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He wasn't asking for djp to change it, he was asking the ReMixer to take into consideration this kind of thing and be more creative with titling. Come on, Larry, your reading is better than that. :-)

I know that. I ALSO know the remix title is not presented with hate, the titling IS creative, and there's absolutely no point in pressuring the artist in this manner with political correctness gone overboard.

LET IT GO! :tomatoface:

He wasn't asking for djp to change it, he was asking the ReMixer to take into consideration this kind of thing and be more creative with titling. Come on, Larry, your reading is better than that. :-)

Whilst equating using the phrase "Jesus Christ" with calling a black person a nigger.


Makes perfect sense.

Whilst equating using the phrase "Jesus Christ" with calling a black person a nigger.

The point is that both are disrespectful (not Christ's name in and of itself, but rather its usage in this context.)

The point is that both are disrespectful (not Christ's name in and of itself, but rather its usage in this context.)

Except that everyone can relate to racial slurs being disrespectful if you have any kind of common sense. Yelling "Jesus Christ" on the other hand really doesn't do anything for me :/

If you think calling a black person a nigger is "disrespectful" you just need to stop right here and now.

You are probably the most ignorant person I've ever encountered on these boards.

Obviously there's no point in discussing anything with you since you already have it in your head that anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant. Ironically, such a closed-minded attitude is itself characteristic of an idiot.


Yup, this analogy is dumb. It would be more accurate if you compared calling a black person 'nigger' to calling a christian 'christfag' or some other derogatory slur based on their beliefs, and even then, discrimination of race is arguably worse than discrimination of religion.


What does that mean for da Jewsz?

Anyway, look, it's against your religion for you to "take the Lord's name in vain" but this is YOUR belief. You speak for yourself. You have the right to complain, yes, but guess what? The people you are complaining to have the right to listen to whether your complaint is valid enough to warrant some kind of response. In this case, djp was kind enough to offer a response to you that was at least thought-out and informative as to why he chose to not do as you requested. (which was obviously to change the name of the song)

Doug is a really nice guy, and I am completely 100% sure that he meant no offense to anyone.

As a Christian, your set of standards is different from those that are not, and there is plenty of offensive material out there for you to become offended by. So to this, I offer a little advice. Pick and choose your battles a little more carefully. The world is way to big for you to get offended by something like this... I mean yeah it's your right, but you're just going to be met with the same kind of resistance and you'll just get sad/hurt/disappointed/angry again and have another fight on an internet forum.

In this case, you played the role of a victim over this. This would indicate that the ReMixer (and the site) are abusing you and your sensibilities. But the people that know DrumUltima also know that he's not an abusive individual and he just don't roll that way. They used their noggins and they decided that this was a pretty ridiculous request. He's not abusive just because his definition of what is sensible to say is different from you. As has been said before, try to think of "why" he would use this in the title, and understand the context. I really think that's the best way to get along with anybody in general, and there are a whole lot of people out there to try this with. Less people would be alienated if both parties tried it out.

So anyway, I just think that wasn't the right way to go about this at all, I would go as far to say that it's not even the "Christian" way to go about it, and it happens far too often in the name of Christ. Maybe if your grandmother's name was Jesus Christ and she was eaten by a dinosaur, maybe you'd have more of a case, and maybe those in charge would take more pity.

What a waste of precious energy, you know?



It's one thing to have a differing opinion, another to request ppl respect yours, and yet another to discredit and ridicule ppl's opinion and belief. Let me try that last one, tho. Certain ppl must be really insecure about their beliefs if they post here only to shit on the ones that post here to show that they take offense at the title - especially when said ppl say nothing about the remix itself.

I like this remix. I heard it way back on the wip board, and liked it then. It's nice and refreshing to have rhythm without any melody, maybe it'll spawn a whole lot of new and creative remixes doing things different. Beer bottles, anyone?

Yeah, I said refreshing to have rhythm without melody. That brings us to some of the issues brought up in the Evolution of OCR thread. There's an abundance of kind'a thick songs that in the long run make it difficult to enjoy ocr music. This breaks free from all that, and I'm grateful for it. Not only is this enjoyable, but it also spices up the other remixes on my playlists.

I re-read the wip thread and found Joren's echo of zircon's concerns for this approach, something I didn't understand myself. Why wouldn't a distinct rhythm be eligible material to interpret? You're the right guy to do this, and you did it well. Excellent remix, my only criticism is the title.


I don't know the source, so I cannot comment on the arrangement, but as a stand-alone song, this piece is brilliant. Even without a melody, this song has more energy to it than many of the more elaborate remixes posted here.

About the title: I, too, was a little annoyed when I saw it on the front-page; not because it has Jesus Christ in its name (to be honest, I never thought that someone could get as worked up about it as some of the people who posted in here did), but because I am tired of the meme and don't really need 4chan jokes in my remix titles.

Anyway, great job, DU.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This track is just amazing. Doug, you rock. What's really great is that throughout the mix you can still feel the original source. I know I would be very easily tempted to go off onto something not related, but Doug keeps the track firmly within the source and gives it some awesome treatment.

Wonderful job.

Also, I couldn't wait for this to be posted because of how hilarious the title is.


Pretty good song. Love what you did with the already limited source.

Plus, this has got to have one of the best titles on a remix ever (not trying to start favorites, I am not! :) )

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Way to stun us all, Doug! Every one of your remixes feels monumental in one way or another, but in terms of the legacy left on the site I think this might be his most important one yet.

The rhythms are great especially in light of how it's been expanded from the source tune. I don't have any technical feedback to bestow here but regardless, it's a brilliant endeavor and one that I'm really glad to have hit the front page!


  • 6 months later...

This was actually one of my favorite tunes out of Chrono Trigger. On the one hand, I'm pretty glad to see it arranged, but on the other hand, after this, I really doubt anyone could pull off a better take :<

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