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The original link seems to be broken, but you can watch it here as well:


I really don't understand how there can be no giant lasers or people being thrown into mountainsides in this trailer. Or ANYTHING remotely DBZ besides names.

Well, it appears to be based on the first part, Dragonball, not DBZ. The first part had signifcantly less lasers and mountain-crushing, so, in that aspect, I guess it's not quite as far off as we're making it out to be.

I guess I should be reserving judgement. Maybe it'll surprise like the first Mortal Kombat movie, and actually be pretty decent.

Well, it appears to be based on the first part, Dragonball, not DBZ. The first part had signifcantly less lasers and mountain-crushing, so, in that aspect, I guess it's not quite as far off as we're making it out to be.

Yea I was thinking this exactly. I didn't see why you guys were flipping out about a lack of super hyper fighting and large energy blasts. With that said, what the HELL did they do with the original Dragonball?


for a kung fu movie it doesnt look bad. However, i was never a fan of the show, i border line despise it, so it wouldnt bother me as much as everyone else.

Plus, if it was like the show, the movie would be 4 hours long with all the gathering of Ki or what ever they do when they just stand there for 3 episodes.

I dont know if i will see it in when it comes out, but i def will when its released for DVD.

I admit the video games are fun as hell!

Vegeta has fanboys/girls out the wazoo. Makes little sense to me that they wouldn't capitalize on that. Better villain/anti-hero than Piccolo ever was.

you know i never understood that. Im not bashing on him, but doesnt he get his ass kicked like....99.9% of the time. Other then an android fight i swear i have always seen him lose. Before anyone bashes on me, it is possible i missed episodes/parts of the series where he won alot more. Im just asking......

Vegeta has fanboys/girls out the wazoo. Makes little sense to me that they wouldn't capitalize on that. Better villain/anti-hero than Piccolo ever was.

Wasn't Piccolo the main villian in the original Dragonball? I thought Vegeta wasn't introduced until DBZ. Keep in mind I've only seen the cartoons, and not the mangas.

you know i never understood that. Im not bashing on him, but doesnt he get his ass kicked like....99.9% of the time. Other then an android fight i swear i have always seen him lose.

This is the sort of thing you're taught in Creative Writing: characterization. What's so great about Vegeta is how he continues to be single-minded, arrogant and believe he's the strongest despite all the evidence to the contrary. It's ridiculous, we know, but it makes for such a strong character and outlook that you can't help but like him.


I'm not really a fan of Dragonball (the majority of my experience with it comes in the form of the badly dubbed show they had here in North America for the last... forever, and even then, it was only a handful of episodes), and I'm not really up on who's who and what's what. But that was the single most cringe-inducing trailer I have ever seen. It was worse than anything I have seen to date, and will now be the base for which I measure terrible trailers in the future.

Seriously, that was just... I'm having trouble thinking of the right word. Shitty doesn't cut it. Terrible doesn't seem enough. Shiterrible might work. It's actually locking up my mental processes. I think my brain mentally puked and is now on the floor, trying to pull itself out of the puddle of cognitive vomit it's soaking in. It's a terrible feeling, and I can't help but watch as it's happening.

Fans will see nothing in connection with the manga and show they love, and your average movie-goers will have a hard time figuring out what's going on. Those that see this movie and (god forbid) like it will go on to read the manga or watch the show, and think that it sucks because it has nothing to do with the movie. The spirit of the original story will suffer for it, and it will be this movie's fault.

Just.. no. Wrong. Very wrong. All wrong. Eeww.

Vegeta has fanboys/girls out the wazoo. Makes little sense to me that they wouldn't capitalize on that. Better villain/anti-hero than Piccolo ever was.

I'm a big fan of both. I like Piccolo because of his no-bullcrap attitude. He says what he wants to say and fights who he wants to fight, and he's just cool - kinda like Ryu from Streetfighter. Vegeta is easily my favorite villain/anti-hero, because he's arrogant in a cool way. He wants to be number one and he'll do anything at any cost to reach his goals, even though he rarely succeeds. Plus he's just a cocky little bastard with the strength to match his cockiness.

On the other hand, Tranformers paid little respect to the original and I think that it's a bunch of product-placing bullshit!

Now, I'd like to be honest with my own cocky comments from earlier. Sure, this movie is going to be laughable, but I didn't really expect anything else. Yet, this movie may surprise us. Some movies have a trailer that shows something really cool, and it sucks. Consider vice versa, as it happens quite often. Many people thought Bridge to Terebithia was going to be a great movie. It was marketed as a fantasy movie. It wasn't. It was a serious drama of sorts, and many people hated it. The remaining people loved it. I certainly did. What I'm saying is that Dragonball, whether or not it's the tribute that hardcore fans will want, it will be entertaining.

Will it be accurate to the original animated series? I doubt it. In a way, I think that it shouldn't be. Most movies that I've seen, which completely try to mimick the original, don't translate properly. There have to be some changes, because non-fans have to at least understand what's going on, because the characters would appear stupid and robotic if they tried to completely mimic their animated counterparts.

Should hardcore Dragonball fans feel insulted if this movie sucks? Yes, because that's something sacred to you. Dragonball may have been a big influence in your life and I certainly think that your heroes deserve the proper tribute, so contrary to my original post, feel free to bitch all you want. I failed to consider that it my earlier post, but there you go.



If I don't see ANY energy attacks or ANY flying... or if I see ANY indication of a "secret government organization," I will not go see this.

Otherwise, I will.

EDIT: Okay, so I saw one wimpy fireball. NOT ENOUGH. Need moar.

people seem surprised that the dragonball movie looks really cheesy. dragonball has been pure cornball from day one. i thought that was why people liked it.

somehow it seems to me more that it's not looking to be true to the series rather than that it's cheese

also aniny, Goku hadn't learnt to fly yet

people seem surprised that the dragonball movie looks really cheesy. dragonball has been pure cornball from day one. i thought that was why people liked it.

There's a difference between good cheesy and whatever the hell that trailer was. Also, what Gollgagh said.


Ah, so it's the original Dragonball. That's why it was so very not-Dragonball Z. This makes sense!

Now, I never saw Dragonball in its entirety, but wasn't Goku a kid throughout the series? That's what made me assume it was DBZ.

Either way, this isn't "cheese," this is just bad.

My friend told me that the trailer made it look like someone took the DB series, ate it, threw it up, took a huge dump all over it, and then presented the resulting heap of vile bodily expulsions to Fox as the official script.

Personally, I think they urinated on it as well, though whether that happened before or after they rung out a towel drenched in salty ball-sweat over it is certainly up for debate.

Woooow hahaha! I don't think I could've said it better myself.

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