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  • 4 weeks later...

IMO, a bit heavy on the distortion, but the mix still works well. It's just so difficult to describe this mix, it's beautiful in a bizzare, undescrible way


This is hands down one of my favorite pieces on the site. What you've created from the original piece is amazing. It stirs a sense of total awe: the feeling of discovery, mixed with the lingering sensation that those far more powerful than you have fallen treading the same path you are right now. Once the actual melody starts (around 2 minutes), the way it seems to just flow and meander over the soft beat in the background brings to mind pictures of tremendous, subtle power- like a mournful conflict with an angelic force, something terrible that you've tried to avoid at all costs, but couldn't.

I've used this tune as background music during my weekly dungeons and dragons sessions, combined with the description of the scene it inspired exactly what I needed into the players.

Bottom Line:

This is an excellent, excellent work that crackles with a subtle power and paints a mood like few other pieces can.


Rimco's "Doomed E1L8 Boss" is a favorite of mine that simply has a wonderfully melodic, somber, and deliberate feel to it. The eerie style of the Mix made me listen longer and longer, and, like I always say, brought a uniqueness to the picture that was hard to ignore. While the track builds, it doesn't build too loudly, so this is one of those tracks you can put on if you feel like just having background music in your ears, like Hazama's "Reminiscence (Deep Sleep)" from Genso Suikoden 2. I never played Doom, but I certainly feel this track should be tried out by just about everyone.

  • 1 month later...

8O Awesome, this is the music that should come right after you end up dying in the shareware DOOM on this very level.

Hands down the best song here. Simply amazing. Heck I would love to hear this thing play in the DOOM movie (if there ever will be one) say-for the credits.


Oh my God. I can point out the scars that this song has given me in its routine kickings of my ass. I first heard this on Rimco's site, before it was hosted at OCR, and I still listen to it today. And it still tears me a new asshole.

8O Awesome, this is the music that should come right after you end up dying in the shareware DOOM on this very level.

i dunno dude, that creepy endtheme that's already there is perfect.

Hands down the best song here. Simply amazing. Heck I would love to hear this thing play in the DOOM movie (if there ever will be one) say-for the credits.

it would make a nice credits theme alright.

doom movie... god, if they did make a movie please don't make it suck... and for crying out sideways don't put some mallrock freak on to write the soundtrack. i'm still pissed about manson and RE.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

:arrow: You will download now

:arrow: If you do not like doom music, you will download now

:arrow: If you worship doom music, you will download now

:arrow: If you don't feel like downloading it, you WILL DOWNLOAD IT

:arrow: if your speed is 1 byte per second, you will download now

:arrow: If you hate ambience, you will download this

:arrow: If you hate melody, you will download this (and you should be ashamed of yourself)

You will download this song.

All my friends will download it or have it shoved in their face and they will like it, even if at one point they didn't feel like downloading it.

They will hear it, and so will you.

I'm seriously loving Doom remixes.

  • 4 weeks later...

What Rimco has created here is a masterpiece that transcends genres and pre-conceptions. The piece has an emotive power completely seperate from the song that spawned it (though those familiar with the original should have no trouble recognizing it.) The song does not neccesarily conjure up any images of death, agony or fear (unless you are linking it to the game in your mind.) This piece has a very strong connection to the epic, wonder and fantasy. Listening to this piece can transport you to another realm. I had a romantic relationship begin last summer after the person listened to this song. I know that a lot of people see this song intimately connected to Doom, but I see it as something that should be recognized on it's own. It is one of my favorite pieces of music ever made at any point in time in any genre. Even if some of you should find you do not share this love affair, I doubt that anyone will regret having listened to it. It is soothing, ethereal and powerful.

5 Stars

Per's OCR Star System:

5-One of my favorites.

4- I'll listen to it a fair amount but it lacks that extra "something" to be great.

3- Above average but not enough so to get much playtime in my list.

2- Average

1- Lacking


Aww...here I come with a non-positive review for a very universally popular OCR remix. I probably just lost even more potential friends or fans or anybody who will like any future remixes I might possibly do or agree with me on any issue. In short, nobody likes a critc.




Here's my issue with this remix:

I love DOOM. Awesome game. So when I discovered this site, naturally this remix was one of the first I downloaded. When I first listened to it, I didn't like it, but I don't like many things the first time so no big deal. I then kicked it off my first remix CD because I didn't think it fit very well. I listened to it some more and still didn't really like it, but then decided to include it on my second CD, figuring it would just take me a bit to get into. I listened to it once or twice on the CD, and now skip over it every time. I just can't get into it.

I dunno what it is...I like the intro, although the remix seems too heavy on distortion and makes it a lot more irratating for me to listen to. But when it gets into the actual melody, it really just doesn't seem like anything special to me. Maybe I don't like the style. I'll take that back - I DON'T like the style. But still, especially when it breaks into that section at about 1:59, I'm not really getting into it. The keyboard part that plays the little repetitive eight notes has always annoyed me a bit, and that's been part of it. Still, it sounds like a horribly distorted orchestra combined with some elevator music stuff...and I just don't dig all the effects with the little waves and really any of the production at all. It's just background music...it doesn't feel real or right, and there's nothing that distinguishes it from any other remix or new age music or anything like that makes it grab my attetion. And for me, that's crucial in a remix.

