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The last Starcraft 2 thread died quietly back in, like, April according to the date, and th other one was about Starcraft 2, but more focused on the news item that it would be a trilogy.

Rather than revive two dead threads, I thought it would be more appropriate to start a new one.

So, has everyone seen the new video of alpha version two-player?


They show a bunch of newer units and some random map features, including "high yield" resources that give out more minerals and gas than usual, as well as natural obstructions that can be blasted away to gain access to other areas. I think I also saw some small groves of trees that your units can hide in from other ground units.

The thing is, I don't remember seeing or hearing about a lot of these new units before, and the official site doesn't list them anywhere.

You guys still up for some deep space RTSing next year?


'okay we need to make a new starcraft RTS but how do we make as much money off of it as possible'

'why don't we make it into three separate games'

'sure why not'


The new tournament-style match alpha match demo they showed was pretty interesting. I can't wait to see the Star League players get their hands on the game. The kinds of tactics you can pull off with some of the units is frightening since they have enhanced micro-management moves like the Zealot charge.


Three parts or not I'll buy it. Especially if all three parts are essentially three games. Haven't seen that video but I'll check it out at home later. Starcraft is easily my favourite RTS ever so I can't wait to play SC2 next year.


Starcraft 2? Bah, what's wrong with the original! I played a 2v2v1 game with four of my friends last night, and it was glorious. (The loner won, but only because the the partnered teams were fighting each other instead of him.)


I am an admitted Blizzard fanboy, so I have no doubt that I will gladly buy Starcraft 2 and all its expansions without a second thought. Hopefully each expansion will be more than just an additional campaign, though.


Meh, piss off, I enjoy playing Starcraft. It's was the first RTS I ever played, and was pretty cool. I'm not thrilled that Starcraft II is going to be in three parts, I wish they would have just gone on with the original and released a stand alone game, and then made an expansion pack. But the way Blizzard was talking, it would be years longer if they did it like they did Starcraft, so that I suppose is understandable. But not by much.

At least it isn't Duke Nukem, and is never getting another sequel.

Everything. Once you announce a sequel to a game, everything prior becomes completely invalidated.

there fixed that for you

I can't even look at my Diablo II CDs anymore.


Seeing that alpha version Battle Report was pretty sweet. Hell, it even got hilarious when one of the announcers started to sound so excited about a Probe dodging a Marine that it could've been mistaken for the deciding score of an international championship.

But what really intrigued me was seeing all the additional tactical elements Blizzard has managed to put into play with StarCraft 2. Even with what had already been announced -- terrain-scaling, Protoss teleportation, and the usual rock-paper-scissors unit types -- they managed to incorporate even more strategic factors with the occupiable watch towers, shrubs that can hide your units, destructible earthen barriers, and even higher-yield resource deposits. I like the direction it seems to be going, toward more of a thinking, plotting game. But one where you still have to be quick with your mouse finger.

  • 1 month later...

Oh wow, this thread kind of slipped away, didn't it?

I was reading some random links and stuff, and I came across the Starcraft wiki. In it, I found a list of new Starcraft 2 units. Holy shit, I didn't know there were so many new ones!


The official Starcraft 2 page doesn't mention most of the Zerg units, so it's kind of out of date. Luckily, the wiki has a lot more info and is more up to date.

Oh wow, this thread kind of slipped away, didn't it?

I was reading some random links and stuff, and I came across the Starcraft wiki. In it, I found a list of new Starcraft 2 units. Holy shit, I didn't know there were so many new ones!


The official Starcraft 2 page doesn't mention most of the Zerg units, so it's kind of out of date. Luckily, the wiki has a lot more info and is more up to date.

I'm intrigued by the idea of 'Giant Firebats'. As if they weren't scary already, make them even scarier!


For me, StarCraft II will be judged by two things: the campaigns' storylines and the campaign editor. If either sucks, I might be a little discouraged by the game. Though, I loved the original StarCraft, so - as long as they don't go too far off base - I should be fine with StarCraft II.


As a person who has actually played Starcraft 2 [at PAX] I can say don't worry, it's still a Starcraft game. Not quite as big a jump as WC2 to WC3, it's pretty much SC1 in 3D with different units. At least from my casual standpoint. I'm predicting the "hardcore" SC players are probably going to whine but fuck them anyway.

As far as the content, I'm hoping each game is as least as long as, say, Brood War was. Brood War was pretty kickass for an expansion.


Man, the announcer on that video was the best part of it. As much of a Starcraft geek as I am, I was still like, "Dude, it is just a computer game."

I'm getting kind of tired of being led on though. I still keep checking battle.net weekly (at least it's not daily any more) for some more news about when we might see this, but I've been doing that for coming up on two years here. I don't begrudge Blizzard their time on the game, but did we need to announce it so early? I mean, you made WoW. It's not like you need the attention. Comes a point where I would rather have the game than be fed snippets of news for years on end.

Man, the announcer on that video was the best part of it.

I got the impression that he was instructed to act overly excited. But then when the Probe was scouting, I can imagine the Blizzard guy was thinking "ummmm, you're doing it wrong. Calm down."

I'm intrigued by the idea of 'Giant Firebats'. As if they weren't scary already, make them even scarier!

Are you talking about the rather large Firebat units that were already removed, or are you talking about the Marauders (the infantry ones that are even bigger than the big firebats), Vikings (even bigger than goliaths), or Thor (bigger than... everything)?

And anyone that claims the previous version(s) were better in any way is a nostalgia-fag and should be called so immediately on the spot by everyone else.

It's the law!

Normaly I would agree... but this is just not the case with Age of Empires.

AOE I was surpassed by AOE II.. but AOE III never surpassed AOE II.

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