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Internet Superstar's Martin Sargent interviews djpretzel!

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Hey guys, Martin Sargent (The Screen Savers, Unscrewed with Martin Sargent) just released the latest episode of Internet Superstar, episode #60, interviewing djpretzel.

Martin & djp discussed:

  • OC ReMix's promotion of game music as an art form;
  • Whether game music stacks up to other forms of music in entertainment;
  • The many styles of ReMixes available at OCR;
  • Game composers submitting music to the site; and
  • OC ReMixers entering the industry as professional composers and sound designers.

The show's only about 10 minutes long and a great intro to OCR for anyone who likes video game music, so pass it along. Thanks!




Thanks to Martin for his ReMix selections and captions within the episode. Here's a breakdown of what was played, as well as the folks djpretzel mentioned within the episode:


Industry pimps:


Great interview. I just felt some of the example remixes (oops, I mean ReMixes) weren't the best ones to use when exposing the site those that are unfamiliar with this place.

I mean, seriously, no rockin' Sixto example? For shame. :-P


Nice pad, DJP. Can't say the same for Martin's digs. Looks like he lives in an isolated log cabin built in 1970 in the mountains.

Oh yeah, good interview too. Preaching to the choir for the regulars here, but definitely a good primer for people new to this stuff.


This is the first time I've seen what DJ Pretzel looks like, and he looks so precisely like this corporal I knew in the army that it's scary. Shape of head, eyebrows, hairline, shape of eyes. Facial hair is trimmed in comparison, but everything else is just right.

I think further study on the matter should be conducted by someone.


OCR Staff: It'd be great if you gave us the option to unsubscribe from your announcement mailing list, especially when we never subscribed to it in the first place. Thanks!

Regarding the interview:

To separate out the "best" mixes, even by a majority vote, would sway any new visitors towards those mixes and away from pieces that they might otherwise have enjoyed.


However, we truly encourage experimentation, curiosity, and an open mind. We don't believe a rating system, or segregating out the "good" mixes by an arbitrary or democratic factor, would support that ideal.

Yet djp decides to dub "Dragon Song" as the "finest" remix on the site...Contradiction much?

Otherwise, a fantastic interview!


Low technical barrier? Yeah, except most people (including myself) aren't good enough at mixing/mastering/whatever to get their ReMix accepted, even if the arrangement is good enough. I guess, technically, though, that's not a technical barrier.

Anyway, I can't say I liked the interviewer, but it was kinda cool to see DJP in action. He doesn't look anything like I'd imagined, even though I've seen pics of him before.


It's really cool that ocremix is getting more and more attention and recognition. I didn't really think that this little place I go to on an almost daily basis would be so big :)

Incidentily: was there a preview to this thing a little while back on the site? Because I got a major case of deja vu there and I'm starting to wonder if I took my pills or not 0_0;

Anyway, good job :)

Low technical barrier? Yeah, except most people (including myself) aren't good enough at mixing/mastering/whatever to get their ReMix accepted, even if the arrangement is good enough. I guess, technically, though, that's not a technical barrier.

Yeah. Like you said, that's not a technical barrier but a productical one.

Yet djp decides to dub "Dragon Song" as the "finest" remix on the site...Contradiction much?
Come on man, he doesn't do it on the site, but since he was asked directly in a recorded interview, of course he wanted to give them an answer.

I have several miscellaneous comments about this. What were they all...?

-DJP's house looks REALLY freaking comfortable. I'd like to go there one day.

-I too thought DJP would look totally different despite having seen pictures.

-THAAAANK YOUUUUU! For mentioning my mix of all the ones you could've mentioned. That kicked my ass and made my entire month of September! Now I feel all inspired to make another remix.

-That clip within the video was my first time to hear the Shinobi soundtrack and it sounded cool.

-I like Dragon Song, too.

-I have no idea who these Internet Superstar interviewers are, but I do know who DJP is and I'm stoked that he got chosen. Seeing stuff like this gets me all excited and makes me start having fantasies about what's gonna happen to OCR in the future. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be something like Zircon collabing with Uematsu, Pixietricks being the soprano vocalist for the PS3 remake of Brave Fencer Musashi, DJP becomes known as The Father of VG Music ReMixing for pushing the emphasis on arrangement, OCR has a full Japanese release of the site and becomes one of those ridiculous booms that every single Japanese person will try to access at the same time and mistake Monobrow for a man and I'll get to make Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile metal remixes with Motoi Sakuraba. My god, it will be beautiful.


first i dont know if there a thread like this so...

i just wanted to say that after i watched the internet superstar interveiw of DJpretzel, i am so happy and amazed on how much this site has changed/improved and is still growing i have been coming to this site for years checking out the new music that everyone submits here of all my favorite games and i tell everyone about this site if they like video game music. i am a BIG FAN! of video game music i would listen to midi files of video game songs on random websites but when i found this site it all changed and then it came out with chip tunes and i would listen to songs in its original sound cause they remind me of when i was kid, remembering all the melodies that would get stuck in your head from playing the same game for hours on end. if im not doing that i have like 1000 songs on random in my playlist on my computer of just ocReMix's and try to guess what game it is from, to me its fun and relaxing. im so glad i found this site randomly one day years ago.

thank you for making this site! and i thank everyone who contributes to it :) if i had music skillz i would ReMix some songs

P.S. i wonder if there are other people out there that like video game music like i do, drop a line and say hi.


Man, I just can't believe none of you ever watched Unscrewed. Just so you know, the set Martin Sergeant is using is green screened. He is not actually filming from a shed.

I'm kind of surprised that djpretzel was chosen in the first place though. Normally he used to only pick really weird/crazy people to interview. This one actually went pretty smoothly without him making fun of djpretzel or the site all that much.


Wow . . .DJP is one handsome man I mean, so that's how DJ looks, huh? Nice house. This is a good interview and yeah, I can see why DJP is so passionate about making video game music an art form.

And it's good to see Martin back doing his thing. Haven't seen him since the fall of Tech TV.

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