djpretzel Posted January 1, 2009 Posted January 1, 2009 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
DCT Posted January 1, 2009 Posted January 1, 2009 Pure sickness. Reminds me of the stuff I used to hear the family playing way back in the day; I already know I'll be playing this one for a long time to come. Five and a half minutes of awesome, dig it. -DCT Quote
tipulsar85 Posted January 1, 2009 Posted January 1, 2009 Sounds like it actually could come from Egypt. I like this more than the music for Secret Rings. Quote
Elex Synn Posted January 1, 2009 Posted January 1, 2009 Gawd damn! This mess is hot. Got me shaking sand out of my clothes hearing it. Quote
SynthesizedStampede Posted January 1, 2009 Posted January 1, 2009 Gosh I really don't know what to say about this. It like manages to stay true to the original, but at the same time adding a groovy, funky, 80s twist in it. I like, very much. Ha, I wouldn't be surprised if me and my "crew" felt like using this in one of our bboy showcases later on in the future, it really is a funky tune. But man, yeah, it's like a mix you would find on a "Sonic & Knuckles HD" game, if you know what I mean. Remix is awesome. Quote
SoulinEther Posted January 1, 2009 Posted January 1, 2009 Sounds like it actually could come from Egypt. heard any music from egypt lately? lol. Still, I agree that it does remind me of traditional egyptian music. But, all traditional-music-stereotyping aside, this was highly enjoyable. Quote
LuigiFan Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 I've always loved Arabian instrumentation, so this mix is a plus for me. I thought this was very nice - I didn't even get tired of the drum loop. This is probably one of my favorite source tunes from the game as well. Nice job - an excellent way to end the year. Quote
kablammyman Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 i really like this remix. It has an "E-40ness" feel too. Good stuff Quote
MechaFone Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Wow, this mix really has a lot going on for it. I love any song that can pull off a genuine 80's feel to it, and this song does just that. Quote
Kizyr Posted January 3, 2009 Posted January 3, 2009 A bit scattered in the beginning, but it settles into a nice groove very quickly. I'm really digging the beat on this one--the percussion's probably my favorite aspect, at that. Only (very minor) issue is that much of what goes on between the 2:00 and 4:00 mark sounds like it repeats, and likely could've been shortened. Funny timing on posting this, too. I heard about it from q-pa as he was checking the site, not five minutes before heading into the Howard Drossin panel at MAG. KF Quote
ChaosPlayer Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Music tested, OC approved. All I gotta say. However, the first 10-20 seconds was effy but rest was awesome. Can music edit it. Quote
Lucentas Posted January 6, 2009 Posted January 6, 2009 This is a great atmospheric piece, really gets me in a desert-y mood. Love the percussion and the instrument choices, it's nice ambient music. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted January 8, 2009 Posted January 8, 2009 This track has such a strong sonic signature (pun not intended, for once), that I don't think i'd ever mistake it for another track. Awesome combination of seemingly disparate styles into something that really works. I chuckled a bit with some of the drum machine sounds, but once things got going, it wasn't a distraction. I love the great rhythms in just about every instrument. No whole notes for Jose! I think the textures are incredible, though it's hard to fully appreciate them on the first listen. Four listens later though, it really is apparent how it all gels. The panning is really subtle in this, but adds a lot of interest, and the more I listen, the more impressed I am with the arrangement. The sounds used may be 80's and could be misconstrued as kitschy, but this is really highbrow stuff. Props. Quote
Red-Rupee Posted January 8, 2009 Posted January 8, 2009 I think this is my favorite Sandopolis mix I've heard so far. Totally keeps to sonic. The Arabian sound mixed with those 8i0's beats fits together really well the way it was done. And whenever you almost think its going to get repetitive he switches it up enough to keep it kicking. The intro is fun and kicks into everything pretty smoothly, the meat of the song is funky and I really like the last groove that comes in right around the 4:00 mark. goodstuff, definitely getting onto my sonic playlist! Quote
Salluz Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 This is exactly what I've been looking for in hiphop, man. When I listened to it the first time, I didn't appreciate it because I was dying of tiredness, but even then I knew that the music was good. The second time it stole me. I notice that it's best enjoyed when you do two things: 1. Don't focus too hard on the music, just let it be subtle; 2. Play this on a beach with your friends and a bunch of hot women. I can't do number two right now because I'm stuck in Michigan with a bunch of college students. Quote
Opterion Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Ah, classic sonic with classic hip-hop containing the classic desert theme. I'd say this is a classic example of how classic music can be stylized in many different classic genres and still have that classic feel. And I must say, Jose, that this tune for me is an instant classic, in case I hadn't gotten the point across. Quote
Martin Penwald Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 José definitely managed to nail the Loose Ends sound; 12 seconds into this remix, and I thought I was listening to LE's Hangin' on a string (Contemplating). Quote
Marmiduke Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Exhibits a lot of freshness, despite the fact it is based off an 80s sort of sound. The infused ethnicity of the instrumentation is what injects this with a really refreshing sound, working with and against the largely digital bass and beat formula that is oh so 80s. Parts of this remind me strongly of certain lava levels in Super Mario 64, but definately moves away from that and onto more unique things. The arrangement is top-notch; full of variety, brimming with new things to try, and that's just something every listener can hope for. Not only does it move from one section or solo to the next, but it does so with a cohesion that I for one really appreciate. This is not an assembly line arrangement; a lot of care and discipline obviously went into it. On the surface, this probably appears as Sandopolis done 80s-style, but there is way more too it than just that. The Middle-Eastern influence, the pristine quality of the sound and the impressive arrangement all do justice to Jose's short but excellent back catalogue. A great listen. Quote
Level 99 Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Ah THIS is a winner. Very chill, and just the right mixture of cheesy samples with good ones. I can feel the source through most of the whole thing but it actually feels like a completely new song to me. I'm especially digging the generic-keyboard drum percussion samples. Someone once made a review of a song a long time ago stating a very important fact: it is possible to take a cheap keyboard and turn the sounds into something that's enjoyable and interesting (or something like that). Definitely getting that vibe from here for some of the instrument choices. Got me groovin' in my chair! Quote
CC Ricers Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 So I actually watched the music video that inspired the remix (DJP's link is broken, watch here) and wow, Jose totally nailed the feel just right. I have a bigger appreciation for this mix now. It's very chill and melancholic much like his other remixes. I like it when Sonic tracks are get the 80's electro treatment. Quote
Holy Land Posted September 16, 2010 Posted September 16, 2010 I love 80's music: old school hip hop, electro, all that stuff, so I just can't say no to this mix. You succesfully emulated that era's sound here, good job. Love the instruments used and the middle-eastern tone. Quote
Black_Doom Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 Huh, Sandopolis + old-school R&B/hip-hop? Well, seems to be legit... At least, Jose made this combination work. The beat is pretty toe-tapping and the Middle Eastern instrumentation is woven in quite well. Nice job! Quote
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