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OCR01035 - Final Fantasy Tactics "In Mem'ry of Sir Anthony (A March Through the Plains)"

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a mix from AP wtf?

me likes. this is one of my favorite songs from fft and i've heard that none of the tracks are easy to remix. either way, this is a refreshing take on the original.


EDIT: i believe i said this in #ocremix already, but... HAPPY B-DAY MR. PIZZA!!!11


Well around 0:47 there are a few piano intervals that I'm not really too fond of. I suppose that I might have improper habits of covering up those kinds of intervals with support, but that's just a preference.

I like the change around 0:56. It's a nice mood change.

I find the section around 2:20 with the incoming strings part very sweet. I can't remember the original off the top of my head, so I'm not sure which parts here are original and which are not, but the harmonies and melody here are very nice.

There are a few notes around 3:19 that sound a little weird perhaps, but nothing major. The bass drum and snare in their simple nature I think are very fitting.

Something around 4:50 sounds a little weird to me, and a little later, it seems to me that some of the samples might have intonation problems together, but ehh other than that the rest was very appealing to my ears.

The sfx from the game I thought were a nice touch, following suit with the title and such. Very nice job. :lol:


I usually fool around with editing the ID3 tags while I listen to a new mix, but overall, this was such an engaging track that I forgot to touch the ID3 tag and stuck simply to listening to the mix. There were a few issues, sure, but overall this is some tight work from Antonio Pizza, servin' us a quality slice. Have some extra sauce with that pizza, birthday boy! :tomatoface:


I think this mix held up quite well overall. I may be biased into liking this mix just because I love the FFT soundtrack and am currently playing through the game for a 6th time, or something like that. Anyways, I'm glad you were able to keep the original melody fully intact while yet slowly deconstructing the shell. The samples and instruments may not be Gigastudio style, but they sound good anyways, and some of the ways you put them together were actually downright original and cool sounding. This is more of an arrangement instrumentally then melodically, but it's refreshing; with moments of minimalism and even a hint of trance (0'57" to 1'11"). Nicely done AP! :D


I find it quite annoying when people say something is "interesting." instead of an honest good or bad. But this one i must say really is....."interesting" I am in love iwth the Final Fantasy Tactics soundtrack, and the way the songs are composed, i think the composer must have been a genius to remix; because when remixing this kind of music, you have very few options.Techno, jazz, and everything else would be crazy. But what i appreciate the most is how this remix focuses on teh main feelings you get when you hear the song. Some parts make you want to go out there and fight the world's tougest boss, and other parts move you, and make you realize what a sad and intricate storyline this game has. Bravo, Disciple of the Mix.


Hmm, I expected it to pick up somewhere within the first 3 minutes and it never did... the intro coulda been a bit shorter. The piano (if nothing else) felt like it hit a few wrong notes too...

When it finally did pick up, it didnt build much and just died back down a minute later anyway, and then had a minute long closing...

Kinda like going to see a movie where the previews and credits are longer than the movie itself :P

But you still get points for a promising and unique start.

7 nice works out of 10



Oddly enough, the constant fluttering piano in the high registers in the background gives me flashbacks to climbing the Sky Palace in the 3rd World of Final Fantasy Legend...I don't know what it is. But a captivating feel this song has.


Overall great remix... which is saying a lot because I never like people who did those "minimal" remixes... But I adore FF Tactics and the music that came with it as I adore this remix... The ending was a bit risky in taking, but it didn't hurt the song, so I would say give it a 8.5 out of 10...and a worthy download to all FF Tactics lovers... Keep up the good work


I love the original theme, so I'm naturally biased towards this piece favorably. However, this remix was a bit too minimalistic for me at times, sometimes even seeming bare and uninteresting. Don't get me wrong--it's on my playlist and likely to stay there--it's just not my favorite. (7/10 on the Zelphinometer)



what to say..

first i love the track! ^__^ its beautiful.

but some of your samples sound muffled, and not quite so good. the wind instrument at the end is very blech. but the mix is excellent.

some of the sounds are crystal beautifully great. so it makes for awkward moments in the mix. to have some great, and some blech.

overall though. excellent.



I am as disgusted with this song as I am with the people who let it pass. I don't know if it's the missing notes, or maybe the ones done off-key, hell it could even be the wrong octaves being used, but one of them drives me insane. Most remixers dare not touch FFT's soundtrack because it is both impossible to improve upon, and also extremely difficult to remix electronically, due to it being entirely symphonic. Songs like this reinforce that fact, and it is a disgrace to the game, the composer, and this website.



Collaborator, dude. I mean, that's taking it on a whole new level by saying that it's a disgrace to everything. Yes, there were a few awkward parts in the song, but it had a theme and even a sort of progression. I give him props because it's hard to work on Final Fantasy Tactics tracks. I mean, I have the OST of it. Do you really gotta be that harsh man? Well, I thought it was some good stuff. Not the best I've heard, but I applaud the effort.


While I have to say I'm generally not a fan of the minimalist remixes, this one strikes a chord with me, so to speak. </overusedpun> Perhaps it's the Final Fantasy Tactics soundtrack, almost never remixed because it's hard to get better than the original. Perhaps it's just that this focuses, like most minimalist remixes, upon that 'one more note' bit that keeps the song moving with a reasonable amount of energy. Perhaps it's the anticipation which causes me to wait for that triumphant blast near the end which will always come. Not sure.

All I know is that I like it. Definitely too sparse in areas, though. 8/10, perhaps.


