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Even with just music, Versus looked like a much better story. The regular one seemed kind of cheesy with how fast-paced the action seemed to be. It seems this game takes place in the same universe as FFXIII as well as one other game not mentioned here.


It was nice to see some more detail in the combat system, not that I actually understood what was going on since it was in Japanese, but good to get a bit more of a feel for how it plays out with the various options and stuff. In other words, it was nice to see that there really is a game under all of the CSs we've seen so far, reminds me of FFVIII as well, in a good, not having to draw 100 times a battle kind of way :lol: .

As for Versus, I find it hard to say too much about that unless it's been confirmed that it too will be a full-on, FF style rpg. For all we know at this point it could be another Dirge of Cerberus, although either way, it *looks* like it will be very cool too (not like we have to choose between them if they both end up being good games).

I saw the clip earlier today and graphically, beautiful as usual... but for some reason, the storyline does seem to remind me a lot of the first 1/2 of FFVII.

Yeah I'm in the same boat as you. It's definately a pretty game, but eh...

I am however very interested in seeing how the combat system will play out.


I saw that a lot of people working on Versus were Kingdom Hearts veterans, which is very encouraging as far as core gameplay is concerned. Definitely gonna have to get a PS3 by 2010 for that. Let's hope the writers weren't reefin' while makin the story...

As far as the regular XIII, i'm gonna have to say I don't like the direction combat is taking just yet. It looks like a mix of ATB and Star Ocean/Tales series fighting, which, if done right could end up being very awesome. But successfully mixing the strategy of ATB and the frantic quick thinking required for fully active open-field fighting will be a hard hard task...

Fingers are crossed for both games.

edit: doesn't the guy with the gun in the versus trailer look a lot like Albus from Order of Ecclessia? or is it just me...


Well, you can't say anything for sure about the combat until you actually get in there and test it. But I have faith in them. I actually realllllllly enjoyed FFXII's combat system. Honestly, that's all that kept me playing, as I thought the story was bare bones and boring. But the seamless combat made it feel more like an MMO, and I played through the game just because the combat was so smooth. If they can manage the same type of thing in XIII, I'm sure it will be enjoyable.

Unless the only kind of combat you like is completely traditional turn based. Then you're probably kinda screwed.


Is FFXIII Regular set in Zanarkand? Sure looks a lot like the opening sequence from FFX. Or are the guys at Square-Enix running out of ideas? Versus seems darker, which does not necessarily mean better. You can't really judge what the stories are going to be from the trailers. But both make me think of FFVIII, which imo SUCKED.

Well, you can't say anything for sure about the combat until you actually get in there and test it. But I have faith in them. I actually realllllllly enjoyed FFXII's combat system. Honestly, that's all that kept me playing, as I thought the story was bare bones and boring. But the seamless combat made it feel more like an MMO, and I played through the game just because the combat was so smooth. If they can manage the same type of thing in XIII, I'm sure it will be enjoyable.

Unless the only kind of combat you like is completely traditional turn based. Then you're probably kinda screwed.

I was just the opposite about FFXII - I was bored with grinding for $$, how much time it took to get from one place to another, and how expensive everything was turned me off. In addition, the game was designed so piss poorly if you wanted to play without a strategy guide of some sorts. So many things about it frustrated me and caused me to give up on the game.


The battle icons look like they dominate too much of the screen. I hope they rearrange that before the final release.

It does look interesting, but confusing as all final fantasies look before you play them. It's looking a lot like final fantasy x-2 to me (in combat.) The story reminds me of Spirits Within. I dunno where people are getting the FFVIII feel from.


I hated the crappy MMO style battle system in FFXII. In fact, I hate MMO's, not because of the concept, but because of the fetch quests, grind, and the bland battle systems. Never got into FFXII at all because it was like the worst of both worlds. IMHO of course....

I thought this trailer was incredible, and the battle system looked really fun, like it was returning to the roots of classic JRPG's with a lot modern updates. I'm an SNES/PSX RPG junkie, so from what I saw, it was just what I wanted.

I predict another great FF, and we are due. In the modern era, we've had 7, then 10, so 13 fits the pattern. (This is not to say that 8 or 9 were not good, just not to the caliber of 7 or 10, again imho)


Looks graphically fantastic, but since when did we expect anything different? What I was really impressed with was the way the combat system flows. Definitely a step up from XII, which I think did a pretty good job making battles less stop-and-go.

I don't know where people get off being like, "Oh jeez looking a lot like FFVII in here" when we've seen all of two trailers.


To tell you the truth, I've had my doubts about FFXIII ever since I found out that the director is the same guy as the one who did FFX-2 and FFXII-2 Wings (DS game) Then last year when they anounced the move to the 360, that really did it for me. Other people may think of it as a way for Square-enix to make more money, but to me, it just shows me their lack of faith in the game. Especially since the guy and girl main characters are named Lightning and Snow. I hope they get a better name than that.

Regardless of how they play out, I'm still getting both of them. Though I think that Versus will be better. And I had better see some ruins of a XIII city in Versus XIII.

Also, the big guy on versus looks exactly like Angeal.


I really don't understand how people have decided this game's a lost cause on something as unsubstantial as this trailer. Clearly it looked good (a given) and the battle system was confusing (cause no one knows how it works). But aside from that and a few lines from the main characters that don't really mean much, because no one knows what they're talking about, there wasn't much to see.

I thought it was pretty and could continue to get more interesting. But aside from that judgement on something like this is a bit of a no go.

I was just the opposite about FFXII - I was bored with grinding for $$, how much time it took to get from one place to another, and how expensive everything was turned me off. In addition, the game was designed so piss poorly if you wanted to play without a strategy guide of some sorts. So many things about it frustrated me and caused me to give up on the game.

FFXII did a couple of things very well, but the things it does bad outweigh it. For instance, I thought the programmable combat system was sweet. Not getting money from kills, and forcing a crapton of grinding sucked. Having random treasure chests that you can't open or you lose the best weapon in the game sucks. Giving no direction for finding extras without a guide sucks.

I'm currently outside the Necrohol of Nabudis ready to fight Chaos, and just got bored of it because of the grinding :(


Though I love sci-fi and all, I'd love to see them taking the series 'back in time' a little more again.

The whole shooting thing is a little off-putting, but if I had a PS3 and I'd play either of those games I'm sure I'd enjoy them anyway (to some extent).

FF12 had some interesting moments and had a good feel, but I didn't really like the battle system. I'd like it to be a bit more active. Of course the end game wasn't very exciting either haha :P

A good game makes sure the ending makes one feel accomplished, which is something the FF series has been pretty good at overall in the past.

;_; I miss FF6 *must play*


Versus XIII looks really really good. I heard somewhere the combat will be Kingdom Hearts-esque? If so that is a MASSIVE plus for me.

Stop making me want a PS3, Square.

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