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OCR01913 - Final Fantasy VII "The Omen of Jenova"


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I'd like to take a quick moment to point out that this piece, before submitting, was originally 7:30 and some change, but I had to edit that down for size limits. I dunno if I have the original 7:30 piece, and I think the cut down version is actually a bit better.

Definitely excited this went up so fast. Huzzah!

Edit: Whoops! Neko posting on Ash's account. Forgot to log out!

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The production is a little smooshed, and a few weird transitions, but this seriously rocks.

The rhythm playing is especially good, with the super-tight gallops, and I love the juxtaposition of the hard chugs and the more serene section about 3/4 through.

Also props for beating me to the punch on having a timpani in a metal song. I was thinking a few weeks back how metal timpanis are. \m/

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Pretty much what I've come to expect from Neko - this doesn't break any new ground like his original work did for me, but it's still solid and highly enjoyable.

I agree with OA that a few transitions threw me off, especially the one near the beginning where everything except the muted guitar completely fell out - that would have been better if you boosted the guitar volume just a tad. The segment right before the end really felt like it was leading up to an insane solo and, unfortunately, this didn't deliver. All in all, though, this is still very enjoyable and a great take on a classic theme!

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Cool song, but I felt like there were some really cool stuff in there - I could swear there's timpanis in there - that are just swallowed up by the chunky distorted guitars. Bells, pianos, strings, acoustic guitars... they're a little hard to pick up. Now, I'd say that the chunky distorted guitars are essential to the mood, but they're too far in the foreground; they don't need to be brought so far forward for us to pick up on them, but the other stuff is more subtle, and could use some help in being made apparent. If that makes sense.

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As usual, Neko wastes no time and gets to the meat almost immediately, i.e. rocks out from the very beginning.

I used to have some issues with the sound of the guitar in Nekofrog's remixes, but in this one, at least for the most part, it sounds fine to me. The part starting at ~2:40 is the only one where the guitar grates on my nerves.

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