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Awesome moments (in no particular awesome order):

1) Losing my hearing for nearly a day after Metroid Metal's set. So much energy in the music.

2) Singing along to every word of The Megas. (And screaming "MEGAMAN!" during Man on Fire).

3) Setting the high score on Popeye, and watching it stay there the rest of the weekend.

4) OverCoat. The man glomped me when he first met me, and then we played Colecovision the next morning during my console room shift with semi-busted controllers.

5) Monobrow giving me a hug and encouraging words about Around the World.

6) The OCR room party after the Smash Bros. set with Ari and Mono's kitty! (I still think they should name the cat "WOOOOOARGH!")

7) Meeting Garian, Larry, Adhesive_Boy, Skill, Joe Cam, and everybody else, forum name or real name, who escapes me right now.

8) Beating that asshole Tomahawk Man to clear the Mega Man 6 buster-only challenge and get my Normal challenge patch.

9) Watching brentalfloss go from zero to drunk over the course of one panel and fling high-speed peanut M&Ms at people's heads.

10) Episode 45 of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged and episode 1 of MasakoX's new Kampfer Abridged. Funny efforts, as always.

11) Mash's disgusting yet hilarious mosh pit story while I was eating rice and eggs.

12) Digging through the treasure chests, and trading a Genesis copy of Battletoads & Double Dragon for a Zelda t-shirt with a lame sexual innuendo on it.

13) Larry freaking out in the elevator in reaction to my best friend's Freddy Krueger costume.

14) Speaking of costumes: Metal Man and Sharp Dressed Pyramid Head.

15) The hot shower I took a break from typing this post to make. God, I feel human again!

Non-Awesome Moments:

1) Thinking that taking nothing but 6am volunteer shifts was a good idea. The hardest job I had this morning in the console room was keeping awake.

2) Thinking that running in a circle during This Place Is Haunted's version of Punch-Out was a good idea. Some damn mosher punched me in the leg.

3) Struggling a bit with my own shyness. If you saw me and I didn't say hi or talk and just stood there, please don't be offended.

4) Waking up in my hotel room freezing with nothing but a light fleece blanket.

5) Losing my brother's digital camera. He's not mad about it, but he wants me to buy him another one. Also, if anyone's reading this and they found an HP Photosmart with a blue wrist strap, let me know.

6) MAGFest Challenge nightmares that will be brought on by both Slash Man and that damn Final Fight wheelchair guy with a crossbow. Fuck the both of them.

7) Coming back to western Pennsylvania to find 5 inches of snow and unplowed roads.

8) Goddamn 4channers scribbling their damn /b/ memes all over that Jr. Pac Man cabinet.

9) Missing out on the early Mega Man film cut and the There Will Be Brawl finale.

10) The break room running out of Bawls after the first day.

I'm too tired to keep going with this, but the tl;dr version is that I had the time of my life at my first MAGFest, and M8 was easily the best con experience I've ever had. Thanks to everyone who put MAG together, and thanks to the awesome OCR community for making me feel like I belong. :-)


Yo, this thread seems like a "let's talk about MAGFEST thread" and I have stuff to say!

1) Prophet of Mephisto, awesome jams! So much fun. Baba yetu, yetu, uliye, mbinguni, yetu, yetu, ami-NA BA ba yetu, yetu, uliye, lako yabo something something kuzwe.... can't stop singing it. 7/4 is no good btw cuz you lose the "ul-i-ye" which is a beautiful sequence of rhythmic syllables.

2) DrumUltimA, best Corridors of Time ever, thanks to you. Believe it or not, my bassist friend was TOTALLY PISSED OFF that we had to leave right afterward - we just don't get this quality of musical experience regularly enough. Melody, you were great too!

3) Getting 15th (14th? 16th? 18th?) place in DoD was alright, but I especially enjoyed the warm congratulations and cheering :) and who could forget being randomly foisted into the air by drunk indie game composer panelists....

That's what I wanted to say right now :)



You need to be a friend of a friend of me at the least to see that Facebook album (I didn't want anybody official stumbling onto that pic of Mazedude guzzling liquor by the tankful). If you can't see it, feel free to add me directly; if you're from here, I'll pretty much instantly accept the invite.

Also, I need serious help tagging. Get to work, folks.


It's sad that MAGFest is over, and even sadder that I wasn't able to attend it... :cry: It really would've been awesome to have met everyone...

Therefore, I am making it my mission to go to MAGFest 9. Come hell or high water, I'll do my best to get enough money so I can get my broke ass on a plane to America and party it up with you guys next year.

The saving starts now. So hopefully, I'll see you all next year!


As I am sitting here unable to quite sleep after a 12-hour (total) drive home (curse you random nasty weather) I have determined that there are at least five in each category.

Awesome (Caps)

1) Meeting EVERYONE from OCR, some I didn't know some I knew. Of course only those who were there.

2) Jamming with half of Rare Candy. That was awesome.

3) Metroid Metal: almost headbanging INTO Kirby

4) OCAD. I need not say anymore.

5) Hanging at Brushfire's house. Dude's awesome.

6) Learning a thing or two about internet deification

7) Purchasing an awesome Metroid plushie that was shortly thereafter dubbed Mack.

9) Having a probably pretty buzzed Brentalfloss question Mack's motives for being on my shoulder.

10) Doing a random vocal jam on the last night and realizing that I need to remix two very overdone songs with some awesome vocals... and a tuba. ;)

Not so Awesome:

1) Missing half of OCR's panel

2) Missing some key moments like Brentalfloss jamming with Sid Meier. I mean really? DAMN!