Since Tactics was pretty much the best game ever made, I love this song. I've always liked ff songs, and Fft was the best with em. The only real gripe I had was that it seemed too quiet. I'm not a huge fan of minimalist stuff, but I like some. I just had to restrain myself from screaming at it "get louder!". Oh well. It's an awesome song though.


OK OK OK OK OK, REVIEWSSSSSSSSSS. Alrighty. Are ya ready? Here it goessss,

The song starts off with some nice piano,

And then another comes in like an echo,

Then the both got nots and the cymbal roll comes,

And then some pizzacato, but still no drums,

The orchestra hits are nice throughout,

And then comes in the brass, with a loud shout!

Things get alittle cool around 1:45,

The song seems to become a bit more alive,

The addition of oboe and a bell clank,

Followed by some string coming up on the flank,

The strings themselves sound like their from FFT,

And just so you know, that's perfectly fine with me,

Oboe, paino thing at 2:54,

The music is nice, but the volume needs some more,

The paino joins in, with some soft strings,

And then a steady drum beat to livin' up things,

When the drums come in, the song really shines,

The piano style fits the drums just fine,

The clicky click sound reminds me of something a tad spanish,

And then the song slows down and starts to finish,

It closes it self off, just like it began,

Except a bit slower, and with the screaming of a man,

And a flute to tell you you lost the game,

This song's a bit minimalistic, but good just the same,

Some of the samples could use alittle touch,

But that's a small problem, really nothing much,

Although I think this would be better with a bit more stuff going on,

I give this a 7.5 on the cool-ness scale, and I think this very is done, :D

Bottom line, very very very cool, ESPECIALLY because it's FFT, and although mininalistic, and has some off samples, I really think it suceeded in what it was made to do.


The intro heartbeats were a nice touch. I recognized the melody pretty quickly which is a big factor for me. Subtle, clever, with a lot of variety...great work!

  • 1 month later...

This is definately a style I don't usually come across on this site - alot more orchestral, ambient, and somewhat marchy at times. It's not really that 'minimal' (like some people mentioned); when you think about it. I see quite a few instruments hiding in there during most of this peaceful song; they just blend in well enough together that they don't stick out (which is a good thing for this kind of song; in my opinion).

At first this song really surprised me, I didn't know if I liked it or not (was verging towards a Psycrow post, about how it didn't really pick up); but I do really like what's there in it's calmness... especially when the Oboe/Clarinet and Saxaphone instruments (i think?) join the mix. I'd say all the other instruments, like the piano, choir, drumrolls, strings, bass, twinkly stuff, bells, etc. all add it's overall effect; keeping it unique and interesting.

Everything blends in nicely enough here for my tastes. The song takes a few times to grow on you if you're used to what's regularily put out on OCR, but just keep giving it a try and you'll hopefully start to see and appreciate what Antonio Pizza is trying to do here (well, I did anyways - I've had it on repeat for about an hour now; lol). Nice work man! Peace. :)


"Holy fuck!" <<< my involuntary verbal exclaimation upon reading that "Sir Anthony" had been playing for you for an hour. You called it, it was an clarinet and a soprano sax. Most of the little hidden stuff can be picked out in a pair of earphones, as I'm a big fan of panning.

I think this threw people off because I didn't include the intro speech made one of Sir Anthony's subordinates as I had originally anticipated on doing. That dialouge helps sets the tone for whats going on and why, but I still think it works okay without it. Maybe I'll upload it somewhere later on just so people can see what I'm talking about.

And thank YOU, chokster. I seriously didn't think my shameless plugs would render a review (especially a positive one at that). Thanks for brightening someone's day.



  • 1 month later...

Overall, I think this is an a bit above average arrangement. It started off minimalistic- a good starting approach, leaves plenty of room to build up too. The theme sounds good, chords seem right. Nice use of percussion.

My complaints however, are that it stays minimalstic nearly the entire peice, which is quite frankly pretty boring. It never builds up to where it needs to go in my opinion. I think a good example of building up would be a loud as hell, huge, thick, chordal entrance with brass playing the melody at a decently fast tempo with a good catchy countermelody. Also, some of the samples, like the orchestra hit sound kind of fake.

But other then that, good job. It's overall a good peice.

I give it a 6.99/10 (ALMOUST a 7.)

  • 2 weeks later...

An extremely good remix for a game that's definitely lacking a variety in remixes. The only problem I have with this song is the added "dying" sounds, which I think take away from the overall song a bit. Other than that, it's very good.

  • 2 weeks later...

This day marked my 132nd time beating Final Fantasy Tactics, so I decided to listen to the soundtrack, and this remix as celebration. Whatever is nagging the people who disliked the mix I don't know what it is, this mix for me is beautiful. The death sound at the end fit completely with the song in my opinion, giving it a unique ending. Its sorrowful, but also uplifting bringing in great memories from the game: which remixes for me are supposed to do. This is a great tribute to the soundtrack, and very well made - I only wish Disciple of the Remix would continue and mix some more from the game.

By the way Collaborator, I feel disgraced now knowing that you even played the game. Read the rules, don't be so offensive to the mixer. You didn't spend the time making it, so you don't deserve the time to bash it so thoroughly and incorrectly. You can say its bad, but to spit on it the way you did is unacceptable.


  • 4 months later...

I liked the ending the best...why does everyone hate endings that I like? I like how it isn't afraid to take time building up, adding random additions gradually. It's something I can't even imagine of doing, given from what I have attempted of mixing.

  • 1 month later...

FFT is the game that is probably second closest to my heart. This song is absolutely, sublimely, nearly unbelievably perfect. I adore everything about it -- I dare say it is almost better than the original! VERY WELL DONE!!!

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