JCvgluvr Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 I think the lack of creepyness has more to do with daylight, more vibrant colors, and the new music more than the fact that we "lost our L4D creepyness-virginity." I know it's still there, because the new witch's crying disturbed my inner gamer. Not by much, mind you, but I still felt creeped out. But that was the only time. Everything else didn't disturb me in the slightest. Quote
big giant circles Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 the fact that we "lost our L4D creepyness-virginity." haha, that's a fun way to word it Also yeah, I actually thought the new witches crying and proximity music is actually just as if not more creepy now. Can't wait to hear it in the dark. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 If new witch runs around in the dark also, it will be fucking scary. Can't imagine turning a corner only to have her be _right_ there. I'm hoping for a random mix of witches at night...would keep us on our toes at least. Quote
Nicole Adams Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 I think the lack of creepyness has more to do with daylight, more vibrant colors, and the new music more than the fact that we "lost our L4D creepyness-virginity." Yes, this right here. It's the artistic choices made for L4D2 that I don't like. I do like the daylight aspect, however. I never thought L4D was scary the first time I played it, except for the witches and the tanks still make me go, "Oh, crap!" (Even though I know where they will show up.) I actually found it hilarious when you would kill a hunter or smoker they'd go flying as if they were on the moon. Quote
Inimitable Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 I think the witches only wander during the day. In one of the three interviews that were just put up on the blog one of the devs say "the witches wander around during the day," which implies they won't during the night. Quote
big giant circles Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 Dude, I killed a jockey mid jump, and it's like he turned into a helium-filled balloon His body literally floated off into the sky, it didn't even fall. Quote
Bleck Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Dude, I killed a jockey mid jump, and it's like he turned into a helium-filled balloon His body literally floated off into the sky, it didn't even fall. This has happened to me twice now, and both times I had to stop playing because I couldn't stop laughing. Quote
Powerlord Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Does anyone know what today's Demo update was for? Demos don't have release notes like normal games do. Quote
atmuh Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Does anyone know what today's Demo update was for? Demos don't have release notes like normal games do. You mean these release notes? Anyways I played the demo through once, but only on single player. It pretty much feels exactly the same as the first which is telling me that I definitely won't like the full version at all, but my brother and friend still wanna get a 4-pack so I'll probably end up with the game anyways. We'd need one more for a 4-pack also, if anyone is interested. Quote
Powerlord Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 You mean these release notes?Anyways I played the demo through once, but only on single player. It pretty much feels exactly the same as the first which is telling me that I definitely won't like the full version at all, but my brother and friend still wanna get a 4-pack so I'll probably end up with the game anyways. We'd need one more for a 4-pack also, if anyone is interested. I usually just use "View update news" from the Steam Games screen, which doesn't show those for demos. Whoops. Quote
The Damned Posted November 8, 2009 Author Posted November 8, 2009 Oh, in case no one saw it yet, you can now pre-load the full game if you've bought it already. Be patient, though, as there seems to be a lot of people hammering the Steam servers for it. I had to try about five times to get a connection, and it's taking forever to download. Still have to wait another week and a bit to play, of course... So, I think the Magnum and the new sniper rifle are going to be my new standards. The magnum is rather powerful for a handgun, and the rifle is just... it's far better than the old rifle. Bigger clip (30 rounds as opposed to the hunting rifle's 15), better aim while running (the old hunting rifle had terrible accuracy while moving) and it seems just as powerful. I shot a hunter through a wall and killed it in two shots, so we know it as the penetrating power that the hunting rifle has. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted November 8, 2009 Posted November 8, 2009 I preloaded like 2 nights ago. Went pretty fast then, but I think I caught it before the flood of people noticed. Now if only the 17th were here.... Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 It says something when I got the 360 demo, it was still fun even while being amazingly laggy. I still wish they update Source so it doesn't look like a 5-6 year old game engine it is. It just looks ancient. But I'm still most scared about the lag. Might finally get it if they fix it 100%. Quote