I guess you could say that this is the opposite of the kind of remix I like. Whatever way you want to say it, I don't like this remix, which proves it's not universal. Sorry for not being nice in the review, but I just don't get this one...and probably never will...


First of all I'd like to thank Adhesive_Boy for not letting potential alienation deter him from presenting a different viewpoint on Rimco's work. In general I found it to be a valid and well written review that differs a lot from my own. However, there is one section I feel the need to comment on, in the second to last paragraph Adhesive_Boy describes the remix as follows:

"It's just background music...it doesn't feel real or right, and there's nothing that distinguishes it from any other remix or new age music or anything like that ..."

I grew up surrounded by new age music such as Ray Lynch's Deep Breakfast, Enya and Carol Levine and later ventured into such less well known works as Beautiful World. My mentor is Rob Whitesides Woo who is at the head of the new age label Serenity. In other words, I have been inundated with new age music my entire life. I thus find it difficult to agree with the idea that this piece does not distinguish itself from this body of work in any way. First of all, the use of the distortion (which you personally seem to severly dislike) is certainly not prevalent in most of the genre. Second, the piece builds, increasing in energy and coming to an ending in a striking figure as opposed to any fade, etc. This is also not in adherence to the genre. The music seems to be distinguished from other remixes and new age music in many ways by the very things you dislike. I can accept that and certainly would never force you to agree with my viewpoint that this is wonderful piece of music. Nonetheless, I must take issue with the idea that it does not distinguish itself, as I believe a more careful examination of your own words will make clear that it does. I hope this does not deter you from further expressing your viewpoints in the future and that you, nonetheless, keep my comments in mind when writing your next review.

  • 5 weeks later...
I grew up surrounded by new age music such as Ray Lynch's Deep Breakfast, Enya and Carol Levine and later ventured into such less well known works as Beautiful World.

Ray Lynch kicks ass! Well, I always liked Deep Breakfast anyway.

  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This remix irks me! It absolutely terrifies me, though in a good way! I absolutely loved the music on E1M8 (and various other maps, too.), and this music makes it sound all the more better! Awesome job :)


This rmx is awesome. The dark element is superb and reminds me of just how dark and scary doom games were. I have one complaint and this is gonna go with most of the OCs here anyway. After the intro, the drum and bass could be a bit faster. I think same song sped up in WMP sounded better and has more of an adrenaline rush which all doom games had.

  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you guys who love this song! To the two people who had issues, I will address you now ::grins::

Adhesive_Boy, I thank you for your honesty. This remix was done back when I was still not too proficient with my software, so that sample did get a little out of hand... I wasn't good at getting things to mix yet. Honestly, all of my remixes arise from fits of boredom, so I never take them too seriously. Hopefully you've enjoyed some of my other work... and don't diss the ending to Winds of Time if you've heard it, cuz I don't like it either... I stole the idea from an acid jazz remix someone did, and it worked well there and didn't work so well for me.

01seven, so you want it sped up eh? I've discovered many of my songs sound neat when sped up, including my original ones, but honestly I don't think a tempo increase would fit the mood I was going for with this one... I was going for a sort of creepy yet sleepy sound, but all advice is welcomed. Maybe some day I'll do the "Doomed Energy Mix" or something, lol... you'll be the first to know :wink:

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am a DOOM fan. I love DOOM. I have loved DOOM since I first played the Shareware demo. I have bought every kind of PC DOOM released. I own every Console port except GBA DOOM II and 3DO DOOM. I love DOOM. I love its music, I love its feel. I would play a game of DOOM before considering a game of Quake or Duke 3D. I love DOOM!

That said, I have not heard a DOOM song or remix I did not like. I have downloaded every DOOM song and remix I can find. This is one of my favorites. Right up there with the id-licensed "remakes" from the "DOOM Special CD's".

  • 2 months later...

Oh man, I love this one. Rimco really captured the feeling perfectly; while sounding very scary, it emits a vibe of eerie melancholy that really makes it worth the listen. The sounds used were perfect for the song, and really contributed to what Rimco was trying to achieve. It starts out so softly, and slowly, setting the tone for the song in such a great way. Then, at 0'31 it turns silent for a few seconds; and the sound returns, coming on slower, and even scarier. That part always gets to me.

The way it has the heart beating sound slowly turning into the hard banging of the drums with that ambient sound going so smoothly with such an eerie tune, it paints a perfect picture in your mind of what would be happening with this music playing. Then at 1'59 it starts bringing in more drums and sounds, and not once does it stray from that same feeling.

Whenever I see it on a playlist in Winamp, it always makes me come back for more, and every time I listen to it, it feels like the first time. I can't really find anything wrong with this one, and it would probably have to be one of my favorites on the site.

So much done right in this mix; do not let this one go unheard.

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