3) Having Mack stolen from me! ;_; (This will be the last time I mention it guys, I swear)

4) Not having the energy after Metroid Metal completely owned it.

5) Having everyone talk through my song during the DOD listening party. THE TALKING GOT LOUDER!!! D:<

So, more awesome than not awesome, and probably some things I forgot. I am now obsessed with MagFest. So guess what? I seeeeeee the future!


Highlights, lowlights, general thoughts:

1. New years eve, spending until 3AM in Dave's room drunkenly ranting and raving at him/to him, as well as Larry. Great times.

2. PLAYING GEE LIVE with DOUG PERRY on VOCALS. Yes, we performed Gee live (along with Melody and some random guy).

3. As I said before, playing jamspace with Ty (suzu), Shael (duh), cyril the wolf, and some random black guy. No black guy was not on the bass.

4. Rounding out our jamspace with an impromptu Final Fantasy 6 boss battle jam; most everyone knew it and it was great. I wish there was footage of that!

5. HDR with Larry for like 40 minutes at 6AM in the morning. Awesome.

6. The OCR panel, and not knowing that Ash and I would be featured on a slide on the panel. Thanks, Dave!

7. No real drama to speak of, even with Ari's presence, except the one lowlight:

Lowlight: Ash, myself, Ari, and Katie standing in the lower level waiting for an elevator when who walks up to wait for an elevator but MUSTIN? Katie, absolutely wasted, turns to Mustin and says "oh, it's Mustin! Mustin hi! This is Ari! This is protricity!" and Ari reaching out to shake his hand, Mustin then just glared and turned around and walked away. Pretty much the only guy who refused to be a gentleman and try and get past it.

Shit, if Ari and Dave and Larry could all hang in the same room and drink and have a good time, he could at least acknowledge it. Oh well.

Other than that, GREAT TIEMSZ

Oh, and the BEST THING ABOUT MAGFEST? Easy. And you will all agree.




Thank you for all the ego-stroking, guys. That set definitely did NOT go like I wanted, but so glad to hear you dug it and were dancing up a storm (I couldn't see much from the stage myself).

In other news I got just over an hour of sleep last night after I got home and before work, no nap today like i wanted, and let the record show that you're all *still* keeping me from bed with your reminiscing & recapping! This is love, man...

And Global-Trance: PLEASE do come. Set up a PayPal donation site if you have to :-o


is a video of part of Zen's chiptune set.

And you should probably change the thread title.


It seems that OCR just up and does some things without letting the rest of their homies know. I was there and was present for much of the madness, but I got pissed when I found out about all the business and outings that happened which I wasn't aware of.

Hopefully some people make it to PAX east.

Definitely gonna try and make that happen.

It seems that OCR just up and does some things without letting the rest of their homies know. I was there and was present for much of the madness, but I got pissed when I found out about all the business and outings that happened which I wasn't aware of.

Dig in and include yourself. Feeling bad about it won't make a difference because it's likely no one knew how you were feeling. Plus making the effort to be included a little is how you make friends.

I would be all over that shit if I wasn't on the other side of the country.

Lowlight: Ash, myself, Ari, and Katie standing in the lower level waiting for an elevator when who walks up to wait for an elevator but MUSTIN? Katie, absolutely wasted, turns to Mustin and says "oh, it's Mustin! Mustin hi! This is Ari! This is protricity!" and Ari reaching out to shake his hand, Mustin then just glared and turned around and walked away. Pretty much the only guy who refused to be a gentleman and try and get past it.

I wuz there too, NekoButtFace! It was hilarious IMO, and I didn't expect anything else to happen given the situation.

I had an amazingly surreal and fun time. I'll make a more detailed post later...I wish I had my voice and other awkwardness stuff worked out, but everyone seemed cool with it even if I wasn't happy with that part.

It was a long shot for me to go at all, so I'm really glad I got the chance, let alone hanging with DJP/Larry/Ari/Neko/Katie/Ash and many others in the same room or chatting with Mazedude.

Cheers, everybody!

It seems that OCR just up and does some things without letting the rest of their homies know. I was there and was present for much of the madness, but I got pissed when I found out about all the business and outings that happened which I wasn't aware of.

Most members are quite nice and if you just voice your interest, they will be more than happy to include you in.

No worries, bro. I was in that same "place" once, thinking negatively about how I wasn't invited to things. It will just eat at you inside, making you even more bitter, and everyone around you will see that and not want you around them anyway. It is a vicious self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of allowing it to anger you, just say "fuck it" and dive right in. Sure, they will be like "whos that guy," but as long as you keep a very cheery aura around you, you will be welcomed in in a matter of seconds.

Seriously, others can attest to me being like that before here. It was bad times. Just gotta smile and be happy and people will let you right in.

*sorry if this post is a bit nonsensical, a bit drunk right now*

It seems that OCR just up and does some things without letting the rest of their homies know. I was there and was present for much of the madness, but I got pissed when I found out about all the business and outings that happened which I wasn't aware of.

I realize you're temp-banned, but c'mon dude. How do you possibly organize something to make sure all ~60 OCR folks don't get left out? It doesn't even work logistically, for things like Jamspace, eating meals, etc. We all missed out on a ton of the things mentioned in this thread, it's inevitable. Pretty much at MAG, you find people, you figure out something to do on the fly, and almost always have a good time doing so.

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