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Have you ever cried because a song was THAT good?


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Not by itself, no. Often get different very strong emotions and feelings from music, but never actually cried as far as I can remember. I don't know, maybe it's because sad music is mostly (always?) also beautiful, which in turn kind of "fills me with hope" (lame as it sounds).

Now coupled with something else on the other hand... I'll sob to any good movie / anime / game if it all (of which music plays a big part) clicks. Smallest package to achieve this: Probably that Animal Crossing YTMND...

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  Tensei-San said:

Damn, you beat me to it, I wanted to post a Gurren Lagann song first in here! It's not so much just that one song by anything that really referenced Kamina that got me a little emotional. Well, no song has really made me cry but Libera Me From Hell and Cinema by Fourier Wave Device are the closest things, really.

This has been one of my favorite songs for years now.


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Star of Hope (A remix of "Gathering Stars in the Night Sky" from Xenogears from OneUp Studios' Mitsuda tribute album) definitely moved me to tears the first time I heard it. That's also the song that inspired me to start playing irish whistle.

Actually, a lot of the xenogears soundtrack had that effect on me, though not necessarily to the point of tears. Same with the Chrono Trigger soundtrack.

Celes' theme from FF6 definitely made me cry a couple times, though that probably wasn't so much due to the song alone as it was due to the heartbreaking scenes it's played in.

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  Geoffrey Taucer said:
Celes' theme from FF6 definitely made me cry a couple times, though that probably wasn't so much due to the song alone as it was due to the heartbreaking scenes it's played in.

A lot of FF music does this for these reasons, it reminds me of a scene where the music played a big part in an emotional response. Two scenes in particular from 7 get me most times (not aeris funnily enough, i never found that to be THAT sad...) Red XIII with his daddy, and barret going mental after the plate falls on sector 6. So that's Great Warrior and Anxious Hearts.

Great Warrior especially gets me these days cause of the whole Reuben Kee thing :(.

But for songs being simply so good that they make me cry... I think a context or something to relate it to is what tips the scale for me. Oh and a live performance helps too.

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I know it was mentioned in the first post, but 'The Best is Yet to Come' from Metal Gear Solid almost made me cry. The first time I played through any MGS game was back in March when I was looking for something to play and glanced through the section of GameCube games that I own and have never actually played, which, as a side note, is small compared to the PS2 games I own and have never played/opened. I saw MGS, thought about all the hype at work over MGS4, and figured I'd give it a chance. I was obsessed for about a week of playing, but the real payoff was the day I finished it (at about 6:30 pm, though I beat Liquid about 5:30). This song playing just after the message about the nuclear warheads appearing was a beautiful ending.

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Board of Canada's "Music is Math" made me cry once, but it was more circumstance than anything. The last song I had a strong emotional response to was "Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt" by The Mars Volta. Granted, I wasn't completely sober but it was by far the coolest 8 minutes of music ever, especially the ending.


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Not too many songs have moved me to tears, but one in particular did earlier this year from the lyrical content reflecting a relationship loss I went through.

"Camellia" - Shimatani Hitomi

I looked up the translation of the lyrics thinking they would be something totally different but found something that moved me to tears instead (check them out yourself XD Link. By the way, Shimatani Hitomi is wonderful and I was thinking about making a remix (eventually, maybe, one day....) that reflected the style of music she has. And as an important sidenote, she's gorgeous ^_^.

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Sometimes the brass entrance in Tchaik's 1812 (you know...with the carillon and bass drum right after the string runs and before the iconic theme?) will do it for me.


Oh, and other sorts of tears...some of the parts of Carmina Burana are tear-jerkingly terrifying. Olim Laucum Colueram and Ego Sum Abbas come to mind.

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  esperz said:
...way past dead, but it had to be mentioned.

You guys never cried at a funeral, wedding, or some other Christian service?

nope, I'm like AD in that regard. (for a funeral anyway, and the last wedding I went to was my uncle's [i think {I was 4 at the time}])

As for me. Taps. I tear up a little bit every damned near every time.

this is pretty much the only song that, on it's own, will get me to tear up at all.

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  Sam I Am said:
Sometimes the brass entrance in Tchaik's 1812 (you know...with the carillon and bass drum right after the string runs and before the iconic theme?) will do it for me.

I love Tchaikovsky's music *_*. 1812 never motivates me to tears though, it just pumps me up full of energy XD. His 4th and 5th symphonies though (moreso his 5th) can bring out the emotions in me.

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  XZero said:
I know it was mentioned in the first post, but 'The Best is Yet to Come' from Metal Gear Solid almost made me cry. The first time I played through any MGS game was back in March when I was looking for something to play and glanced through the section of GameCube games that I own and have never actually played, which, as a side note, is small compared to the PS2 games I own and have never played/opened. I saw MGS, thought about all the hype at work over MGS4, and figured I'd give it a chance. I was obsessed for about a week of playing, but the real payoff was the day I finished it (at about 6:30 pm, though I beat Liquid about 5:30). This song playing just after the message about the nuclear warheads appearing was a beautiful ending.

Glad to see you've experienced the magic as well. :)

Just so others can, and should, too, I'm going to post the song again.

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