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EarthBound 'Sound Stone (C Major)'

Spekkosaurus with a piano exclusive rendition of EarthBound. Quite realistic sounding, but the bad thing about this is the nasty high-end crackle which appears after the choir sound enters. It sort of ruins it in some way. Still, I really like the effort and bravery that went into this, but it's just a little long and some parts didn't keep my interest for long enough (especially when the bass plays on it's own).

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

a remake of this track? well we'll all be waiting ;) (or I will at least)

Outstanding track. the beginning panio work doesn't flow a smooth as I think it should but that adds something to this remix that cannot be described.

This is a great remix.


This is absolutely my favourite piece of all time.

I don't care what you all think of me.

This should be the Earthbound main theme.

Actually, I think it is...

Well, whatever.

Great piano work.

although, for the solo, it would have been pretty cool to have heard a lighter instrument play it. but oh well.

It's a great piece.

Definately deserves to be listened to.

And if you don't, I'll personally hunt you down and gut you.

  • 4 months later...

This is one of the most incredible remixes i've ever listened to (more than 40 so far). Unfortunately, it is too short and I did notice the noise.

This is so great, I would like to learn to play it on the piano. *sigh* if only there were some way to read music in order to reproduce it.

In conclusion, props to spekkosaurus for this. Woo, Hoo!

  • 3 months later...

It's a great tune, and indeed a quality arrangement. But..um....this is F Major, folks. Am I the only one who noticed? And the second chord is a little funky...it's going from F to G, when the original is F to C.

Anyway, aside from the title and that chord, it sounds great. We need more piano-type mixes around here.

  • 1 month later...

You've chosen a beautiful piece of music, and done it ultimate justice. I've just done my own mix of this, and I listened to yours again, and realized I didn't have sheiss on your wonderful adaptation. The melody is poignant and haunting, and you've got a great sense for heightening that sense.

  • 1 month later...

simply amazing. you took probably my favorite song from earthbound and tweaked it so nicely. i actually taught myself how to play this song on the clarinet and piano ....i have a problem X3; . anyway, it's very beautiful. a melodious,almost haunting melody that lingers with you after it's over. i feel like i'm sitting and playing earthbound all over again. great job. and a remake would be wonderful, i eagerly await it!

  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I really like the overall feel of this piece, and this is really well-arranged. The sound, if maybe monotonous, certainly inspires at least some emotion. I enjoyed it.

However, one thing that costs Spekk marks in my book is the bass solo at 1'24". While it has grown on me over time, that is one part of this song that sounds forced and out of place to me. The conclusion, however, is magnificent.

But that aside, this is a phenomenal mix, one that every human on earth needs.

  • 1 month later...

What is everyone talking about? This is not a piece of music that you can just mix up and rearrange as you please! I don't know how many of you have actually played Earthbound, but this Remix is exactly how I would want the Soundstone Melody to be if they remade the game. Good job, Spekko, for understanding that sometimes, the less you do to a song, the better.

  • 1 month later...

I love that song, and I would LOVE to learn to play it on the piano. Doesn't seem hard. Anyway I think it's very nifty, and Earth Bound is an awesome game. I own it but I think I lost my users manual. o.o I lent it to some dude once and he beat the game like in three days. *Shrug*

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...
It's a great tune, and indeed a quality arrangement. But..um....this is F Major, folks. Am I the only one who noticed? And the second chord is a little funky...it's going from F to G, when the original is F to C.

Anyway, aside from the title and that chord, it sounds great. We need more piano-type mixes around here.

No, you're not the only one who noticed. I noticed it immediately (and in fact, I renamed my file to reflect that after I listened to it-- it was bugging me).

I wasn't quite able to put my finger on the F to G thing, though. I knew it was odd, but it didn't sound that bad.

  • 3 months later...

There's a lot of flaws in this one, but there is an undeniable charm that shines through regardless. It's a great source song as well, and though the samples throughout are pretty terrible, there's a nice song progression, and the arrangement itself is pretty good. Some of the parts are a bit choppy, like the solo bass part, and a bit of the piano playing, but despite this, it's still worth a listen.

  • 6 months later...

Unfortunately I have to say this mix could use quite a bit of work. Dynamics are not much more than soft and loud; there's not much gray area. Great intro, the flowing melody sticks out here. The transition to next section feels a little choppy, but otherwise just need more dynamics as aforementioned. Choir is a good touch, sound mixing does need improvement, but the dropout to the bass was great. When the choir joins back in, the melody should have less an accent at the beginning of the notes.

The melody itself was great, but sound mixing needs improvement.

  • 9 months later...

The first track from Steffan Andrews. Having already heard his more recent stuff, I can already imagine how this will only imrpove. While, yes, the samples are old and out dated, I agree that there is a certain charm to the piece. It almost has a Rug Rats feel to it that's sweet and adorable. The fighting tempo is probably the hardest thing for me to get past, but again, for a first piece done almost 10 years ago, I can't be too harsh! On to the next!

  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

A little dated and a little short, but excluding any production issues, the opening piano's intent can be gleamed from it. I can hear the emotion wanting to come through, but it just seems to need that old decade polish that a lot of these need.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00123 - EarthBound "Sound Stone (C Major)"

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