Lotd2242 Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Ahh the Bleck troll. One day I will learn not to feed it, but it's so cute and adorable sometimes I just can't help myself. Quote
Bleck Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 'hey if I just call you a troll it should automatically invalidate everything you say!!' gentlemen I present to you the Gaia Online defense Quote
The Damned Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Ignoring the last page or so... I saw it last night. It was kind of... hard to explain. It's sort of like when you've been hit with something that you thought might hurt, but were surprised that it didn't, and in fact, may have even been slightly ticklish. Not giggling out loud ticklish, but sort of a "what did I just feel? Joy? No... not even close. Surprise? Nope, not even close. Pleasure? Nowhere near" kind of ticklish. It's really hard to explain. I can't say that it was a bad movie, but I can't really say that it was a good movie either. It's going to be put down on my "movies to watch when there's nothing else on TV" list. Quote
Trygon Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 I thought the movie was amazing. Kirk made it with alien chicks, Spock fought his emotions, and Bones was a doctor, DAMNIT. What more do you need? Quote
JadeAuto Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 I thought the movie was amazing. Kirk made it with alien chicks, Spock fought his emotions, and Bones was a doctor, DAMNIT. What more do you need? Spock giggling beside himself with glee. Quote
Lotd2242 Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 I thought the movie was amazing. Kirk made it with alien chicks, Spock fought his emotions, and Bones was a doctor, DAMNIT. What more do you need? Spock with a goatee? Quote
Toadofsky Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 California. Yeah, it's a long story.You might know it if you hung out in irc more, YOU JERK WHAT ARE YOU TOO GOOD FOR US Dude, I'm sorry, I don't even know what irc is. No I don't think I'm better, I'm WAAAAY better! I kid, I kid. Quote
Inimitable Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 Who was that green skinned girl (is that an Orion chick?) that Kirk was making out with? She was pretty hot. I've seen one site say it's Diora Baird, but I'm not sure that's correct. I didn't ever hear her name in the movie anyways... That's Rachel Nichols. As an added bonus, she was in Maxim too. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 I was wrong. I am not familiar with the original Star Trek theme, apparently. I was listening for the main theme to The Next Generation. If you listen closely at 1:30, you can hear a hint of the theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdysH77YxFw Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 this reminds me of all those attention seekers who said The Dark Knight was bad just because they wanted to be different Has it ever occurred to you that some people just don't like something for whatever reason? They aren't required to just because everyone else does. Every time someone says something didn't appeal to them for whatever reason you have to throw out this "oh you're just some loser attention seeker trying to be different." No, see some people just don't like stuff that others do deal with it. Oh I haven't seen this movie yet, but I might when I actually have time, probably won't be till it's on dvd though I haven't even gotten to see watchmen yet T_T. I'm not a huge star trek fan, but I have been known to enjoy it from time to time. Quote
The Womb Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 I was wrong about this movie. It was not Star Trek 90210. It was Star Trek: The Michael Bay Edition, and the part of me that really enjoys that kind of mindless action flick was satisfied. Problem is if it did not have the Star Trek label on it, nobody would care much about yet another retelling of Generic SciFi Action Movie #2, complete with product placement and revenge-bent villain, because this was pretty much forgettable and unremarkable in every way. Mmm I spose there are some spoilers here I felt the complete opposite, I just about didn't go because Star Trek has never held my interest, and I really haven't liked anything prior to this movie that involved Star Trek. A Generic SciFi Action movie probably would have been better suited to a guy like me. Saying that I thought the movie was pretty descent. The massive plot holes/ stupid Deus Ex Machina ( Kirk not only lands on the same planet as old Spock but also near him runs into the same cave while being chased by a monster AND ends up finding scotty who is the only person in the world who would be able to beam him up to the Enterrprise was a little to much chance for me and was pretty much destined for the Meh pile but Simon Pegg single handedly upgraded the movie to a pretty good. I've got a question because I haven't watched alot of Star Trek. Was this the start of the Tv series,Comics,etc.? or was this a parralel dimension that got started from the time warp that actually doesn't have anything to do with the original stuff (quite simply I'm asking if Captain Kirk's dad was alive/ The Vulcan homeplanet destroyed in the original series?) because if this was set in a parallel dimension to the actual cannon, it was a brilliant way t have a Star Trek Brand label without having to stick too closely to cannon and not anger true fans. (Something that say the Wolverine movie could have benefitted from because of it's lack of any resemblance to any events that happened in the comics) Also did anyone else think that once Spock took the ship contained all the Red Matter the movie was pretty much over because Nero wouldn't have been able to blow up earth anyways even if the drill did get to the center of the earth. Quote
JH Sounds Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 was this a parralel dimension that got started from the time warp that actually doesn't have anything to do with the original stuff Uhura used the phrase "alternate reality", but yeah, you got it. I consider it be a brilliant conpromise; the higher ups wanted a reboot, but the filmmakers wanted to respect canon, so they came up with a fork-in-the-road scenario. The most amusing part is that the forking idea isn't even new in the Star Trek franchise. Also did anyone else think that once Spock took the ship contained all the Red Matter the movie was pretty much over because Nero wouldn't have been able to blow up earth anyways even if the drill did get to the center of the earth. As soon I had discovered that he was attacking Earth, I knew he would fail. The only real intrigue for me was how such a ridiculously overpowered ship would be defeated. At least they avoided the generic omgitexplodedinabigballoffire! Quote
