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OCR01904 - Castlevania II "The Accursed Seal"


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This is actually pretty good.

Totally got the phase effect in the main lead at 0:38 DJP was mentioning in the write-up. Really enjoyed the organs and the delayed piano around 2:08 was a fine addition as well. Good way to develop the breakdown.

However, I felt the song ended too sudden for its length. Could have ended in a wider way imo. Besides, I heard some clipping on this mix (around 2:05 and 3:03, specifically) which was slightly uncomfortable to listen to.

Other than that, another keeper from Sixto.

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For the record, TripTheLightFantastic really is one of djpretzel's best remixes of all time.

Anyway, the source tune has gotten a bit stale for me. In terms of comparisons to other Sixto songs, I actually don't get into this one as much for that reason, but it's still awesome. Another completely solid remix from Sixto, and I have no complaints on the song itself. Nice work once again, Juan.

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Overused source aside, it's an all around keeper. Sixto + Castlevania.. should be a no-brainer. Though I'm not overly fond of the theme and variations approach for the first half (due to the fact that this source has been beaten to death) there's some other source in here (with the delayed piano I just realized that aria of sorrow references this dracula's castle theme for one of its underwater places!), and there's a very appreciable solo. It works for me, and if you're anything like me, it'll probably work for you.

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Just so you know, when I enter the genre of a song into Songbird, anything by Sixto gets labeled as "Guitar Porn".

That being said, I feel this song is pretty average for Sixto... meaning that it's f$%#ing awesome, but not his best. Not sure why I feel that way. Maybe it's the overused source (which would be weird, because I love the source), maybe it's something else. Can't quite put my finger on it, though I'd bet it's more of a personal taste thing than a quality issue.

Still, this is damn good stuff. Looking forward to hearing what you have in store for us next.

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I realize that the source tune for this has been done, done, and redone, but Bloody Tears remains one of my favorite Castlevania songs to date, and so I got super excited when I saw Sixto's name. Great stuff as always - what really made this stand out for me was that nice little piano break in the middle - brought some nice flavor which was then added to by a return to more RAWK!! The ending chord progression reminds me of the intro to "Metamorphic Rock" - probably wasn't intentional, but I liked it anyway. Most excellent!

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Dang, Sixto... I'm a HUGE fan of Castlevania games and the souce you picked, one of my favorites. Of course a lot of people will say that, but damn it... I'm just one of those people that want more and more CV tracks.

I loveeeeeeeeeeeee this song, especially the lead and piano. I don't think the drums were too loud either. I also adore how this track eventually sounds scary. This has got to be my favorite OC ReMix by you. Kudos.

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I gotta agree with Simon, it sounds too compressed, but still sounds very good.

Arrangement is great though, nice solo, good breakdowns, and well balanced between the aggressive and the laid back. The rhythm changeups in a few sections give the melody that has been almost rocked to death in a million arrangements a chance to do something new, and it works very well.

Very rocking, as Sixto does best. :-)

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This is a very easy mix to love. When I see Castlevania on the front page, I anticipate reeling guitars, rock, and or metal. I don't always get it, but that's the first thing that comes to mind.

Well needless to say, this mix delivered on that anticipation, in one of the most recognizable Castlevania source tunes no less. It may have been done and done some more, but like Super Metroid's Brinstar Red Soil Swamp area, it's not such a bad thing.

Though I obviously love the guitar work, I think what really brings this one home for me is the organs, another key Castlevania instrument. It sounds like it belongs in the trailer for a future CV game, and really, what could be a better compliment than that.

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This is an amazingly face-melting, axe grinding, demon slaying mix! I dare say its even better than anything Konami put out on the Dracula Perfect albums. The only thing better would be if The Shinto Six teamed up with goat on a Castlevania mega mix.

I especially love the drums. They drive the rhythm perfectly with a healthy double kick but without needless over-complication.

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  • 2 months later...

Hah, just when I mention how little I hear organs on OCR songs I come across this one and 2 others right in a row. Thanks for answering my prayers OCRemix! :-D

This one doesn't really grab me as much as Sixto's other mixes but it's still a great take on a very-much-over-remixed theme. The writing on the organ and the piano is a bit generic in contrast with the flourishing guitar/bass, and I would have liked to hear a distinct organ solo, but the guitar at the end was enough to satisfy my tastes :-) This one passed under my radar when it was first posted but I think it's growing on me, even if it is pretty simple and straightforward.

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