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I haven't had much time to play video games in the past year; too much college work to be done. But this summer I had a personal top moment in X3: Reunion: I flew a fighter 200 kilometers to the nearest jumpgate through the middle of a Xenon fleet consisting of 250+ fighters, corvettes and destroyers, 90% of which were faster than my fighter, and survived with 5% hull left.

It took me two hours of constant dodging to make the trip. Oh, and just prior to that I had lost my entire fleet to the same Xenon force.

I haven't had much time to play video games in the past year; too much college work to be done. But this summer I had a personal top moment in X3: Reunion: I flew a fighter 200 kilometers to the nearest jumpgate through the middle of a Xenon fleet consisting of 250+ fighters, corvettes and destroyers, 90% of which were faster than my fighter, and survived with 5% hull left.

It took me two hours of constant dodging to make the trip. Oh, and just prior to that I had lost my entire fleet to the same Xenon force.

i had one of these a while back (not this year) in freelancer, where i basically flew through an entire system of corsairs (best pilots in the game) all flying titans. i was in a freighter...the bretonian one, whichever that was. it was horribly hard, but i managed it (barely).


The fucking release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Had a bunch of friends over, who normally bitch out early and go to sleep, come over and play midnight release.

It was great fun.

Then my Wii taking a gigantic shit in my hands a few months later.


Smash Brothers Brawl, finally unlocking Snake and then finally Sonic, Wolf, and Toon Link

Tomb Raider Underworld, the Kraken's tentacle slinking back in from the hole it protruded out (scared the living crap out of me, I wasn't expecting it in the slightest)

Mega Man 9, finally getting to Willy's Stages, and still not having beat them yet.

Mario Kart Wii races at my house, because the online battle matches suck, not to mention having left out what was perfectly good battle modes from Double Dash.

Experiencing Lost Winds, only to get bored with it later.

Playing through Banjo Kazooie (N64 one, I hated Nuts and Bolts) on XBOX live, and it being the first game for me to have found all the achievements.

Halo 3, beating the campaign on co-op with my Brother in Law, and helping him find all the skulls.

Portal, learning how to shoot forward momentum, and doing it. And beating Glados, and getting an awesome song out of it.

Scoring 2 million points in tetris DS endless mode. :P

Star Wars Force Unleashed,


A famous jedi master striking Vader, only to find that it's only the Apprentice's droid.

End Spoiler....

Those were my top moments this year...

Best gaming moment of 2008? That would be FINALLY completing the Wedding Mask sidequest from Majora's Mask. Or does that not count because MM wasn't released this year?

Well, ideally it would be from this year...but hey, what the heck, it was a gaming moment from this year, so why not?:razz:

Crap, forgot to include my top moment(s). Personally, as much as I've wracked my brain, I keep coming to Bioshock. I love those atmospheric, eerie adventures and Bioshock fit all that and more. The sounds of the ocean surrounding you, the history of that doomed city...all of that and more made for an incredible experience. Yes, the latter half wasn't quite as good, but it still was my highlight.

In a very close 2nd place, seeing the sun rise in Crysis. Combined with the ambient jungle sounds around me, it was my prime reason to continue upgrading my system for PC releases of next year.

Yeah for speedruns I can understand, but if memorization is just as much a factor to merely progressing in the game as reaction and skill, that just smells of bad game design. Challenge is good, but that particular kind of challenge seems forced to me - it's unfair and is essentially a cop-out method of artificially lengthening games, IMO.

I don't know if any of this actually applies to MM9, so don't take this as a bash against it or any other particular game, but it does seem to be a relic of the NES era that a lot of people have acquired a taste for when they actually had the time to deal with that sort of BS when they were kids. :P

I'm just curious what you mean by calling MM9 and NES games BS. I have plenty of friends that never had an NES and have played one very little, never played a Mega Man game that absolutely love MM9. It's the challenge that makes it so addictive.

Again what do you mean by BS?


I'm pretty sure he wasn't trying to imply that MM9 and NES games are BS, but rather that certain elements of these games - like needing to memorise levels so you can look out for particular enemies/traps etc. before you can complete them - are tedious and were easier to tolerate when you were a kid.




Smash Bros Brawl release party

Had a huge release party at the Gamestop near me. Tourneys, free stuff, and tons of nerds.

Dragonforce DLC on Guitar Hero III

Freakin awesome. Nuff said.

"Ropeburn" chapter of Mirror's Edge

I was screaming "OH MY GOD! I CAN"T BELIEVE I JUST SURVIVED THAT!" throughout the last few minutes of this level. Epic.

and oh yeah...


I'm pretty sure he wasn't trying to imply that MM9 and NES games are BS, but rather that certain elements of these games - like needing to memorise levels so you can look out for particular enemies/traps etc. before you can complete them - are tedious and were easier to tolerate when you were a kid.


I'd prefer that to having some hand-holder constantly tell me stuff like "Oh no, it's a BOTTOMLESS PIT! You'll need to JUMP over it using your JUMP button!". Modern games are just littered with shit like this.


Slipping grenades into the pockets of merchant guards in Fallout 3, and then having them dance around and explode whilst I sneak past them and steal all kinds of expensive device blueprints.


Played through HL 2 and Portal in one sitting

Beating Sup Com in hard mode.

A 5 kill spree in combat arms that led to a flag recapture and a game victory.

Achieving 33 pyro achievements legitimately in the span of a week.

Finally killing Vistrix on Age of Conan

Beating AC nexus.

Beating halo 3.



A lot of great gaming happened to me in 2008. The Super Smash Bros. Brawl release was the first big thing. After obsessively reading the Smash Bros. Dojo website every single weekday for nearly an entire year, the game is released, and it met every single expectation for me. Other highlights include singing "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" on Rock Band 2 in a full gaming room at an convention in Kentucky last Halloween, making an ass of myself at the OCR panel at Otakon over the summer (ok, so that's cheating, but video games were involved, so there!) and turning two of my friends into OCR fans in the process, and getting my old NES working again thanks to some screwdrivers and a ton of windex and building a nice NES collection for myself.

But my favorite video gaming moment of the year has been mentioned before, but I'll repeat it: Mega Man 9. One night in particular stands out for me: A friend of mine went with me to another friend's apartment to download and play the game. She laughed her ass off at the two of us playing because we were literately playing out a Penny Arcade comic on her couch. And that's what MM9 made us feel like: little kids on Christmas playing a brand new NES game.

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