suzumebachi Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 So I saw this movie yesterday. I've been an fan of Star Trek since I was a wee boy. I wasn't sure about this movie going into it, but I am also a fan of Zachary Quinto (<3 Heroes) so I decided to give it a chance. I was pleasantly surprised. It didn't suck. On the contrary, I actually thought it was quite good... when you take it as separate from the previous canon. Obviously there are some significant departures from the original storyline, and some things in that regard seem rather forced. But on its own, it stands quite well. That said, I'm curious as to how they're going to reconcile this new storyline with the old one. Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 That said, I'm curious as to how they're going to reconcile this new storyline with the old one. They're not, and they shouldn't. Quote
Toadofsky Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 They're not, and they shouldn't. SPOILER Agreed, they don't need to go through it. Now with it being an alternate time line, they can do whatever they want with it. END SPOILER Can't wait for a sequel. And in regards to people disliking the movie, hey, if you don't like it fine, not a big deal. Though I do think it's a bit harsh to describe it as a Michael Bay Star Trek. You have to remember though, they wanted to cater to a larger crowd, so the action had to be big and loud. And in the end, for me at least, it was incredible, it's been one the best movies I've seen this year besides Paul Blart: Mall Cop, and State Of Play (Wolverine was awful in my opinion). Quote
Shadow Wolf Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 The only thing that didn't make sense about the movie is that somehow a Romulan mining barge was the size of one of the Titans from EVE, and the most advanced warships in the galaxy were about the size of flies. Quote
sephfire Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 The only thing that didn't make sense about the movie is that somehow a Romulan mining barge was the size of one of the Titans from EVE, and the most advanced warships in the galaxy were about the size of flies. I guess Romulans take their mining very seriously. Quote
Arrow Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 Didn't someone already mention how Nero's ship was Borg tech from the future, and that his actual mining WESSEL was inside it? Quote
Sinewav Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 Just saw it yesterday, and I was thoroughly entertained. Yeah, it was cliche at some points, but it was Star Trek cliche dammit, and that's exactly what I was paying to see. Personally, I get really sick of people going to see movies and complaining that they're "predictable" or that they "all ready guessed the ending". Woohoo. You're smart. But unless you're going to see a mystery or a thriller, you're barking up the wrong tree. Movies like this don't aim to have twist endings. In fact, 99% of stories are the same thing packaged differently, and that's the way it has always been and will always be. Everybody knows within the first few minutes (assuming they didn't see the trailer) that most action movies are about some horrible thing that's going to happen and that the hero(es) have to overcome insurmountable odds to stop bad thing from happening. This plot has been used over and over. What's going to make it special and unique is having interesting characters, and watching them grow and learn to overcome those odds. The new Star Trek movie is a perfect example of this. It's got essentially the same story as every other film of it's kind, but what makes it fun is watching young Kirk, Spock, and their crew develop into the Kirk, Spock, and crew that we've known for years. At least that's what I think. Quote
Lotd2242 Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 Mmm I spose there are some spoilers hereI felt the complete opposite, I just about didn't go because Star Trek has never held my interest, and I really haven't liked anything prior to this movie that involved Star Trek. A Generic SciFi Action movie probably would have been better suited to a guy like me. Saying that I thought the movie was pretty descent. The massive plot holes/ stupid Deus Ex Machina ( Kirk not only lands on the same planet as old Spock but also near him runs into the same cave while being chased by a monster AND ends up finding scotty who is the only person in the world who would be able to beam him up to the Enterrprise was a little to much chance for me and was pretty much destined for the Meh pile but Simon Pegg single handedly upgraded the movie to a pretty good. Are you saying you went to go see it because it looked like generic SciFi action and it wasn't? But yes, the plot had all kinds of holes. Too many to even consider. I've got a question because I haven't watched alot of Star Trek. Was this the start of the Tv series,Comics,etc.? or was this a parralel dimension that got started from the time warp that actually doesn't have anything to do with the original stuff (quite simply I'm asking if Captain Kirk's dad was alive/ The Vulcan homeplanet destroyed in the original series?) because if this was set in a parallel dimension to the actual cannon, it was a brilliant way t have a Star Trek Brand label without having to stick too closely to cannon and not anger true fans. (Something that say the Wolverine movie could have benefitted from because of it's lack of any resemblance to any events that happened in the comics) I think the alternate reality thing is probably the biggest cop-out ever. It's lazy writing by people who are unwilling to actually take five minutes to figure out how to fit themselves into an existing universe but want the brand name. There is really very little canon to worry about relating to how Kirk & Spock & Co. all came together or what they were up to at the Academy. They seem to propose that the original timeline exists in parallel, but since Star Trek's time travel always resulted in causality loops wherein everything that is supposed to happen happens anyway and the future does not change, this movie implies that either the original timeline has been obliterated, or the other half of the loop has not yet been completed. I guess Picard will come back from the future and stop Nero from killing Kirk's dad or something. Even it is a parallel universe, for all practical purposes, that timeline is gone. If your old timeline is so "old and bloated" that you feel the need to irrevocably alter it to tell your new stories, why would you go back to it? So it's gone either way. It's no different than say the Mirror universe where Spock has a goatee. Sure it exists, but it isn't the one we're following. The easiest way they could've respected the timeline while doing whatever they wanted would've been to kick the ball down the road from Picard a hundred years and create a whole new crew. Quote
Nec5 Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 It's a pity they didn't just do a Star Trek film with new and different characters. But alas, the era of remakes continues to rake in the coin. Quote
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