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They probably need a stronger foothold in the western market.

i'm leaning towards this. with SE opening a cali-based office, they're probably screaming for experienced game personnel. and, like it or not, those three major series (hitman, tomb raider, and time splitters) have had moments of brilliance. i personally love hitman 4's gameplay, particularly on pc.

of course, with all the rumors about ff7 lately, the fact that they published the pc version likely helps.


I like how people trivialize the Tomb Raider series while forgetting that the original pretty much redefined and reinnovated the entire action/adventure genre on PC and can IMO be considered as much of a milestone for PC gaming as, say, Doom or System Shock. Also the last few games (from Legend onwards) have been very good.

That said, I'd love to see what kind of games this unholy union will spawn, if nothing else, it'll be interesting. :P

What do you think? What can Square Enix do with Tomb Raider/Hitman/Time Spliters? It almost boggles the mind...

I'm fairly certain Eidos doesn't even own Timesplitters; you know, seeing as Free Radical developed it and it was EA who published the third game.

If anything I'd like the Legacy of Kain series to see a proper conclusion, but that would never happen with Square calling the shots. Best we'd get is a sub par sequel. Especially since Amy Hennig works for Naughty Dog now.

But FF14 is going to be an FF7 remake.....

Yea, I heard that rumor 3 years ago.

Square needs to MOVE ON. I'm so sick of Final Fantasy VII, I don't care if it was to appease the fanboys to release all that stuff relating/expanding to it. All they did was whore the dang game out. And I'd honestly like to call them on that. How can you possibly call that a new game when all it is is a remake? IF that's true.

All I hope, is that Square allows Eidos to focus on making their content, and doesn't get too far involved. I don't mind Square's involvement, but I'd rather not see them try to make a Tomb Raider themselves. Legend is by far the best, Anniversary is just a remake, I'll admit, not necessary, but a polite nod to fans, and was a good game to boot. Underworld was just a bit too ambitious, good, but not great. But then again, if Square can make a brand new great game out of the Tomb Raider franchise, I'll gladly eat my words.

All I can hope for is good things to come from this.

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