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i couldnt hear the original tune in there but thats probably just becuz i havent played sonic 1 in a looong time :oops:

anyway great song. a very light-hearted twist for boss music.


Fuuuunky. One more addition to the class of music I have dubbed 'urban' because I don't know if it has a classification other than 'techno groove' or 'funk techno' or 'groove funk' or something like that. It's good, and I like it. I can see myself cruising through town to this... if the bassline were any more prominent, I could even see myself losing some speakers to it. Great work.


I thought it seemed cool too, with the instruments given the urban effect and making this a powerful remake of the Special Stage theme. But I could have enjoyed it a lot more if the music suddenly didn't stop pausing every two seconds o.O;

Speaking of which, did anyone else face the same problems?


Sounds like you were trying to stream it without a good connection, but anyway...

This is awesome. The groove factor is through the roof. And at times the great mastering reminded me of some of Radiohead's earlier stuff, which is a great example of excellent EQing and such. And as a drummer I have to say it's good to hear electronic music that actually grooves as well as this. A lot of people seem to just toss drums in there as an afterthought, but this actually sounds fantastic in the drum department. The effects used are used very tastefully, and the whole mix just makes you wanna get up and dance.

I could see this being used at the end of an auto insurance company commecial. Don't ask.

Very Nice Work. :nicework:


The bubble synths at the beginning and that play throughout irritate me.

I dont know what it is about them exactly...but they make me go >_~ and I dont like them.

The guitar is pretty good...though the timing is a little weird at first it gets better as you listen to it again.

The whole track is pretty repetetive though...I dont like that about it...it could quite easily have been cut right down and made much better.

Prety good, but could be much better.


Woah! All the trippy sounds. Dude, it like, moves left and right. Or does it move right and left. It all confuses me man!!!!!.........I think I'm having, like, a flashback.....Oohh.....look at the colors.....64 trippy colors............Woah......small blue creature........TRIPPY!!!!!


I'm liking the intro.

My only qualm is the pad that gets started right before the guitar. Makes me wanna ask why that was even put there... seemed a little jarring to put in there.

However... the acid line is interesting and pretty cool. And the mid-section between acid line and guitar with the robo-disto was waay cool.

Light post-funk this is... but it doesn't set in a scenario, but it is nonetheless groovy and I could only see this in a shot-backing lounge.... nothing else. Unless that was what Analoq was going for, then I say "Yay!"


Hell yeah, I'm diggin this mix! It's got that whole Spyro The Dragon vibe, it's sounds like that level where you have to flame the wizards to make the platforms lower. This mix on a technical level deserves the phrase "OMFG" to describe it. This is what I'd expect on a CD. Also for all of you people who hate the synths? Shut up.

I could see this being used at the end of an auto insurance company commecial. Don't ask.

More specifically, a GEICO commercial, at 00:38 it would kick in and say GEICO, and whatever else the Geico guy says, and then it plays and fades off.


When the drums first come in, that is SOOO Ocean's 11. :lol:

At any rate, I love what you did with the tune. I always despised the bonus level music with a passion. However, this is very listenable. This is something that's just good to kick back and listen to.



On the plus side, you do have a very distinctive sound. It’s quite apparent that you're not without musical talent.

IMHO though, Thin Glow is far and away your best work to date. This one just doesn’t do it for me.

Your guitar does sound very nice, if not a little loud in places, but I just can’t get into it as much as said remix. I guess you set yourself some pretty high standards, initially.

Give me some more beautiful synth action.

Nice review, endblink.



I've listened and listened and listened. I think the arrangement is great. I think the execution is top-knotch. Comma. BUT.

It's like you started out with a bad idea and expanded upon it with good stuff. The source melody does not work well with this style. At all. I can't enjoy this because it sounds like you had to try really hard to make it work or something. It's like me making a punk arrangement of the zelda overworld song. It could be done, it just doesn't fit.

Oh well. Different strokes for different folks.


You post my ReMix! I Kiss You! anyways...

hey Geoff, you don't need to justify not liking this mix. at least not to me. to each his own, i say.

It's like you started out with a bad idea and expanded upon it with good stuff.

yay. you pointed out the primary flaw with this mix. someone give this guy a cookie. nah, give me that cookie instead.

ok, the story goes: KyleJCrb proposed a challenge to me and a few other remixers on IRC one fine night. "take the 'speical stage' music and make it funky/groovy." a not-so-easy challenge indeed, but i was up for it.

this meant i would have to do some serious reconstruction of the original. i had to take the original 3/4 melody and translate it into a 4/4 swinged rhythm. i had to give it a completely different chord progression (i decided on a simple I IV) and i had to write a new drum part, bassline and everything else besides the melody, and add anything else needed to try and make it work.

the result is odd and uncomfortable at first. but it becomes less odd and less uncomfortable with each listen to the point where it seems natual and fitting. at least this was the effect it had on me. if this doesn't work for you, i advise that you delete the track immediately and send me vehement insults in my email in retribution for wasting your time.

i knew the oddness would rub some people the wrong way, but i decided to submit it to OCR anyways. i didn't feel it was a "great" mix due to the flaw but i felt it was an interesting mix at least for what it was attempting to do, and that maybe some people would enjoy it for the good qualities. however like i told djp in my submission email, i won't be submitting any results of weird challenges like this in the (near) future.

in conclusion: starblaze, your observation was dead-on! but you don't deserve a cookie for it... (:



Well as analoq stated, this mix began as a little compo we had in irc between Analoq, Sadorf and I, the song was proposed by Kyle. It was the sonic Special stage remix, a catchy tune but with an odd time signature. I also added a rule: it has to be FUNKY. I think analoq completely fulfilled the purpose of that compo with this funky, catchy and addictive remix. Every sound is managed to get that funky-retro style that I was looking for in that compo. The sound quality is very good and, I'm happy to see that analoq actually worked on the drums a bit more than in his previous remixes. Also, he had to do the drums and the bassline from scratch, due to the different time signatures. As someone else stated, this is one of the best mixes ocr has had lately, and I'm looking foward for more great remixes from analoq (and more compos too).

Nice review, endblink.
Thanks, glad you liked it. ;)
the result is odd and uncomfortable at first. but it becomes less odd and less uncomfortable with each listen to the point where it seems natual and fitting.
There's a psychological term for that... and dammit, I can't remember it. I remember going over this in my cognitive psychology class. What it essentially boiled down to is that anything can become bearable to listen to when you hear it enough times.

I'll get back to you if I find it...

I do have a question for analoq, though. Why is it encoded at less than a 128 kbps? It hurts the mix when I try to burn it to CD...


Hmm, it seams that given this new information about the competition, my review could use a little amendment. In fairness, it’s not like analoq sat down and decided to remix this tune of his own accord. There were some predefined conditions set and on that basis the tune certainly achieves what it set out to do. This may well have sounded different, given a free hand.

Indecently, who won the comp.

endblink, just playin. :)


You know... I love sonic mixes, and I love analoq's work... but for some reason, I just can't find myself keeping this song. I dunno, it just rubs me the wrong way or something. Mind you, I couldn't tell you what it is about it... there's a little of everything. The sound just seems off, it seems repetitive, it doesn't strike me with anything particular about the game... Usually one of those things (in small doses) wouldn't be enough to bug me, but for god knows what reason, the culmination of all this does.


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