, I can't help but feel some love for the big ol metal dude. Besides, there's nothing wrong with something light hearted once in a while.

Also, nice job on the instrumentation. The clangy industrial sounds rock, and makes a good counter-balance to the lighthearted parts of the song.


Chrono Trigger is my all time favourite game, and this song brings back my nostalgia...sigh.. Theres just something about this song thats great, i can't put my finger on it, maybe its just the fact that its Chrono Trigger....

anyways great song....has a strong finish ...Def 10/10 !!!!

  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, I just had to post again and say how much I love this song.

It officially made the list of songs I could listen to over and over and not get sick of.

Every time I listen to it, even now, months later, I have to grin.



The lyrics are pure cheese, but the beauty thing about this song is, they're obviously supposed to be cheesy. XD I'm even singing it, God help me. The tune is undeniably catchy.

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