Bleck Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 It just looks ancient. not enough shiny brown space marines Quote
Tensei Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Locked and (pre)Loaded, bitches! Can't wait for it to come out now. Quote
big giant circles Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 In what ways does it look ancient? Still looks pretty good to me. /shrugs Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 In what ways does it look ancient?Still looks pretty good to me. /shrugs Don't worry BGC, INJIN has to bitch about something in any post he makes. Quote
Level 99 Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Hasn't source had these progressive updates through the years? I know they revamped it for the release of Orange Box for sure. Added some nifty new looks, like the motion blur (hello, nausea!). I'm with BGC, it still looks good to me, even without brown space marines. Pre-loaded after playing the demo for the first time over the weekend. It says something when you grab a guitar, imagine it is your own not sitting 4 feet from you, and delve face-first into the fantasy of bashing a zombie's head in with it. Talk about awesome. I can't get enough of the opening movie either. Quote
Bleck Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 In what ways does it look ancient? not enough shiny brown space marines Also, in my opinion the source engine is still the best looking engine on the market, simply because the characters have a tendency to actually look and move and act like real people - as opposed to other games that have cruse, plastic figurines that move in vaguely human patterns amongst a world with incredibly (needlessly) detailed flora and fauna that have no reflection on the actual game at all. Quote
The Damned Posted November 9, 2009 Author Posted November 9, 2009 I still wish they update Source so it doesn't look like a 5-6 year old game engine it is. It just looks ancient. You think it might not be the engine, so much as it it that the 360 is still running the same hardware it had when it launched four years ago? The engine scales down depending upon the hardware. PCs are running far superior gear and it looks fucking great. But I'm still most scared about the lag. Might finally get it if they fix it 100%.Again, four year old hardware, PCs running better gear... honestly, it sounds more like you have a shitty connection and "obsolete" hardware than anything else.Maybe it's time you got a new computer? You can get a pretty decent gaming rig for less than $800 these days. Quote
Level 99 Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Maybe it's time you got a new computer? You can get a pretty decent gaming rig for less than $800 these days. My name is Level 99, and I approve/agree with this message. However, I feel like they should be optimizing it better considering the hardware in the 360 is still quite good by any standards. It can't beat a current high-end system, but the porting team will probably still end up doing a great job optimizing the code. I can't help being a PC snob. Also, an open question: Was L4D, or for that matter L4D2, meant to be truly scary in the first place? Yes, there's a bit of jump-scaring with opening a door only to be face-to-face with a huge horde, and some tension-scaring with the music and enemies like the witch, but the game never struck me as intending to be unnerving. I really enjoy the original score, and while the New Orleans music caught me a little off-guard, I found myself enjoying the game that much more laughing my ass off whenever it came on. Anyone else notice the AI seems to be a LOT better this time around? Quote
DarkeSword Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Original L4D is emotionally-draining for me, which is why I never played it as often as I should've. I think it's all the nighttime dreariness. I liked playing the demo in the daytime. It was a nice change of pace. Quote
The Damned Posted November 9, 2009 Author Posted November 9, 2009 Original L4D is emotionally-draining for me, which is why I never played it as often as I should've. I think it's all the nighttime dreariness. I liked playing the demo in the daytime. It was a nice change of pace. Well, L4D2 only has one daytime campaign, so... Quote
JCvgluvr Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Of all the things that I disliked about the 360 demo, the technical level of the graphics wasn't one of them. I think it looks fine, on that level. Too colorful? Yes. Too bright? Yes. Too outdated? No, not at all. Maybe it's time you got a new computer? You can get a pretty decent gaming rig for less than $800 these days. And this, my friends, is why I'll neeeeeeeeeeever get a gaming PC. Am I the only one who thinks that 800 smackeroos is just too much to spend on hardware alone? Do you know how many games (on several different consoles), controllers (for several different consoles), Gamefly subscriptions, or even better TVs or surround sound systems I could get with that kind of moolah?! And the craziest part is, $800 is only considered DECENT! What kind of ludicrous amounts must I spend to get something noteworthy?!?!?! It just doesn't seem worth it to me, and I don't think it ever will. Quote
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