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This was one of my favorite tracks from the game and you guys really took it to another level. Great work with the hauntingly beautiful guitar!

I would love to see an Animusic rendered to match this track.

Awesome job and I agree, it's a pity that this didn't make it onto VotL.


AnSo was actually givin' me the hard press to post this mix a bit sooner, since the recent gap between this mix and his last is apparently the first time since he had a mix on the site that one of his tracks wasn't on the homepage.

I'm horrible like that, glad it's finally up :)


persistent plethora of plucky and powerful pastiche

Way to use words right there!


oh geez, what an awesome co-lab, perfect interpretation of a perfect source .. ever since i heard it earlier today i've had this super urge to play FFVII .. i just have to play tonight ^^

anso, you keep surprising us with awesome mixes and

fishy! i really love all 3 of your works here on the main site, glad to see that there's more to come ..

two judges, one mix ... can't be any cooler than this


Recently in #ocrwip...

[17:34:57] [skb]: I think I am psychic

[17:35:14] [skb]: because I have been obsessed with the Lifestream song recently

[17:35:17] [PrincessTensei]: moar like psycho

[17:35:21] [skb]: and I was mad it wasn't on VotL

[17:35:24] [skb]: and then I check ocr

[17:35:33] [skb]: and its a lifestream mix by anso and fishy

[17:35:45] : skb is scared of his own psychicicity

[17:36:32] [PrincessTensei]: they also were talking about submitting it like 6 months ago :)

[17:36:49] [skb]: and it kicks ass

[17:36:50] [skb]: >_>


Great work, guys. Very lifestream-y.


I always liked 'Lifestream'. Very cool mix, really interesting sound on the guitar.

I'm glad you said that Burnham, because that was the first song I thought of when I heard this, I just didn't know name of it. But djpretzel's right, that middle bit really does sound like Strawberry Fields Forever.

It's even impressive how many different sounds they managed to cram in there, nice work.

I'm glad you said that Burnham, because that was the first song I thought of when I heard this, I just didn't know name of it. But djpretzel's right, that middle bit really does sound like Strawberry Fields Forever.

It's the same Mellotron the beatles used recorded with the same microphones in the same studio (Abbey Road) so it's not that strange you all think that:


No, I don't work for props. I just like props. :3


Less beatles, more David Gilmour era Pink Floyd, in my opinion. Say what you want about that era, but I enjoyed the music despite the drama. Very atmospheric, almost a dark/great mystery quality to it. Very nice.


Figures it'd take Anso to finally get Fishy to actually see a mix to completion. :<

Great Top Gun style intro, with some nice synth backing and some soaring guitars, beautiful harmonies included. Even Iceman's heart would melt a bit when faced with such a majestic anthem.

The bridge was good as well, but is it just me, or does that mellotron sound a shade sharp? It was a bit jarring on a few notes, but not severe enough to wreck the mix.

Overall some good work, I really dug it. You guys can be my wingmen anytime. :-D

  • 2 weeks later...

I love this song. The soundscape (har har, but seriously, no pun intended) is absolutely stellar; it perfectly captures that 80's sci-fi movie feel, yet still keeps the sound fresh and new. It actually made me go back and listen to the Bladerunner and Mass Effect soundtracks, which I once again love. Cain not only has an awesome name, but is a great guitar player and the sound works perfectly into Mattias' great synthetic tapestry o' soundliness.

Also, soundliness should totally be a word. Damn English and their word exclusivityliness.

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