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Congratulations to the both of you - may you have many years of happiness together, and not follow the current pop culture trend of screwing up your marriage.

'Cause, like, the courts already get enough divorce cases as it is.


*gets down off soapbox*


Anyway, in all seriousness... congrats.


ok, so i'm a die-hard lurker, but gotta say my peace:

congratulations, and i had to listen to "breathing you in" as soon as i saw this thread.

looking forward to more from you two, once the whole "newlywed" thing settles down.

that said, may the shine never fade, even if it means us lurkers will have to be happy with what we've got.

many happy returns.


Zircon, Pixietricks, I know we've been at odds at times in the past, and we haven't seen eye to eye on a lot of things OCR related. But I sincerely wish you both nothing but the best in your future together, and hope things go well for you, regardless of what life throws your way.



I came in here expecting a marriage between two people I didn't know. Then I found out it was a marriage between two people I didn't know but knew better than a phone operator in Dubai answering my guest service calls.

Congrats to you two! Celebratory collab!

congrats an shit....now go make a baby so powerful when that child presses a single key on zirc's midi keyboard the world will explode due to the inheritance of its parents musical abilities!

What the hell? LOL I think this is the most interesting post in this thread. Great job, Jewb. LOL

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