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Haha, good to see we've all got our priorities straight :tomatoface:

Quick question though... Aren't Prometheus and John Revoredo the same person? The DQD history thread seems to imply so, so I'm curious if they were just accidentally listed as 2 separate artists on the project, or if a completely different artist named Prometheus showed up and contributed a track, too 8-O

Also, in case any updating will ever be done to the website, "Kira of Trance" should redirect to electric concerto's profile here on the OCR forums. I noticed he was one of the artists that didn't have any sort of link attached to his name, but should have.

Don't let Level 99 read your comments otherwise he'll prob cry...no seriously! :)

F-you, Avaris. That'll be the last time I guilt you into collabing with me at the very last second! :nicework:

1) Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I'm just glad I could be a part of something this grand and fantastic, the same way I felt about being on the FF4 project, yo!

2) I really love the divided feel of the project. Even though it has some of the same songs repeated on both discs, the different approaches really makes this project show the versatility that Mitsuda imbued his source tunes with, and the wide ranges of talent that the arrangers brought to the table.

I'll be doing some write-ups this week when I get the time. I didn't love every track out the wazoo, but I did love most of them...out the wazoo.


I absolutely love this project.

Crash + Restore, Of Sea and Fire, Zeno Paradox, and Binary Chain are mind-blowingly brilliant. I could listen to those four tracks on repeat all day.

EDIT: also, another track worth mentioning: oinkness's. There are indeed some production issues, but I love the arrangement, and the lyrics are right in the middle of that so-cheesy-it's-awesome zone.


I would just like to give a big thanks to Jose, David and Larry for putting an incredible amount of time and effort into pulling this off and making the whole process go smoothly. Releasing an album on OCR could not be easier or more rewarding. Thank you!

I would just like to give a big thanks to Jose, David and Larry for putting an incredible amount of time and effort into pulling this off and making the whole process go smoothly. Releasing an album on OCR could not be easier or more rewarding. Thank you!

From the eternal glory of Patrick Swayze: "Ditto"

John Revoredo and Prometheus are the same person. He asked me to use both names since the tracks were completed so far apart.

Sorry about the tagging Nathan. :(

Thanks for listening everyone!


I'm totally flipping out right now. I had no idea an album was even being worked on for this. This was one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) RPGs ever. I also loved the music. On top of that, I was just thinking the other night, "What would be a good album for OC Remix to do next?" I check the site today to find this, and flipped out. I've only listened to two tracks, but I'm loving it so far.

Congratulations! killer album!

Just heard the human album and liking so much! good job, very nice quality in all the mixes. The album sounds cohesive as well, nothing deviates too much from the mood or the soundscape. Perfect chill-out music. Cool webpage as well. big win the whole thing :) :) :)

EDIT: Oops, wrong thread, sorry...

Thanks dude! :)


I don't post very often (as you would tell by my post count if there was one) but i felt I had to leave some comment.

A huge thank you to all those who made this album happen. Its really damn awesome. I'm not one of those ppl who steals music online and I'm too poor to justify spending money on music. So my only way of getting free music has been mainly through ocr. So when an album pops up like this I'm always super excited to hear a whole new batch of music.

So big props to you all and thanks ^_^


My first thought when I saw the e-mail about the new album was, "Already? They just released one!" Then I got around to listening to it, and I can definitely tell that a lot of work went into this album. My opinion? This blows both Summoning and Echoes out of the water. I'm not very familiar with the source (I know, cardinal sin, right? I'll get around to playing it eventually), but this album is absolutely beautiful. The Humans disc is emotionally moving and comforting, and the Gears disc is hardcore and cold, and I think this album balances them both very nicely. Excellent job to all of those involved - keep up the most awesome work! I will be playing this for weeks!


Edited because I missed the portion where you stated exactly what I heard in the track listing. Apologies for the mistake. In any case, the album is pretty good so far. Glad someone was able to put this together, and it's nice to see something come along that may give the Super Metroid album a run for its money.


Omen (R3 Mix) The opening sounds crazy on headphones, great bass! Only 30 seconds in, the distortion is already kicking my ass to the ground, and it only improves from there! This definitely feels like one of the highlights of the Gears disc, especially when things pick up around 2:55... that's just crazy!

Thanks! I appreciate the support. ^_^


OMFG Ziwtra is back!!!! you have no idea how happy this has made me. Its been a couple years (too long) for my favorite remixer and when gaps like that happen you always wonder if there will be another song and then out of nowhere there are 3. It feels like its my birthday and Christmas and some other awesome holiday all happening at once.

Xenogears is my favorite game and right there with Chrono Trigger as having the best videogame soundtrack of all time.

Im excited to listen to the whole album though and im sure you guys all did an amazing job.

THANK YOU ALL! Today is the best day of 2009 and its not even close


I just listened through the album. Holy sh*t, this was great.

I might be a slight bit biased though as Xenogears and I go back a very long time and I still think that I have never played any better game than Xenogears nor heard any better in-game music that Xenogears.

Still. This was so much fun to listen to and this is for sure staying in my daily listening-while-writing-code rotation.

Now tell me: Is there any way I can make a donation?


So glad to see this project released earlier than expected. 2009 is indeed an active year for OCR!

I pimped out the release for our game website here: http://www.projectcoe.com/blog/2009/10/19/humans-gears-xenogears-remix-project-released/

Now I simply need to listen to the material and write off a review or some impressions. As always, good work in pumping these things up, people.

BTW, you guys are in Kotaku now so expect some insane traffic.


I just wanted to post and say thanks to Foxhull and especially Avaris for coordinating this. I showed interest early on dropped out and it was gracious of you to let me back on the project and wedge a track in. Overall the project sounds fantastic and it was great to be a part of it.

Who says sum noob can't make a project?


Loving "When the Smoke Clears"! I could tell that was a Taucer before I even noticed the artist data.

Can't say I care at all for "Shit on Citan," though. The whole death metal thing just doesn't work for me.

Great album, though! Certainly one of the best, to date.

just pointing out that whomever renamed my track to 'lacan divided' didn't do the mp3's... quite a bummer and was initially confusing ;p

Bah. I got the letter about that but didn't have much time to read it. I mentally glossed through (if we cannot change the title, replace "lacan divided" with "of God and Man") to replace "lacan divided" with "of God and Man". And THAT's how you learned to love your original mix title. :tomatoface:


I'm in the process of listening to this now! :) Will comment more as I progress, but so far it's sounding mighty fine. Site looks neat, and I liked the video on the front page of OCR. Props to whoever was responsible for that.

I'm in the process of listening to this now! :) Will comment more as I progress, but so far it's sounding mighty fine. Site looks neat, and I liked the video on the front page of OCR. Props to whoever was responsible for that.

Ziwtra did the website and Jose the Bronx Rican did the video. :)

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